☎️ ENS Ecosystem Working Group – Weekly Meeting: 12pm ET, Thursday

March 30th, 2023

(no call this week)


April 6th, 2023

ENS Small Grants

Submissions open next week!


A) [EP3.5] [Executable] Activate new .eth Controller and Reverse Registrar
B) Project Highlights

  • Sofamon
  • chain-letter

C) Questbook

D) Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

  • nft nyc @ helen’s

E) ENS core updates
F) Open space for additional topics

Please reach out to @slobo.eth / twitter if you want to present.


Minutes for Weekly Ecosystem Meeting - Apr 6th, 2023


A) EP 3.5 has passed
The following contracts will be upgraded

  • NameWrapper
  • ReverseRegistrar
  • ETHRegistrarController
  • PublicResolver

B) Project Highlights
ENS Chain Letter | Jannick

  • ENS Chain Letter is an NFT project that was deployed recently where you pass the NFT similar to how you would a chain email (throwback).
  • This project solves the spam problem of chain messages because each is unique
  • The image develops and changes as it is passed between users, eventually looking something like this
  • The current holders ENS name will be displayed when looking at the page

Sofamon | @0xplus7.eth

  • 0xplus7 returns to show us his updates to Sofamon, showing off new animations and features
  • Every ENS owner can get a virtual ENS hoodie for their Sofamon by going to their Twitter

Questbook | @Saurabh

  • Questbook attended the meeting to walk through their grants approach


D) Upcoming Events

E) ENS core updates

With the new ENS contracts out, look for new docs and manager coming soon. If you’re building using the name wrapper, Khori wants to hear from you in his DMs on Twitter or via email at Khori@ens.domains

F) Additional Topics

  • Reminder if you’re a builder to use Thorin, a tool that saves you the hassle of having to design your app. With Thorin you can adopt the specifications ENS labs uses for the new app manager.
  • @alisha.eth talked with @jessepollak about the aquisition of base.eth for Coinbase’s Layer 2 “Base”. You can check out the recording here
  • The ENS ecosystem group is experimenting with the amounts of ETH and amount of winners in their small grants rounds. For the upcoming round, we will try out .7 ETH awards to 7 winners.

Notes by @Limes


How can register for this? The button is grayed for me. Is it already sold out? Thanks.
@lucemans @gregskril @vegayp

Once you select a day (12th or 13th), the “Apply to Join” button should be clickable.

1 Like

April 13th, 2023

:rotating_light: ENS Small Grants :rotating_light:

Submissions open until this Friday


A) [TEMP CHECK] ENS invalid name refund proposal
B) Project Highlights
C) Announcing: The Gitcoin Grants Beta Round [our tweet]

Important Dates:
4/12 - 4/21: Applications are open
4/12 - 4/24: Grant Reviews
4/25 - 5/9: Beta Rounds Live

D) Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

  • nft nyc @ helen’s

E) ENS core updates
F) Open space for additional topics

Please reach out to @slobo.eth / twitter if you want to present.


Minutes for Weekly Ecosystem Meeting - Apr 13th, 2023


A) Temp Check ENS invalid name refund proposal


Call was in favor of refunding those who had registered names that are now made invalid.

B) Project Highlights


C) Gitcoin Grants Beta Round

  • ENS’s grants round will open on 4/14 and stay open until 4/21
  • Total provided matching availible is 50k DAI
  • The more people who donate to you is weighted in your favor more than the amount of money
  • Look for ENS FMs to get the word out and learn more
  • Allo Protocol is an on-chain application, look to minimize the amount of edits you have to make to avoid additional gas fees
    • To address this, the ENS Ecosystem group will sponsor gas fees for good faith grant applications
    • Use this forum post as a trial run before posting on chain

D) ENS Events

Happy Hour at Helen’s on 4/13

E) ENS core updates


ENS Website Update

  • 4/17 is the anticipated launch of the alpha.ens.domains front end for mainnet
  • Barring any bugs or changes, app.ens.domains will then switch to reflect the new front end

F) Additional Topics


Encode Club is a putting on a 4 week hackathon called the Future of Blockchain University Hackathon, ENS is considering sponsoring and providing prizes

If you identify any NFT marketplace that breaks as a result of the name wrapper please pass on to @zadok7 or @alisha.eth

ENS’s 6th birthday is on May 4th! Small meetups may occur in a few sattalite locations

Contact @Premm.eth if you’re working with the ENS name wrapper contracts and want to work together.

Notes by @Limes


April 20th, 2023

:rotating_light: Request to the Community :rotating_light:

  1. Vote on ENS Small Grants
  2. Share and encourage frens to apply for gitcoin grants here & Gitcoin Grants Beta Round


A) Gitcoin Grants Beta Round

Important Dates:
4/12 - 4/21: Applications are open
4/12 - 4/24: Grant Reviews
4/25 - 5/9: Beta Rounds Live

B) Project Highlights

  • dropping free .eth subdomains via CCIP & ENS wildcard resolution (nftychat & slobo)
  • unblockreceipts @unblockreceipts.eth
  • fileverse

D) Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

:tada: birthday party :tada:

E) ENS core updates
F) Open space for additional topics

Please reach out to @slobo.eth / twitter if you want to present.


Ecosystem Meeting - April 20th, 2023


Call to action

Project highlights

nftychat | @slobo.eth

  • Slobo introduced nftychat’s newest feature and attendees of the call were able to claim free nfty.eth subdomains,

Unblock Receipts | @unblockreceipts.eth

  • Unblock Receipts is a tool to generate invoice/receipt for ENS purchases and transactions
  • Customizable format with comes with optional memo
  • CSV exports available

ENS Redirect | helenstans.eth

  • Redirect people to any website using your .eth domain
  • Generate a profile for your .eth name profile
  • Integrate videos, podcasts, social platforms, and more to your profile

Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

:tada: Birthday Party :tada:

  • ENS turns 6 years old on May 4th, @alisha.eth shared some details that we’re purposefully keeping private (If you want the alpha you have to attend the live calls)
  • Stay tuned to the ENS Twitter account for details.

ENS core updates

  • @matoken.eth | ENS cards are such a success that the team is making them a mainstay at events in the future
  • The new ENS manager app is live on Mainnet at alpha.ens.domains.


184, 5pence, Acadian, Alisha, Avsa, Cap, Coltron, Darian, Daylon, Eduardo, hellenstans, Limes, Makoto, Megan, Prem, Slobo, sydmead, Thomas, Unblock Receipts, Vincent, Whitney, Yambo, YungSB

Notes by @daylon.eth and edited by @Limes


April 27th, 2023

:rotating_light: Request to the Community :rotating_light:

Donate to gitcoin ENS Grant Round


A) Gitcoin Grants Beta Round

Important Dates:
4/25 - 5/9: Beta Rounds Live

B) Project Highlights

  • fileverse

C) Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

:tada: birthday party :tada:

D) ENS core updates
E) Open space for additional topics

Please reach out to @slobo.eth / twitter if you want to present.


Ecosystem Meeting - April 27th, 2023


Gitcoin Grants

  • We had 48 projects apply the ENS gitcoin grants beta round
  • Consider donating to the ENS Gitcoin Grants Beta Round. This is an amazing way to support ENS projects and maximize your impact with fund matching. Link: ENS Ecosystem Round
  • Donation period will close on May 9th

Project highlights

Fileverse | Andreas

  • Fileverse is a decentralized alternative to Notion & Gsuite tools.
  • The UI is stored on IPFS, chat is end-to-end encrypted, and access is filtered at the address level. This means no email or kyc is needed to collaborate and access can be token gated or whitelisted
  • Donate via gitcoin

Unruggable Subname Rentals | @Premm.eth and @clowes.eth

  • Premm and Thomas are looking to make changes around 3 current limitations of subname rentals

    1. There is a single parent level “renewal controller”
    2. Subname’s in the name wrapper can be hard to verify as “unruggable”
    3. Burning the fuse of a wrapped domain carries a high degree of risk for the parent domain holder
  • The project introduces the idea of a renewal controller that manages the price of renewals. An indepedent 3rd party in this case could control the price of renewals and prevent price hikes on current subname holders

  • Donate via gitcoin

Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

:tada: Birthday Party :tada:

  • ENS turns 6 years old on May 4th, @alisha.eth shared further details on ENS’s birthday party that remain a secret to those outside the ecosystem meetings. However, it is recomended you have your primary name and profile picture set on your domain.
  • Stay tuned to the ENS Twitter account for details.

ENS core updates

  • Next weeks Ecosystem meeting will likely be moved from the traditional Thursday 12:00 pm Eastern time to Wednesday May 3 @ 12:00 pm Eastern time to account for the ENS birthday party.
  • The smart contract audit for Gasless DNS domain imports is almost complete

May 3rd, 2023 (NEW Day - This week only)

:rotating_light: Request to the Community :rotating_light:

Donate to gitcoin ENS Grant Round


A) Gitcoin Grants Beta Round

Important Dates:
4/25 - 5/9: Beta Rounds Live

B) Project Highlights

C) Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

:tada: birthday party :tada:
twitter space q&a with @nick.eth 11am ET - Thursday

D) ENS core updates
E) Open space for additional topics
F) ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants

Please reach out to @slobo.eth / twitter if you want to present.


Ecosystem Meeting - May 3rd, 2023


A) Gitcoin Grants Beta Round (April 25 - May 9)

  • If you have not donated yet, please considering doing so as rounds will close before the next Ecosystem meeting
  • For ENS Ecosystem round applicants, reimbursements for application gas costs are coming soon.

B) Project Highlights

ENS Name Auto-Renewal | @dbmikus

  • Dylan is exploring ways to solve the issue of peoples domains expiring without their knowledge
  • He’s expirimenting with ways to add this feature to a UI that is able to be used by non-technical users
  • If you’re also interested in solving this problem reach out to him on the forum!

C) Upcoming Events

:tada: ENS Birthday Party :tada:

  • May 4th is the 6th anniversary of ENS.
  • Twitter space with @nick.eth planned for 11am ET, @Limes will be MC and it will be lots of fun

D) ENS core updates

@gregskril - A favorites page is coming for people to manage their favorite ens domains is coming soon

  • If you’re feeling nostalgic you can view the old app manager
  • Setting an avatar is free after first upload in V3

E) Open space for additional topics

  • ENS Director vote for @3531 and @AvsA is live until May 5. You can vote here.

F) ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants

  • The ENS Ecosystem Working Group is expanding their grants program to be more formalized and projects can now submit proposals here


184, 5pence, Alisha, Cap, Coltron, Daylon, Dylan, Greg, Limes, Marcus, Oleksiy, Prem, Slobo, sydmead, Yambo

Notes by @daylon.eth and edited by @Limes


May 11th, 2023

:rotating_light: Request to the Community :rotating_light:

Gitcoin Round Closing May 9 ENS Grant Round


  1. Gitcoin Summary @Limes (2 mins)
  2. ENS Birthday Stats @alisha (2 mins)
  3. Bug Bounty Program & Immunefi @nick (5 mins)
  4. Proposal to replace ENS14 @AvsA (15 mins)
  5. ENS core updates @gregskril (2 mins)
  6. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement (2 mins)
  7. Project Highlights @hidiyath, @julie, nextme.one (5 mins each)
  8. Open space for additional topics
  9. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants

Please reach out to @slobo.eth / twitter if you want to present.


Ecosystem Meeting, May 11th, 2023


yungsb, accessor, alex slobo, megan fabry, sydmead (eth.limo), light walker, limes.eth, sem bee, julie shi, thomas clowes, 5pence, nick johnson, josh brandley, prem makeig, cap, 184, danielle, bennett, coltron, gregskril, paul mr, alisha, samway waysam, arcadian, mike lee, bishara, liu okery, dylan, miklus, justin chung, maintainer, peepskies (bishara),

1. Gitcoin Summary @Limes

Gitcoin Grants have come to a close. Key feedback are high gas fees - Gitcoin will be prioristing deploying on Layers 2s before our next round. In spite of high fees, the closing figures are:

  • $8793.79 donations, $50k matching funds, 155 unique contributors, 696 contributions

Matching values are not yet calculated (though capped at 5% of $50k). These will be figured out within a week and reported on at the next meeting (or sooner).

Additionally, ecosystem team was issuing gas refunds to applicants to avoid anyone being excluded. This is in line with Ecosystem WG wanting to support projects to have the resources you need to get funding you need.

  • Gas refunds (totallying ~1.2 eth) have been issued to applicants (tweeted)

Here are the top 10 projects in terms of “Number of Donations Received”

Projects No. of Contributions
eth.limo 39
ENS DAO Newsletter 30
Optinames 30
GasHawk 29
beaconcha.in 26
Heavens Tools 23
1W3 22
ENSRedirect 20
Web3Domains.com 20
ENS Doc 19

Many of the projects in this round have attended & shared in WG meetings. Going forward, these results aid as another helpful metric for what we support.

2. ENS Birthday Stats @alisha.eth @gregskril @Limes

Since May 4th, 7528 anniversary POAPS have been minted (tweeted)

  • Claming will be open until end of May. With ~2500 POAPS available to be claimed.
  • Eligability requirements are that your wallet own an ENS name with Avatar & Priamry Name set.
  • Users who met eligability requirements may claim for free.
  • Users without Avatar or Primary Name may first set these directly via the claim site - the action of setting Avatar & Primary Name does cost gas.

This initiative has broken records for ENS Avatar Records Set in a day. See Dune Analytics Query, where we twice broke the record set back in May 2022. The inititiave was a success.

Website: anniversary.ens.domains
POAP artist: áxek @theaxents
Website built by @gregskril

Acknowledgements: Props to Greg for the site being built and the artist áxek. ENS are lucky to have been working with the POAP team to have this sort of flow & success.

3. Bug Bounty Program & Immunefi @nick.eth

  • An increased amount of bug reports has lead to an increase in time needed to be spent evaluating them. Thus, there is a need for clearer criteria & inclusion criteria for reports.

A solution to this is professionlising bounty program & being clear on scope.

  • Several have suggested immunifi - based on good reputation, and having run programs for high profile organsisaitons.
  • Nick seeking a feedback from ecosystem team & others team if this is worth investigating further
  • Their website states: no maintenance, onboarding or advisory fees. They take a cut of bounties.

This was generally supported.

Action item: Nick will schedule meetings, and get back on details of costs next week

4. Proposal to replace ENS14 @AvsA @alextnetto.eth

Generally speaking a referral system is strongly supported with multiple ways to approach it. This discussion continued with the ideas in the active forum thread.

Action item: Wait 1 week to allow others to input to the forum, then schedule specific ENS14 call to discuss.

5. ENS core updates @gregskril

  • We have a new Rust library for ENS: Ethers RS
  • New features in V3 (from community feedback)
    • New ability to unwrap ENS names
    • ‘Wrap name’ banner prompt removed to avoid confusion/impression that nameowner needs to wrap a name
  • ENS Labs is moving to a new feedback form
    • Replace google form with DeForm - better & web3 native alternative.
    • Will be embedded in app soon
    • Deform feedback form

+ Gasless DNSSEC update @nick.eth

  • Forum thread: Update on gasless DNSSEC implementation
  • Codearena audit has come to conclusion.
  • Currently in post audit triage with codearena steward
  • No major findings
  • There a few minor (unexploitable) bugs. Following fix, will look at deployment & integration testing for gateway

6. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

Upcoming events:

Further out:

  • ETHGlobal Waterloo
  • ETH Barcelona,
  • ETH CC / ETH Global Paris - incl slobo.eth

Reach out to ENS on twitter if you’d like to connect with ENS folks at these events prior to attending

7. Project Highlights

Nextme.one & Liu Okery | @NextmeOne shared their project

ORG3.io & julie shi | @julieshi.eth

Julie shared updates including:

  • Updated Website - live on goerli, testing on mainnet
  • Updated features: leaderboard, membership page

“What would you like from our community?”

  • Check out ORG3 on goerli & mainnet, and provide feedback including features you want. Also love to hear from anyone with technical background on different L2 solutions.

1W3.io & hidayath | @hidayath.eth

Hid shared updates including:

  • implementation with eth.limo & speed improvements,
  • working on improving website redering, redundancy,
  • total revamp of UI & UX,
  • shared two websites created by testers from the community

Note: Next week the platform will go live to users who have signed up for 1W3.

“What would you like from our community?”

  • We would like the community to test the tool, try to crash the site and find what’s not working. Also planning to implement subdomains, and would like to partner & coordinate with community member developers.
SemBee & WaybackMachine - (Round 5) recipient of ens small grants.

Sem Bee, a developer from wayback-machine.eth, stopped in to share about their progress with a live walkthrough of features. Mentioned funds contributed to hiring a designer who also helped improve style & response for mobile.

“What would you like from our community?”

  • Mainly awareness, just use it, try it, and if there are use cases we are not covering enough (e.g. ipns might need more work). Tell us what you are interested in knowing about the past of ENS names. This is really appeciated.

Notes by @184.eth & @Limes


May 18th, 2023


  1. ENS Fellowship - Term 3 (3 mins)
  2. Gitcoin Update (3 mins)
  3. Bug Bounty Update @nick.eth (5 mins)
  4. ENS core updates @gregskril (5 mins)
  5. Project Highlights [@doplur, @clowes.eth, @Premm.eth, @misharik.eth ] (20 mins)
  6. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  7. Open space for additional topics
  8. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants

Please reach out to @slobo.eth / twitter if you want to present.


Ecosystem Meeting, May 18th, 2023

Stewards: @slobo | ENS Profile, @limes | ENS Profile, @yambo | ENS Profile


accesor, ada, alex slobodnik, alexandro netto, branzinho, branzinho, caldonia, cap, cornelia weirnzieri, eduardo vega-patino, greg, j eth, krombacher harp, limes, loight walker, maintainer, megan fabry, premm, shaik hidayath, sydmead, thomas clowes, token dao, tylr, yambo, yungsb, zadok7, zach brown, 184

1. ENS Fellowship - Term 3

Building on the success of the pilot program last term. The fellowship program was modified to be three grants of 20,000 USDC instead of one grant of 50,000 USDC.

Read about the ENS Fellowship - Term 3

2. Gitcoin Update

  • Gitcoin matching funds are still being worked out. With a few contract level things to check.
    • Aiming to pay matching funds sometime next week. Pending any bugs.

3. Bug Bounty Update

@nick.eth | ENS Profile | twitter

  • Pushed to next week

4. ENS core updates

@gregskril | ENS Profile | twitter

  • Anniversary POAP had to close early
    • 15k POAPs minted
    • Top 15 of all time, #1 this calendar year
    • Thousands of avatars set, hundreds of primary names set, hundreds of .eth names registered
    • @limes - last week’s all time high record for ‘SetAvatar’ has since doubled - (dune analytics)
  • V3 Manager: launched email reminders powered by Earnifi - (tweet)
    • this is an opt in service to users
  • Protocol: Gasless DNSSEC implementation has passed an audit, planning to have testnet deployments live by the end of June
    • steps 3, 4 & 5 (forum link) potentially completed in next six weeks
  • Integration highlights:

5. Project Highlights

@Premm.eth | ENS Profile | twitter & @clowes.eth | ENS Profile | twitter

  • Unruggable Subdomain Rentals
    • Shared an update and live demo
      • New features include sandbox integration, simple registry for names & subdomains, example model of what info users may want to see, configurable subname controller, various pricing models, and more
    • Next steps
      • Looking to release on to goerli soon and get a contract audit
      • Additionally working on deployment scripts to make things easy for developer onboarding

@doplur | ENS Profile | twitter from Token DAO | ENS Profile | twitter | website

  • Token Name Service - TKN.eth
    • TKN is a token registry built on top of ENS’s decentralized infrastructure. Where Tokens persist as subdomains and information about the tokens can be seen in the subname metadata.

    • TKN shared an update and live demo

      • Noting anyone can submit edits, they have interoperable toolings, and aim to provide for thousands of tokens on hundreds of chains.
      • Recent updates including: improved UI, added search, added portfolio view, added detail view, edits still supported, added documention
      • TKN recently published their ios app

@misharik.eth | ENS Profile | twitter from Tillies.xyz

  • Tillies - Our Way to Unlock the Power of ENS Text Records
    • Tillies covers a social part of web3 in utilising Web3 profiles. Identifies text records as important ways one can showcase their web3 presence. Their main goals are:
      • To standardize and categorize Text Records
      • Addressing the gas problem by creating Tillies Text Records (beta)
    • @misharik.eth showcased the project with a live demo
      • with tillies as a place to manage web3 records across platforms/ecosytems
      • features showing text records, wallet activity, collectables, tokens, smart search and more
      • Identifies 3 mains types of text records - list, text, link

@brxwn.eth | ENS Profile | twitter from Stems Social | twitter

6. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

There is usually someone from ENS Labs or ENS DAO at these events - so if building projects and you need help, or want to chat about ingegrations, reach out.

7. Open space for additional topics

  • The meeting to discuss ENSIP14 has not been scheduled yet

8. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants

  • There is a process for applying for ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants outside of the small grants rounds.
    • Grants will be reviewed on a rolling basis. The evaluation process takes 1 - 4 weeks.
    • Deform Link

May 25th, 2023


  1. Gitcoin Update (3 mins)
  2. Bug Bounty Update @nick.eth (5 mins)
  3. ENS core updates @gregskril (5 mins)
  4. Project Highlights Python Normalization @lightwalker.eth (10 mins)
  5. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  6. Open space for additional topics
  7. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants

Please reach out to @slobo.eth / twitter if you want to present.

1 Like

Ecosystem Meeting, May 25th, 2023

Stewards: @slobo.eth | ENS Profile, @limes | ENS Profile, @yambo | ENS Profile

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth if you would like to present on a future call.


slobo.eth, limes.eth, yambo.eth, alisha.eth, alex netto, cap, coltron, david chu, dylan mikus, eduardo vega-patino, hellenstans, j eth, katherine wu, light walker, luc van kampen, maintainer, marcus martinez, nick johnson, premm, cthulu.eth, sam ward, shaik hidayath, stevegachau.eth, sydmead-eth.limo, tamara hjelenius, tamara helenius, tyler caldonia, vincent zadok7, yungsb, 184.eth

1. Gitcoin Update

2. Bug Bounty Update

@nick.eth ENS Profile | Twitter

  • Nick has been corresponding with Immunefi to potentially launch on their bug bounty program.
    • Immunefi onboards with no upfront fees, provide a platform, rating service, triage service, categorising, and more: for 10% of bounties awarded.
    • Onboarding process requires ENSlabs to improve upon their own process
    • Nick recommendeds moving to Immunefi for quality of service and attracting more testers

3. ENS core updates

@gregskril ENS Profile | Twitter

  • Highlight: @matoken is speaking at SpaghettETH
    • content includes: community, subdomains, onchain, offchain, L2s, database and more
    • Check out the speakerdeck slides in this tweet
  • Highlight: @gregskril offchain demo, which relates to the active work touched upon by makoto
  • On the community feedback side of things:

@cthulu.eth ENS Profile | Twitter

  • Changes to ENS Support
    • ENS is moving support from Twitter to the ENS Website Support via chat widget.
    • Check out the tweet and meet ENS Labs newest teammate: ‘Hopper’
      • Users will first be answered by Hopper; which utilizes assisted AI writing, and allows article searching in chat.
      • The move is expected to increase efficiency
      • Users can still be escalated to a support agent; Or be assisted in the official discord: chat.ens.domains

4. Project Highlights Python Normalization @lightwalker.eth

@lightwalker.eth | ENS Profile | Twitter from namehash.io

  • Presented Python Implementation of ENS Normalize*
    • ENS Normalize is a new open source library for ENS to make coding in python easier
    • Check it out on github — ENS Normalize Python
    • ENS Normalize is an open source library for ENS to make coding in python easier
    • What’s new?
      • New Glossary - for technical ENS name terminology
      • Optimized error handling — improved UX for unnormalised name entry
      • New algorithm: ens_cure - (more) improvements to UX for unnormalised name entry
      • And more!

@gregskril | ENS Profile | Twitter

@slobo.eth | ENS Profile | twitter

  • Demo of namestone.xyz
    • Namestone is an example of offchain solution of CCIP Read including subname creation, records management and more
    • This live demo included multiple records and brought about discussion around naming standards, ideas, and gasless avatars

:information_source: Reach out to slobo.eth if you are a brand and would like to issue subdomains

@lucemans ENS Profile | Twitter

  • Demo of enstate | github

    • “We believe software should be simple and containerized. Enstate provides you with a lightweight docker container that you can run anywhere.”
      • This solution avoids organisations needing to index themselves by having to setup proprietary microservers
      • Accessible with 1 click deploy; check out the roadmap and more on github
  • Demo of ENS-tools | github

    • This project aims to extend the functionality of wagmi, in addition to providing utility to the ENS ecosystem.
      • returns records, reverse resolution from address,
      • if you have a website, gov site, block explorer, 1k addresss, etc, you can have your api point to resolve information
      • Explores different formatting & records standards including normalising records, preffered name, and other preffered formats (like character capitalisation)
      • Already a couple organisations testing (over building their own).

5. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

:information_source: If you’d like to connect with ENS folks at these events, reach out in advance on Twitter.

6. Open space for additional topics

@alisha.eth | ENS Profile | twitter

  • Steward Election Process

    • Steward elections open next Tuesday 30th May on the Forum.
      • Open thread is being published early to provide individuals with ample time to register their names, enhance their visibility, and engage in campaign activities by reaching out to delegates in order to secure the votes they require.
      • To successfully get onto the ballot for a working group steward election, nominees need to receive 10k votes in support of their nomination.
        • Nomination period is between June 6 - 9.
        • Election period is between June 10 -15.
          Note: there are three steward roles in each Working Group (MetaGov, Ecosystem, & Public Goods). Elected stewards will select a lead steward within their respective working group. DAO secretary is an appointed role by stewards.
  • ENS Dao twitter spaces with Tally

  • Delegation Week

7. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants


here is the quick summary thread of the event

There will be a small meetup in Tokyo I am organising