Time/Day: 5PM UTC (12PM ET)(6PM CET) every Thursday
Meet Link:
- Welcome ALL
- Miscellaneous ENS updates of general interest
- ENS x Octant PG Round - Giveth and Octant join us to launch the round + talk about key dates and next steps
- Open floor for all questions, proposals and other presentations etc.
1. Welcome ALL 
Quick Lego banter. xD
Quick agenda overview.
2. Miscellaneous ENS updates of general interest
Event at ETH Denver
- Partnered with Linea
- Co-hosting βLinea after Darkβ event
- Join now: Luma link
Applications updates
- Public Goods team will be going through the pending applications and providing feedback to those builders.
- Accessor payment processed and sent out
- Update on Large Grants: [Report] Large Grants Articles - #4 by letfrz
3. ENS x Octant PG Round - Giveth and Octant join us to launch the round + talk about key dates and next steps
Yegor from Giveth shared updates about the round
- Applications are accepted from Feb 19 - March 17 and the QF Round and donations will be from March 18th till April 1st.
- Eligibility and focus: Infra, utility, and education
- Open source - not a hard requirement but desirable
- Should be a mandatory field asking if the project is open source or not
- 80k USDC pool for builders
DeVouch: Vouching for projects
- ENS and Octane teams will vouch for and verify projects.
- Trusted parties vouch by minting on-chain attestations via DeVouch
- Those interested in becoming a voucher should contact the speaker.
- Interested in adding representatives from Octan and the ENS team on the platform
- Choosing trusted people to vouch for projects and reduce spam and focus on high-quality projects
- If youβre interested in becoming a verifier, check out this link.
- Expect marketing resources, cross-promotion, cross-marketing activities, Twitter spaces, etc.
4. Open floor for all questions, proposals and other presentations etc.
- Anonymous Q&A app
- Previously used at DevCon and ETH Zurich.
- Fully open source
- Next step is to expand with more functionality
- Suggestion for Meerkat to apply to the Giveth x Octan round!
- And check out Builder Grants:
- Example for ENS Public Goods Call.
Reports on Public goods grants
- Review of the 15 articles posted over the last couple of months by @letfrz and @estmcmxci.
- The articles are about past grantees and what they have contributed to the ecosystem.
- Check it out: [Report] Large Grants Articles - #4 by letfrz