☎️ ENS Ecosystem Working Group – Weekly Meeting: 12pm ET, Thursday

Ecosystem Meeting, May 18th, 2023

Stewards: @slobo | ENS Profile, @limes | ENS Profile, @yambo | ENS Profile


accesor, ada, alex slobodnik, alexandro netto, branzinho, branzinho, caldonia, cap, cornelia weirnzieri, eduardo vega-patino, greg, j eth, krombacher harp, limes, loight walker, maintainer, megan fabry, premm, shaik hidayath, sydmead, thomas clowes, token dao, tylr, yambo, yungsb, zadok7, zach brown, 184

1. ENS Fellowship - Term 3

Building on the success of the pilot program last term. The fellowship program was modified to be three grants of 20,000 USDC instead of one grant of 50,000 USDC.

Read about the ENS Fellowship - Term 3

2. Gitcoin Update

  • Gitcoin matching funds are still being worked out. With a few contract level things to check.
    • Aiming to pay matching funds sometime next week. Pending any bugs.

3. Bug Bounty Update

@nick.eth | ENS Profile | twitter

  • Pushed to next week

4. ENS core updates

@gregskril | ENS Profile | twitter

  • Anniversary POAP had to close early
    • 15k POAPs minted
    • Top 15 of all time, #1 this calendar year
    • Thousands of avatars set, hundreds of primary names set, hundreds of .eth names registered
    • @limes - last week’s all time high record for ‘SetAvatar’ has since doubled - (dune analytics)
  • V3 Manager: launched email reminders powered by Earnifi - (tweet)
    • this is an opt in service to users
  • Protocol: Gasless DNSSEC implementation has passed an audit, planning to have testnet deployments live by the end of June
    • steps 3, 4 & 5 (forum link) potentially completed in next six weeks
  • Integration highlights:

5. Project Highlights

@Premm.eth | ENS Profile | twitter & @clowes.eth | ENS Profile | twitter

  • Unruggable Subdomain Rentals
    • Shared an update and live demo
      • New features include sandbox integration, simple registry for names & subdomains, example model of what info users may want to see, configurable subname controller, various pricing models, and more
    • Next steps
      • Looking to release on to goerli soon and get a contract audit
      • Additionally working on deployment scripts to make things easy for developer onboarding

@doplur | ENS Profile | twitter from Token DAO | ENS Profile | twitter | website

  • Token Name Service - TKN.eth
    • TKN is a token registry built on top of ENS’s decentralized infrastructure. Where Tokens persist as subdomains and information about the tokens can be seen in the subname metadata.

    • TKN shared an update and live demo

      • Noting anyone can submit edits, they have interoperable toolings, and aim to provide for thousands of tokens on hundreds of chains.
      • Recent updates including: improved UI, added search, added portfolio view, added detail view, edits still supported, added documention
      • TKN recently published their ios app

@misharik.eth | ENS Profile | twitter from Tillies.xyz

  • Tillies - Our Way to Unlock the Power of ENS Text Records
    • Tillies covers a social part of web3 in utilising Web3 profiles. Identifies text records as important ways one can showcase their web3 presence. Their main goals are:
      • To standardize and categorize Text Records
      • Addressing the gas problem by creating Tillies Text Records (beta)
    • @misharik.eth showcased the project with a live demo
      • with tillies as a place to manage web3 records across platforms/ecosytems
      • features showing text records, wallet activity, collectables, tokens, smart search and more
      • Identifies 3 mains types of text records - list, text, link

@brxwn.eth | ENS Profile | twitter from Stems Social | twitter

6. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

There is usually someone from ENS Labs or ENS DAO at these events - so if building projects and you need help, or want to chat about ingegrations, reach out.

7. Open space for additional topics

  • The meeting to discuss ENSIP14 has not been scheduled yet

8. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants

  • There is a process for applying for ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants outside of the small grants rounds.
    • Grants will be reviewed on a rolling basis. The evaluation process takes 1 - 4 weeks.
    • Deform Link

May 25th, 2023


  1. Gitcoin Update (3 mins)
  2. Bug Bounty Update @nick.eth (5 mins)
  3. ENS core updates @gregskril (5 mins)
  4. Project Highlights Python Normalization @lightwalker.eth (10 mins)
  5. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  6. Open space for additional topics
  7. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants

Please reach out to @slobo.eth / twitter if you want to present.

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Ecosystem Meeting, May 25th, 2023

Stewards: @slobo.eth | ENS Profile, @limes | ENS Profile, @yambo | ENS Profile

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth if you would like to present on a future call.


slobo.eth, limes.eth, yambo.eth, alisha.eth, alex netto, cap, coltron, david chu, dylan mikus, eduardo vega-patino, hellenstans, j eth, katherine wu, light walker, luc van kampen, maintainer, marcus martinez, nick johnson, premm, cthulu.eth, sam ward, shaik hidayath, stevegachau.eth, sydmead-eth.limo, tamara hjelenius, tamara helenius, tyler caldonia, vincent zadok7, yungsb, 184.eth

1. Gitcoin Update

2. Bug Bounty Update

@nick.eth ENS Profile | Twitter

  • Nick has been corresponding with Immunefi to potentially launch on their bug bounty program.
    • Immunefi onboards with no upfront fees, provide a platform, rating service, triage service, categorising, and more: for 10% of bounties awarded.
    • Onboarding process requires ENSlabs to improve upon their own process
    • Nick recommendeds moving to Immunefi for quality of service and attracting more testers

3. ENS core updates

@gregskril ENS Profile | Twitter

  • Highlight: @matoken is speaking at SpaghettETH
    • content includes: community, subdomains, onchain, offchain, L2s, database and more
    • Check out the speakerdeck slides in this tweet
  • Highlight: @gregskril offchain demo, which relates to the active work touched upon by makoto
  • On the community feedback side of things:

@cthulu.eth ENS Profile | Twitter

  • Changes to ENS Support
    • ENS is moving support from Twitter to the ENS Website Support via chat widget.
    • Check out the tweet and meet ENS Labs newest teammate: ‘Hopper’
      • Users will first be answered by Hopper; which utilizes assisted AI writing, and allows article searching in chat.
      • The move is expected to increase efficiency
      • Users can still be escalated to a support agent; Or be assisted in the official discord: chat.ens.domains

4. Project Highlights Python Normalization @lightwalker.eth

@lightwalker.eth | ENS Profile | Twitter from namehash.io

  • Presented Python Implementation of ENS Normalize*
    • ENS Normalize is a new open source library for ENS to make coding in python easier
    • Check it out on github — ENS Normalize Python
    • ENS Normalize is an open source library for ENS to make coding in python easier
    • What’s new?
      • New Glossary - for technical ENS name terminology
      • Optimized error handling — improved UX for unnormalised name entry
      • New algorithm: ens_cure - (more) improvements to UX for unnormalised name entry
      • And more!

@gregskril | ENS Profile | Twitter

@slobo.eth | ENS Profile | twitter

  • Demo of namestone.xyz
    • Namestone is an example of offchain solution of CCIP Read including subname creation, records management and more
    • This live demo included multiple records and brought about discussion around naming standards, ideas, and gasless avatars

:information_source: Reach out to slobo.eth if you are a brand and would like to issue subdomains

@lucemans ENS Profile | Twitter

  • Demo of enstate | github

    • “We believe software should be simple and containerized. Enstate provides you with a lightweight docker container that you can run anywhere.”
      • This solution avoids organisations needing to index themselves by having to setup proprietary microservers
      • Accessible with 1 click deploy; check out the roadmap and more on github
  • Demo of ENS-tools | github

    • This project aims to extend the functionality of wagmi, in addition to providing utility to the ENS ecosystem.
      • returns records, reverse resolution from address,
      • if you have a website, gov site, block explorer, 1k addresss, etc, you can have your api point to resolve information
      • Explores different formatting & records standards including normalising records, preffered name, and other preffered formats (like character capitalisation)
      • Already a couple organisations testing (over building their own).

5. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

:information_source: If you’d like to connect with ENS folks at these events, reach out in advance on Twitter.

6. Open space for additional topics

@alisha.eth | ENS Profile | twitter

  • Steward Election Process

    • Steward elections open next Tuesday 30th May on the Forum.
      • Open thread is being published early to provide individuals with ample time to register their names, enhance their visibility, and engage in campaign activities by reaching out to delegates in order to secure the votes they require.
      • To successfully get onto the ballot for a working group steward election, nominees need to receive 10k votes in support of their nomination.
        • Nomination period is between June 6 - 9.
        • Election period is between June 10 -15.
          Note: there are three steward roles in each Working Group (MetaGov, Ecosystem, & Public Goods). Elected stewards will select a lead steward within their respective working group. DAO secretary is an appointed role by stewards.
  • ENS Dao twitter spaces with Tally

  • Delegation Week

7. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants


here is the quick summary thread of the event

There will be a small meetup in Tokyo I am organising


June 1st, 2023

:rotating_light: ENS Small Grants :rotating_light:
Be sure to vote!


  1. Gitcoin Payouts Complete! (1 mins)
  2. Name Normalization @raffy (7 mins)
  3. Project Highlights [ethsign, nfty resolver @raffy link] (10 mins)
  4. ENS core updates (5 mins)
  5. Steward Nominations — ENS Ecosystem WG (Q3/Q4 2023 Term)
  6. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  7. Open space for additional topics
  8. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants

Please reach out to @slobo.eth / twitter if you want to present.


Ecosystem Meeting, June 1st, 2023


Time/Day – 12pm ET (4pm UTC) every Thursday
Google Meet Link – http://meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth | ENS Profile, @limes | ENS Profile, @yambo | ENS Profile

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth if you would like to present on a future call.


  1. Gitcoin Payouts Complete
  2. Name Normalization
  3. Project Highlights
  4. ENS core updates
  5. Steward Nominations — ENS Ecosystem WG (Q3/Q4 2023 Term)
  6. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  7. Open space for additional topics
  8. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants


slobo.eth, limes.eth, yambo.eth, 5pence, accessor, alex, alexandro netto, alisha.eth, cap, christian nielsen, coltron.eth, cornelia, cthulu, dannielle bennett, david chu, dom p, dylan mikus, hellenstans, jack xu, j eth, katherine wu, maintainer, marcus (estmcmxci.eth), megan, premm.eth, raffy.eth, rasmus (cthulu), slobo, sydmead, thomas clowes, tyler caldonia, vegayp, vincent (zadok7.eth), yambo.eth, yungsb, 184.eth

1. Gitcoin Payouts Complete

  • Gitcoin matching funds have been distributed
    • If you participated and did not receive payment please reach out to slobo.eth or limes.eth

2. Name Normalization

@raffy | ENS Profile | twitter

  • ENS Normalisation - a massive undertaking and effort by Raffy
    • Check out the ENS Normalize slides as they go into all the details since the last update (Summary, Confusables, CM-NSM, Documentations)
    • Documentation has improved a ton
      • every statement in spec has examples, and repo includes addendums, explainers of emojis, why included, and info about script groups
    • Some items in ENSIP are not implemented; such as Wide confusables
    • This is a living spec, and its suggested to keep it up to date with unicode

3. Project Highlights

@boyuanx | Twitter | Email: jxu@ethsign.xyz from EthSign | twitter | website

  • EthSign
    • ENSIP: Signature Validation for ENS Domains is already posted to the forum with the latest version of EIP-6066.
      • EIP-6066 focuses on enabling NFTs to carry their own signatures, essentially representing approval. The idea is to utilize ENS domains as identities to allow individuals to approve hashes using their names.
      • This concept could have various applications, such as using ENS as an organizational management tool or for creating organizational charts.
        • For example, a CFO position could have the ENS name ‘cfo.ethsign.eth’, and the signatures made by the CFO would be tied to the name/position, rather than the person. In essence having role-based signatures.
      • Jack encourages feedback and ideas from the community

@raffy | ENS Profile | twitter

4. ENS core updates

@zadok7 | ENS Profile | twitter & @domico.eth | ENS Profile | Twitter

  • MetaMask+Firefox users can now connect to the V3 Manager app
    • A bug had been preventing connection and prompting for a QR code. A workaround solution is now in effect
  • Team is continuing to explore user flows including;
    • how ownership is represented; following confusion over wrapped names (e.g. on opensea)
    • ways to effectively communicate owner & manager differences; which often arise when users acquire names off secondary
  • Users can provide feedback on the ENS Manager App via Deform feedback form

5. Steward Nominations — ENS Ecosystem WG (Q3/Q4 2023 Term)

@alisha.eth | ENS Profile | twitter

:information_source: Remember to share your nomination in the corresponding forum thread for visibility & exposure

6. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

:information_source: If you’d like to connect with ENS folks at these events, reach out in advance on Twitter.

7. Open space for additional topics

Megan Fabry from Mailchain | twitter | website

  • Mailchain Compose
    • Mailchain is looking for feedback on a recent hackathon tool they think has potential in DAO tooling

@Premm.eth | ENS Profile | twitter & @clowes.eth | ENS Profile | twitter

  • Unruggable Subdomain Rentals
    • Demo is live on Goerli now - check it out at unruggablenames.com
    • You can register names, setup subnames, rent subnames and more. There’s a 2LD test already in their - go explore and provide some feedback

@alisha.eth | ENS Profile | twitter

  • Gasless delegation continues for another month
    • Free delegation is still up on Tally.xyz for anyone holding 10 or more $ENS Goverance tokens

8. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants

  • Ecosystem Working Group also distributes grants outside of the small grants rounds

    • You can apply anytime. Grants are reviewed on a rolling basis. The evaluation process takes ~4 weeks.
    • Apply via Deform Link
  • ENS Small Grants are still open for voting - 1 day left

Notes by @184.eth

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I will be speaking there

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I will be speaking there

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June 8th, 2023


  1. Review ENS grants winners (4 mins)
  2. Steward Nominations
  3. Overview of https://tools.ens.domains/ by @serenae (10 mins)
  4. Project Highlights [corbin] (10 min)
  5. ENS core updates (5 mins)
  6. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  7. Open space for additional topics
  8. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants

Please reach out to @slobo.eth / twitter if you want to present.

1 Like

Ecosystem Meeting, June 8th, 2023


Time/Day – 12pm ET (4pm UTC) every Thursday
Google Meet Link – http://meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth | ENS Profile, @limes | ENS Profile, @yambo | ENS Profile

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth if you would like to present on a future call.


  1. Review ENS grants winners
  2. Steward Nominations
  3. Overview of tools.ens.domains by @serenae
  4. Project Highlights [corbin]
  5. ENS core updates
  6. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  7. Open space for additional topics
  8. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants


slobo.eth, limes.eth, yambo.eth, alisha.eth, alex, arcadian.eth, cap, coltron.eth, corbin page, davoud toustaazad, gregskril.eth, hellenstans.eth, light walker, mailchain (verycozy.eth), maintainer, marcus (estmcmxci.eth), marcus am, paul, premm.eth, rasmus b (cthulu.eth), serenae.eth, slobo.eth, sydmeand.eth, tamara helenius, tyler caldonia, vincent (zadok7.eth), yambo.eth, yungsb, 184.eth

1. Review ENS grants winners

2. Steward Nominations

@alisha.eth | ENS Profile | Twitter

Working Group Steward Elections

  • Nominations close 9am Friday, June 9th (UTC), with the election period opening 9am June 10-15th (UTC)
  • Alisha.eth is holding a twitter spaces on Monday to discuss opportunities in the working groups and give all nominees an opportunity to share themselves

:information_source: Follow ENS_DAO on Twitter and join the spaces on Monday, June 12th, at 4pm UTC

3. Overview of tools.ens.domains by @serenae

@serenae | ENS Profile | Twitter

  • tools.ens.domains demo
    • This site contains extra tools that enhance the experience for ENS users and developers - including sidetools not yet included in manager app, that dont make sense in the app, or may have specific use cases /are edge cases. Tools include:
      • Check an ENS name:
        • Gives a birds eye view of an ENS name: including checking for normalisation, fuses, subnames, the resolver details, as well as links to support docs, explainers, etc. This tool also works to show offchain names.
          Try clicking on the many different buttons & warnings.
        • Use case: Checking names on secondary markets to determine name normalisation, burnt fuses, subnames, and name state.
      • Set ENS Primary name:
        • Allows setting & clearing of primary name
        • Use case: Etherscan is experiencing an issue displaying primary names;this tool ‘kick-starts’ their system into working
      • Unwrap an ENS name:
        • This tool works for unwrapping 2LDs, subnames & DNSimported names
      • Set ENS Manager (Set Public Resolver Manager):
        • Manager role doesn’t (yet) show in the Manager App for wrapped names. This tool assigns manager for a name, and/or a separate address to manaage all names in a wallet. Also has the revoke function.
      • Set ENS Records:
        • Complementing ‘Set ENS Manager’ tool, to allow public resolver manager to update records
    • @lightwalker.eth suggested a dashboard for community created tools
      • a separate channel will be setup in discord chat.ens.domains - stay tuned for details.

4. Project Highlights [corbin]

Corbin Page | Twitter | github

  • usernames.club
    • usernames.club focuses on username NFTs; and provides a naming service and representation of membership to bespoke communities - powered by ENS CCIP Read & resolve in wallets under usr.id
    • This involves offchain resolver, handling address-to-name mapping off-chain while maintaining on-chain ownership. All data is read from NFTs and the code is open source on GitHub
    • Learn about usernames.club in this tweet
    • Read the full write up Introducing Usernames.club
  • patchwallet.com
    • Patchwallet is a web3 wallet attached to every Twitter, email, & phone number. A ‘zero onboarding’ wallet to send NFTs/tokens to your friends, family & customers. It utilizes the ENS protocol and CCIP to query Twitter usernames, phone numbers, and emails.
    • Offering deterministic account abstraction wallets that are consistent across chains and compatible with web3 wallets. It facilitates NFT gifting, airdrops, and supports telephone integration.
    • Check out Patchwallet on twitter
  • In general discussion:
    • Corbin shared the need for more tools & off-chain resolver templates for those launching Layer 2 solutions
      • Additionally, tools, templates, and information on off-chain rights (CCIP Deferral Right (EIP5559)) are essential for CCIP read projects launching on Layer 2 solutions
    • Corbin suggested that all ecosystems launching rollups should closely align themselves with ENS for maximum benefits and opportunities
    • @Gregskril has developed a reliable off-chain resolver contract (offchain.ens.gregskril.com), with both docs and repo in the footer
    • Projects are encouraged to apply for grants; for added benefit of visibility and getting involved with the ENS community. Ecosystem meetings also being great for sharing updates & new features

5. ENS core updates

@gregskril | ENS Profile | Twitter

6. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

  • But wait, there’s more:
    • ENS is sponsoring 5K in prizes in the ETHGlobal virtual hackathon - HackFS 2023
    • ETHCC irl event has been selected for July 18th - stay tuned for an update from @limes

:information_source: If you’d like to connect with ENS folks at these events, reach out in advance on Twitter or Telegram

7. Open space for additional topics

@alisha.eth | ENS Profile | Twitter

  • Q2-2023 Town Hall
    • Scheduled for midday Thursday, 29th June (ET)
    • This will be streamed to youtube & there will be no WG call that week
    • If you’re interested in presenting, or think someone should, please reach out to Alisha.eth on twitter

8. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants

  • Ecosystem Working Group also distributes larger grants on a rolling basis
    • You can apply anytime with this form. The evaluation process takes ~4 weeks, and unsuccessful applications can also reapply in future
    • Congratulation to @Premm.eth & Unruggable Subdomain Rentals

:information_source: Ecosystem Working group will also be doing another small grants round next week.


June 15th, 2023

Last meeting of the term set for June 22nd, 2023.


  1. Steward Election Results (3 min)
  2. ENS Town Hall June 29th, 2023 @alisha.eth
  3. Project Highlights
  4. ENS core updates (5 mins) @gregskril
  5. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  1. Open space for additional topics
  2. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants

Please reach out to @slobo.eth / twitter if you want to present.


Ecosystem Meeting, June 15th, 2023


Time/Day – 12pm ET (4pm UTC) every Thursday
Google Meet Link – http://meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth | ENS Profile, @limes | ENS Profile, @yambo | ENS Profile

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth if you would like to present on a future call.


  1. Working Group Elections
  2. ENS Town Hall
  3. ENS core updates
  4. Project Highlights
  5. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  6. Open space for additional topics
  7. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants


slobo.eth, limes.eth, yambo.eth, acadian.eth, alisha.eth, branzinho, cap, coltron, david chu, greg, hellenstans,J.eth.id, light walker, maintainer, marcus martinez, premm, cthulu.eth, Serenae, sam ward, shaik hidayath, stevegachau.eth, sydmead-eth.limo, Thomas Clowes, tyler caldonia, yungsb

1. Working Group Elections

2. Town Hall

Please use the registration link to sign up. The town hall presents some of the best projects from the term as well as summarize the DAO’s achievements for the term.

3. ENS core updates

@alisha.eth | ENS Profile | twitter

EP3.7 Name Normalization Standard has been passed

@gregskril | ENS Profile | Twitter

The ENS Tokyo meetup was awesome

ENS made a new blog post about web updates

4. Project Highlights

1W3 & hidayath | @W3Hidayath

A number of updates have come for 1w3:

  1. Now anyone can build the websites for others to use. Owners of domain can designate a designer manager of their name and let others manage their site content
  2. Now users can build websites for subnames and wrapped domains.
  3. Connecting ENS domains to IPNS is implemented and now website updates have become gasless, make changes to websites any number of times without paying gas

Avatar Sync & Stevegachau | @stevegachau

Avatar Sync - Users can easily sync their ENS avatar with their twitter profile picture

5. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

  • But wait, there’s more:
    • ENS is sponsoring 5K in prizes in the ETHGlobal virtual hackathon - HackFS 2023
    • ETHCC irl event has been selected for July 18th 6:30-9:30

:information_source: If you’d like to connect with ENS folks at these events, reach out in advance on Twitter or Telegram

6. Open space for additional topics

  • Unruggable Names is live on Goerli. There is now pricing implemented on buying subnames and anyone can create renewal controllers. Try out the platform on goerli, register some names. Sell subnames on your second level .eth names in a manner where people can verify they can’t be rugged by the parent owner. Message @Premm.eth or @clowes.eth with questions or feedback.

  • Eth.id Dance party at ETH CC on July 18! Message @j.eth.id on telegram for an invite

7. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants

  • ENS Small Grants

June 22nd, 2023

Last meeting of Term 3

Weekly meetings to resume July 6, 2023


  1. ENS Town Hall June 29th, 2023 @alisha.eth
  2. Project Highlights [Jerome, duda.eth,@cap namespace] (20 mins)
  3. ENS core updates (5 mins) @gregskril, if available
  4. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  1. Term 3 Spending Summary @Limes

  2. Open space for additional topics

  3. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants

Please reach out to @slobo.eth / twitter if you want to present.

1 Like


Time/Day – 12pm ET (4pm UTC) every Thursday
Google Meet Link – http://meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth | ENS Profile, @limes | ENS Profile, @yambo | ENS Profile

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth if you would like to present on a future call.

  • This is the last meeting of Term 3
  • Weekly meetings to resume July 6, 2023


  1. ENS Town Hall June 29th, 2023 @alisha.eth
  2. Project Highlights [Jerome, duda.eth,@cap - namespace]
  3. ENS core updates @gregskril
  4. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  5. Term 3 Spending Summary @Limes
  6. Open space for additional topics
  7. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants


slobo.eth, limes.eth, yambo.eth, accessor, alisha.eth, cap, david chu, danielle bennett, domico.eth, evan, gregskril, hellenstans.eth, jerome bernard, j eth, joshua ‘0xWizardof0z.eth’, maintainer.eth, mailchain ‘verycozy.eth’, petr duda, premm.eth, sydmean.eth, vincent (zadok7.eth), yungsb, 184.eth,

1. ENS Town Hall June 29th

@alisha.eth | ENS Profile | Twitter

  • ENS Town Hall
    • ENS Town Hall for Q2/2023 is happening on Thursday, June 29th at noon ET. Visit lu.ma/enstownhallq2 to sign up.
    • You can attend the The Town Hall Zoom call. Or watch live on the ENS Domains youtube channel. Or watch the ~2hr recording if you can’t make the call.
      • Applying to join the zoom call gives more direct access to Q&A, as well as the reminder email.
      • If you are building with ENS and interested in presenting at the Town Hall, please reach out to alisha.eth on Twitter: @futurealisha

2. Project Highlights

Jerome Bernard | Twitter
ENS offchain resolver gateway built in Rust

  • Lens and Coinbase distirbuted free subdomains to their users via CCIP Read, the mecahnism that allows for offchain name resolution. This repository is an open source version of that in Rust which opens possibilities for more issuance of subdomains
  • Read the small grants application for information on Background, Progress, and Roadmap, as well as links to github and more.
  • Here’s a tweet from Jerome explaining things in more detail

Petr Duda | ENS Profile | Twitter

  • Twittens is a dashboard that shows data about users who share their .eth on Twitter. Several features include a Twitter follower count leaderboard for .eths, the amount of .eths who hold certain NFT projects, and more.
  • Check out the small grants application - Twittens: Social ENS Twitter text-record for more information on this open source project
  • Here you can also navigate to their github as well as explore more tools they created

@cap | ENS Profile | Twitter
namespace.ninja | Twitter

  • Namespace offers names & subnames, with features like account pages for users, customisable minting paramenters, customizable pricing, unruggable subnames, reserving names, whitelisting addresses, time deadlines on minting, and more
  • Namespace also uses Thorin Design System, a tool developed by ENS to allow sites to build using the ENS design schematic.
  • Get connected to namespace - Linktree
    • They are actively seeking testers and encourage interested individuals to join their Discord
    • Additionally exploring auditing tools and are interested in any recomendations from community.

3. ENS core updates

@gregskril | ENS Profile | Twitter

  • ENS Support has migrated across to new docs - support.ens.domains

    • offering improved experience; being connected with support mods in tickets, linking docs & resources, and more
  • Listen to khori.eth on recent podcast with Pineapple Workshop

    • Reach out if you’d like support at these events or with your building in general
  • Farcaster announced they’re changing their naming system to make every Farcaster name an ENS domain

4. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

  • But wait, there’s more:
    • ENS is sponsoring 5K in prizes in the ETHGlobal virtual hackathon - HackFS 2023
    • ETHCC irl event has been selected for July 18th 6:30-9:30
      • lu.ma event to be released at the town hall

:information_source: If you’d like to connect with ENS folks at these events, reach out in advance on Twitter or Telegram

5. Term 3 Spending Summary @Limes

@limes | ENS Profile | twitter

6. Open space for additional topics

The Stewards for Term 2, 2023

Next Term Funding & Initiatives

  • Next Term’s funding request will go up in July, and go through a social vote
    • Now is an opportunity to plant the seed for things people would like to see funded, what sort of experimentation, initiatives, etc and types of community events or meetups, budgets that might be considered.
    • Beginning of terms are often where new initiatives can be started

7. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants

  • ENS Small Grants
    • Another round of small grants has closed - explore all the submissions at ensgrants.xyz

June 29th, 2023

No Meeting This Week

See you all at the town hall


July 6th, 2023


  1. Project Highlights
  2. ENS core updates (5 mins) @gregskril, if available
  3. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  1. Term 3 Spending Summary Final
  2. Open space for additional topics
  3. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants

Please reach out to @slobo.eth / twitter if you want to present.


Time/Day – 12pm ET (4pm UTC) every Thursday
Google Meet Link – meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth | ENS Profile, @limes | ENS Profile, @184.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth if you would like to present on a future call.


  1. Project Highlights
  2. ENS core updates
  3. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  4. Term 3 Spending Summary Final
  5. Open space for additional topics
  6. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants


slobo.eth, limes.eth, 184.eth, joshua “0xWizardOfOz” Hernandez, maintainer, coltron.eth, lydia, yungSB, cap, vincent(zadok7.eth), alexandro netto, 5pence.eth, thomas clowes, jerome bernard, sydmead - eth.limo, premm.eth, gregskril, coltron.eth, mailchain ‘verycozy.eth’, yungsb, llydia, j eth, lakshman sankar, atanda david, tyler caldonia, hellenstans.eth, Rasmus (cthulu.eth).

1. Project Highlights

@0xWizard.eth | ENS Profile | Twitter & llydia | ENS Profile | Twitter

Magic🪞.eth | MagicMirror.one

  • Magic🪞 is a native Web3 browser that can be instantiated inside of any typical browser or application browser view, making it an incredibly versatile tool. Magic🪞.eth means to normalize consent based browsing for a reconnecting world.
  • Their demo shared how users can:
    • utilise AI to build websites, upload records to ipfs & update name content hash, tools for browsing web3 & keeping track of websites being created, and more.
  • Find more information in their forum post HERE and in their recent Small Grants application - HERE
  • What do you want from community?
    • Go on & use it: we welcome all feedback and features you’d like to see.
    • It’s designed to be browser view - not trying to look a particular way - and so you can go to settings and make selections, and we can build/customise for you.

2. ENS core updates

@gregskril | ENS Profile | Twitter

  • ENS Labs shared in the recent Town Hall (HERE: starts ~2min)
    • including unveiling their Roadmap.
    • and feature request button in corner (This is the best place to drop ideas to Labs).
  • Labs team are well represented across Europe in upcoming events.

3. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

Happening Now - ETH Barcelona

Upcoming Events

DATE Event/Location Who’s Attending
July 17-20 ETH CC @limes, @slobo.eth, @coltron.eth, @gregskril, @lucemans, @matoken.eth, @sadaf.eth, @Marta
July 21-23 ETH Global Paris @limes, @gregskril, @lucemans


  • ‘From Paris with Limes.eth’
    • Register for the upcoming ENS Social Event at ETHCC Paris, on July 18th 6:30-10:30pm. Go to lu.ma/ensparis

:information_source: If you’d like to connect with ENS folks at these events, reach out in advance on Twitter or Telegram

4. Term 3 Spending Summary - Final

@limes | ENS Profile | twitter

  • Spending Summary - Working Groups Term 1, 2023, has been updated to include additional rolling grants and reflect ETH price changes.
    • Combined WG spending balance is ~1.6m, with distribution remaining about the same.
    • ~85% is going to builders, with other allocations including irl events, steward comp and other support spending

5. Open space for additional topics

ENS Town Hall

  • ENS Town Hall Q2 2023 was held last week - it was the longest Town Hall yet, and clocked in at just over 2 hours.
    :point_right: Watch the stream on Youtube HERE (Ecosystem from 54:07).
    :point_right: Catch up on all the highlights with THIS tweet thread.

ENSIP-14 progress was discussed

Immutable .eth Websites

6. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants

  • Ecosystem WG distributes larger grants on a rolling basis.
    • You can apply anytime with this deform. The evaluation process takes ~4 weeks, and unsuccessful applications can also reapply in future.

July 13th, 2023


  1. Project Highlights [thisdavidboy.eth]
  2. ENS core updates (5 mins) @gregskril, if available
  3. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  1. Open space for additional topics
  2. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants

Please reach out to @slobo.eth / twitter if you want to present.


:seedling: Ecosystem Meeting, July 6th, 2023


Time/Day – 12pm ET (4pm UTC) every Thursday

Stewards: @slobo.eth (ENS | Twitter), @limes (ENS | Twitter), @184.eth (ENS | Twitter)

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth (Twitter) if you would like to present on a future call.


  1. Project Highlights
  2. ENS core updates
  3. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  4. Open space for additional topics
  5. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants


slobo.eth, limes.eth, 184.eth, ahmad alfawwaz, alexandro netto, alisha.eth, atanda david, cap, david chu, dr3a 7234, evan, gregskriloff, hellenstans.eth, jan antonin kolar, joshua “0xWizardOf0z.eth” Hernandez, katherine wu, light walker, mailchain (verycozy.eth), marcus estmcmxci, prem makeig, senad dilji, shaik hidayath, sydmead, tyler caldonia, vincent (zadok7.eth), yambo, yungsb

1. Project Highlights

thisdavidboy.eth (ENS | Twitter) & Staa99.eth (ENS | Twitter)
from CEX.io

  • Ahmad Alfawwaz & Atanda David shared how cxid.io helps exchanges transform usernames into ENS names for easier transactions and address resolution.
    • Watch their demo and read more here
    • They’re welcoming feedback from the community

@dr3a.eth (ENS | Twitter)
from all those excellent tweet threads

Jan Antonin Kolar (ENS | Twitter)
from rc.xyz

  • rc.xyz makes it easy for digital artist to showcase all their minted artworks and listings with just one link. Create rich profiles for any NFT artist on ethereum that has ENS name (e.g. rc.xyz/omentejovem).
  • The team is also working on an “ETH/.CZ” link directory for all ENS holders (e.g. omentejovem.eth.cz).
  • Looking for feedback - Please DM on Twitter.

2. ENS Core Updates

@gregskril (ENS | Twitter)

ENS Labs new hires & positions

RECAP: RoadMap & Feature Requests

  • Recapping last weeks call & recent recent town hall with the Roadmap and the ‘Feature Requests’ button.
    • This is the best place to drop ideas to Labs and is part of the effort to introduce more ways to listen to feedback.

Sepolia Developments

  • People have been asking, and now it’s ready:

RECAP: ENSIP14 Recognised - Dune Dashboard

  • ENSIP14 is a way for developers to add onchain analytics and note onchain where registrations are coming from.
    • While ENSIP14 has some concerns with other things, it is sufficient in supporting contract calls in Dune.
    • Check out the dune dashboard by @taytems (ENS | Twitter)
    • Furthercontext; the ‘unknown source’ prior to May 2023, accounts for registrations before labs and many others had implemented this.

ENS Labels by Node (ENS names with most subnames) - Dune Dashboard

  • The community was requesting a way to view 2LDs with the most subnames - this is now available via Dune Dashboard.
    • Further context: the first two rows represent count of .eth 2LDs on the ‘eth’ (TLD), and primary names records set as ‘addr.reverse’.

ENS swag at ETHCC

Get Text Records in Wagmi

  • Gregskril opened Pull Request for getting text records in Wagmi.
    • If implemented, alongside many other existing useful ENS hooks and tools, this will make all developers lives easier.

The Ledger Developer Experience

Canny Feature Request Dashboard

  • There is an ens.canny.io board for Feature Requests, Integrations and Reporting bugs.
  • Further discussion included reviewing the Canny Board weekly in Ecosystem Calls.

3. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

Upcoming Events

IRL in Paris

  • Register for the upcoming ENS Social Event at ETHCC Paris, on July 18th 6:30-10:30pm. Go to lu.ma/ensparis
    • Ping Limes if you’re having issues registering

:information_source: If you’d like to connect with ENS folks at these events, reach out in advance on Twitter or Telegram

4. Open space for additional topics

Questions about Name forwarding contracts

  • Ahmad Alfawwaz asked the community of solutions for connecting/forwarding ENS names to other ENS names through resolver contracts.
    • It was not known by those on call if there are any existing solutions – though sismo.io was shared for solution of verifying you own different alias accounts
    • Ahmad is interested in building out something for name forwarding contracts.

:exclamation: No Ecosystem WG Call next week :exclamation:

  • There is no WG call next week due to events of ETHCC.
    • Next call will resume Thursday 27th July 2023.

5. ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants

  • Ecosystem WG distributes larger grants on a rolling basis.
    • You can apply anytime with this deform. The evaluation process takes ~4 weeks, and unsuccessful applications can also reapply in future.