ENS / Gitcoin GR13 Grantees - Tell us about your project!

I thought it would be nice to have a space for those participating in the ENS Ecosystem Gitcoin Grant round to share what they are working on, and tell us a little bit about their project in a brief and non-spammy way. This way we can discuss our grant projects without the added request for donations and fear of sounding like shills.

Some suggested prompts…

What are you building?
What do you hope to achieve?
How can it benefit ENS and/or ENS DAO?
How much work still needs to be done?
How will your grant funding be used?

Thank you.


Well, as an update, my latest changes for the ERC-20 Votes With Override strategy are now merged into the Snapshot Labs repo, and should be live in a day or two on Snapshot.

To recap, the strategy will allow the same delegated voting power as the regular erc20-votes strategy, except that individual delegators can override their delegates without needing to perform any on-chain redelegation transactions.

So if you see your delegate vote differently than you want to on a Snapshot proposal, you can override it with your own vote. If your delegate doesn’t vote at all, you can still vote individually in that case too.

This could benefit not only ENS but other DAOs that use this same delegation system as well. Perhaps it can lead to more voter/community participation, and less hassle/fees for individual community members.

I’m also working on a script that will analyze a Snapshot proposal using this strategy, and report the “override” votes, and maybe a delta of how much the outcome was affected by individual overrides. Using information like this, space admins could decide whether they want to use a strategy like this on executable proposals (that will also have an on-chain vote) in addition to just social-only proposals.

I also go in depth about the strategy on the readme:


Your solution is absolutely brilliant. Like you have mentioned though, the only issue I foresee is a possible divergence between Snapshot & on chain voting for executables; but for social proposals I think it is a really great and creative solution. There may also be an issue if it is implemented in educating everyone about the new changes. Excellent work!


Thanks for asking. Here is my grant proposal. Also, right now it shows that a $1 donation gets a $30 match!


Your grant page already answers all of my questions here I see. :laughing:
Sounds like your doing some excellent work and I appreciate your contributions.


Thanks for starting this thread! I know we can read about the projects on GitCoin, but this is a little more personal.

I’d suggest you consider coordinating a discord group chat or maybe even better a Twitter Spaces specifically for the Grantees to talk about their projects. For example, during the DAO community office hours a week ago @coltron.eth spoke about the GitCoin grants briefly and posted links to the Twitter Spaces, and even though I had already made a donation to a project I support, his encouragement got me back on GitCoin looking at some of the other ENS related projects.


Thanks @daylon.eth for starting this thread!

Hello everyone, I’m stoked to share my project that’s live on the Gitcoin GR13 Main, ENS Ecosystem, and Radicle Ecosystem.

My grant /project is: State of the Mental Health of People in ENS Ecosystem - 💰 State of the Mental Health of People in ENS Ecosystem | Grants | Gitcoin

Short Version:

For this project, we focus on creating a resource that can be part of the foundation for all current and future ENS and ENS DAO tools, events, and policies.

The hubris of the people who created the foundations of web2 resulted in challenges to our mental health, including burnout, anxiety, depression. Why? Mental health was an afterthought.

This project centers on the people of the ENS and ENS DAO ecosystem. The creators of tools and procedures and the people impacted by these tools and procedures.

This research and report are on the current state of people’s mental health in the ENS and ENS DAO ecosystem. The intention is to design it to generate outcomes and action. We’re not publishing data to create yet another report that its intended audience will not use. Yes, we’re tired of those too.

While the focus is on the ENS and ENS DAO ecosystem, the report and insights will be available for public use to help other ecosystems. Our goal is generational change by centering on mental health today in web3, not ten years from now.

**Short Roadmap **

  • Research study
  • Publish report with data and insights
  • Publish recommended action items (qualitative and quantitative) for ENS and ENS DAO Ecosystem based on data and insights
  • Publish outcomes from actions items

My asks:

  • CONTRIBUTE to the grant
  • GET VERIFIED after completing your contribution to maximize the Trust Bonus for
  • AMPLIFY to more people to know about the grant and project. Example for Twitter:
  • YOU - please take care of you this week
    • Make time this week to step away from work. Do something that brings you joy that has nothing to do with digital technology.

I just gave one last round of donations to the projects that directly benefit ENS.
I hope it helps!! Thanks for everything that you all are doing.


At the conclusion of the round I would like to put out a special edition newsletter that discusses how much each of the ENS projects raised, what they will do with the funding, their thoughts on the process, etc. I think this would be a great way to provide transparency and I believe people would find it interesting. If anyone would like to have their project included, please let me know soon. Thank you.

(If you prefer, please DM or email me - daylon.eth@outlook.com)

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I’m up for it. Let me the the list of questions and deadline, and I’ll share in DM to not clutter up replies.

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