Updates on hackathons that ENS is participating in will be posted here.
Hackathon participation and prizes will be funded by the ENS Ecosystem working group unless stated otherwise.
If you have a question about hackathons, please reach out to myself or @alisha.eth .
ETHOnline by ETHGlobal
Date : 2nd September - 28th September
ENS Prizes : $10k
Apply : online.ethglobal.com
Applications Close : 30th August
Full twitter thread here: tweet
ETHGlobal - ETHSanFrancisco
Date: November 4 - 6, 2022
@Palace of Fine Arts
Register Here
Is anyone planning to attend or are have there been any teams been assembled?
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You can register as an individual and then participate in the dedicated team building session that will run on the Friday night. Hope you register!
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I missed the call on discord. I was more curious on how the event takes place as I have not been to an Ethereum event. I guess this is solely having your nose in your workstation for two days straight essentially, which is nothing abnormal for me–or most of us that is. I’m local so networking and showing face to anyone ‘Ethereum’ or ENS is exciting. Not too sure how useful I would be compared to vet dev talents. XD
There is another Twitter Space happening about ETHSanFrancisco.
Hey, Jacob from ETHGlobal here 
Nice to hear you’re thinking of joining us in San Francisco! The way that I think about our events is as a gathering of likeminded and like-goaled individuals. You’d be joined by over 1000 other developers and Web3 natives that are excited about the space, and with so much great talent and alignment, magic just happens 
There’s definitely a lot of nose-in-workstation hacking, but I recommend working with a team (we have dedicated team building and idea generation sessions on Day 1) and also meeting as many people as possible.
You can get a sense of the schedule/flow of the event on the website schedule: https://sf.ethglobal.com
ETHSanFrancisco ENS teams
If anyone is hacking at ETHSanFrancisco, please jump into this thread if you’re interested in building a team, or have spots on an existing team, and hopefully we can connect some people who are interested in building ENS projects 
@lucemans @gregskril @Coltron.eth @validator.eth