☎️ ENS Ecosystem Working Group – Weekly Meeting: 12pm ET, Thursday

Minutes for Weekly Ecosystem Meeting - Apr 6th, 2023


A) EP 3.5 has passed
The following contracts will be upgraded

  • NameWrapper
  • ReverseRegistrar
  • ETHRegistrarController
  • PublicResolver

B) Project Highlights
ENS Chain Letter | Jannick

  • ENS Chain Letter is an NFT project that was deployed recently where you pass the NFT similar to how you would a chain email (throwback).
  • This project solves the spam problem of chain messages because each is unique
  • The image develops and changes as it is passed between users, eventually looking something like this
  • The current holders ENS name will be displayed when looking at the page

Sofamon | @0xplus7.eth

  • 0xplus7 returns to show us his updates to Sofamon, showing off new animations and features
  • Every ENS owner can get a virtual ENS hoodie for their Sofamon by going to their Twitter

Questbook | @Saurabh

  • Questbook attended the meeting to walk through their grants approach


D) Upcoming Events

E) ENS core updates

With the new ENS contracts out, look for new docs and manager coming soon. If you’re building using the name wrapper, Khori wants to hear from you in his DMs on Twitter or via email at Khori@ens.domains

F) Additional Topics

  • Reminder if you’re a builder to use Thorin, a tool that saves you the hassle of having to design your app. With Thorin you can adopt the specifications ENS labs uses for the new app manager.
  • @alisha.eth talked with @jessepollak about the aquisition of base.eth for Coinbase’s Layer 2 “Base”. You can check out the recording here
  • The ENS ecosystem group is experimenting with the amounts of ETH and amount of winners in their small grants rounds. For the upcoming round, we will try out .7 ETH awards to 7 winners.

Notes by @Limes