2025 ENS Public Goods WG Weekly Calls
Time/Day : 5pm UTC (12pm ET) every Thursday (an hour earlier than last term )
Call Link : https://meet.google.com/ktn-gmrs-fzj
2025 Stewards : @Coltron.eth (ENS | Twitter/X ), @simona_pop (ENS | Twitter/X ), @Sov (ENS | Twitter/X )
The ENS Public Goods Working Group holds weekly calls. The calls are open to community members and the general public. An agenda will be posted for each call along with call summaries.
The ENS Public Goods Working Group calls are led by the Public Goods stewards on a rolling basis for the beginning of the year, they will be lead by @simona_pop . If you need to get in touch, please message on the forum.
If you have items that you would like to add to the weekly agenda please message any of the ENS Public Goods stewards (@Coltron.eth , @simona_pop , or @Sov ) through the messaging feature on this forum.
A link to the calendar for all working group calls can be found here .
Weekly calls for Term 6 will start on January 9th, 2025.
Time/Day : 5PM UTC (12PM ET)(6PM CET) every Thursday
Meet Link : https://meet.google.com/ktn-gmrs-fzj
If you would like to add anything, just post as a reply here if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion live during the call.
Welcome ALL
Miscellaneous ENS updates of general interest
Intro to Term 6 stewards
Plans for 2025
Large Grantee Updates: Gashawk
Open floor for all questions, proposals and other presentations etc.
Public Goods Meeting, January 9, 2025
Time: Thursdays at 12pm ET (5pm UTC)
Google Meet link: meet.google.com/iko-moej-rxc
Stewards: @coltron.eth (ENS | X ) @simona_pop (ENS | X ), @sov (ENS | X )
If you would like to add anything, just post as a reply on the forum. If you want to present or raise a topic for discussion ask live during the call.
Miscellaneous ENS updates of general interest
Intro to Term 6 Stewards
Plans for 2025
Large Grantee Updates: Gashawk
Open floor
19 Participants in meeting
1. Welcome
Excited for 2025! Hope everyone had a lovely break
2. Miscellaneous ENS updates of general interest
3. Intro to Term 6 Stewards
Simona and Coltron previous stewards, new steward is @sov :
Been working in/around crypto since 2016
Work on the team at Gitcoin
Systems integrator and board president of a non-profit before crypto
Super excited to be part of the team
4. Plans for 2025
Expand upon/tweak Builder platform launched last year
All feedback gathered constantly fed to BG team to make improvements, including grants for teams that require extra large funds
Working to identify cadence for reviewing submissions since don’t have seasons anymore
Events: Still working on the calendar, Coltron and Sov will be at ETH Denver
Possible public goods engagement at DevConnect
5. Large Grantee Updates: Gashawk.io
Daniel Hannum, Daniel Pfeffer, and Sohan Jagtap presenting
Received large grant in Q3 and completed final milestones in December
Blob-Based Execution Services
If posting call data or blobs, gas hawk can put onchain in gas efficient way
Allows Layer 2 sequencer operators to enhance network efficiency as the demand for blobs starts to accelerate
Cost of blob submissions can be considerable, so improving transaction efficiency has large impact on expenses
Can test sending blobs to GasHawk now; don’t have to worry about timing blob submissions GasHawk takes care of it for you
Paymaster (demoing smart contract on Sepolia)
Previously, users needed ETH to cover costs; now, smart contract wallets can initiate transactions without holding the native token
GasHawk build a paymaster service to enhance Dapp, Chain, and wallet user acquisition by offering sponsored transaction fees to new users.
Developed bundler and relayer services that streamline the transaction process, connecting user initiation with blockchain finalization, ultimately improving cross chain transaction management efficiency.
Allows improved use of ENS auto-renew, can even sponsor renewals
Supporting article that details Gashawk’s milestone update (h/t leticiaferraz.eth): GasHawk: Improving OnChain Transaction Efficiency | Grants
@coltron.eth : Thanks for being a super proactive large grantee, final grant was paid
6. Open Floor
Looking forward to a great 2025!
Subscribe to ens dao newsletter to stay up to date on all working group + labs updates: ENS DAO Newsletter
Notes by @don.nie
Time/Day : 5PM UTC (12PM ET)(6PM CET) every Thursday
Meet Link : https://meet.google.com/fyt-qcrb-tth - different link
If you would like to add anything, just post as a reply here if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion live during the call.
Welcome ALL
Miscellaneous ENS updates of general interest
Update on Builder Grants
Large Grantee Updates: Urbe.eth
Open floor for all questions, proposals and other presentations etc.
January 16, 2025, 8:03pm
Time: Thursdays at 12pm ET (5pm UTC)
Google Meet link: https://meet.google.com/fyt-qcrb-tth
Stewards: @coltron.eth (ENS | X ) @simona_pop (ENS | X ), @sov (ENS | X )
If you would like to add anything, just post as a reply on the forum. If you want to present or raise a topic for discussion ask live during the call.
Welcome ALL
Miscellaneous ENS updates of general interest
Update on Builder Grants
Large Grantee Updates: Urbe.eth
Open floor for all questions, proposals and other presentations etc.
Reminder to subscribe to the DAO Calendar .
1. Welcome ALL
2. Miscellaneous ENS updates of general interest
ENS Revenue report posted on the forum, detailing total ENS revenue from different sources (registration fees, temporary premium, and DeFi returns from the endowment.)
Revenue is consistent with the last quarter.
ENS will be at ETH Denver. No other announcements yet, but the new merch is coming to ETH Denver.
Review of all submissions completed!
Applicants received feedback: approved, rejected, or requests for more information.
Status of applications visible on the main dashboard.
Improvements are being made to the application process with BuildGuidl.
Investigating the addition of USDC for larger grants.
Increasing the maximum request amount to 10 ETH temporarily.
FAQ to be added to the platform.
Will cover evaluation criteria and valid application requirements.
4. Large Grantee Updates: Urbe.eth
Presented by Simone, co-founder of Urbe.eth.
Organized 6 campuses, 3 supported by ENS DAO (Warsaw, ETHRome, and Devcon),
Organized 7 hackehouses in total, and 1 international hackathon (ETH Rome) with +300 developers involved.
ENS Supported Urbe Campus which gathered more than 500 developers around the world.
Focused on onboarding new developers to Web3 and ENS.
Improved resources and educational practices based on Developer needs through iteration across all these initiatives.
Big news : opening their own coworking space in Italy! And the ENS community is welcome to come!
New Roadmap is released: lots of Campuses planned for 2025
ETHRome — 11-13th April will be a hackathon.
Tracks: privacy, finance, AI
Urbe Village announced — similar to a pop-up city, organized in Rome for 10 days!
Full presentation: Urbe ENS Call .
Join Urbe Hub Opening event in Rome
Supporting article covering urbe.eth’s milestone update
Cooking more stuff for 2025.
5. Open Floor for questions, proposals, other presentations
Glo Dollar Temp Check discussion.
Proposal regarding a 20% conversion of ENS DAO USDC stablecoins to be converted to USDGLO.
Griff was mentioned as a potential sponsor of the proposal.
USDC to USDGLO pool suggested to earn more trading fees.
Next step is to put forth a formal proposal.
Seeking feedback on the proposal before formal submission.
Integrating GLOUSD won’t prevent ENS DAO from using Octan as per Lana’s explanation.
Stats on GLO Dollar:
Market Cap: 3.7M
Anticipated increase in market cap due to upcoming launches on new chains.
Fully backed 1:1
Public Goods Funding:
Discussion on using idle assets to fund public goods projects.
Glo Dollar operates as a nonprofit, donating 100% of profits.
Market cap growth correlates with increased funding for public goods.
Voting mechanism: “one gold dollar equals one vote.”
@estmcmxci suggested presenting the proposal to other working groups as well, MetaGov primarily.
Inquiry about what an executable proposal would look like.
Suggestion to provide call data for easier execution.
Next Steps
Agreement to attend Meta Governance calls based on feedback.
Discussion on practical implications of public goods access to USD GLOW.
Interest in ensuring a win-win situation for the community and public goods.
Time/Day : 5PM UTC (12PM ET)(6PM CET) every Thursday
Meet Link : https://meet.google.com/fyt-qcrb-tth
If you would like to add anything, just post as a reply here if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion live during the call.
Welcome ALL
Miscellaneous ENS updates of general interest
Builder Grants updates
Octant team join us for updates on 2025 roadmap & collab opportunities
Open floor for all questions, proposals and other presentations etc.
January 23, 2025, 11:13pm
Time/Day: 5PM UTC (12PM ET)(6PM CET) every Thursday
Meet Link: https://meet.google.com/fyt-qcrb-tth
Welcome ALL
Miscellaneous ENS updates of general interest
Builder Grants updates
Octant team join us for updates on 2025 roadmap & collab opportunities
Open floor for all questions, proposals and other presentations etc.
1. Welcome all
Introducing the agenda for the public goods call
Discussing “GM” and crypto culture… realizing we’re crypto old.
2. Miscellaneous ENS updates of general interest
A lot of ENS labs and Linea people are IRL doing big discussions around Namechain
The ENS Event at ETH Denver will be partnering with Linea to bring everyone together to party!
ENS event date – February 28th
3. Builder Grants updates
Platform update:
hoping FAQ will go live soon.
USDC payments for larger applications/grants: new contract required to implement
Important for projects needed bigger level of support + accounting reasons
Going through new applications that are coming through and the quality is getting better
Exploring automating application reviews
4. Octant team join us for updates on 2025 roadmap & collab opportunities
Ben intro – head of product at Octant
First set of tooling is in audit process, going live hopefuly around March 11
Plans to build out grants tooling and make Octant V1 accessible for other organizations
GLM Locks go away with V2
------------ Octan Presentation Link —-----------
Thesis: How do we generate Sustainable public goods funding through yield (staked ETH, ENS, tokens)?
Allow communities such as ENS to use their token to give yield to token holders or anyone else.
Funding and Public Goods
Generated yield from 100,000 staked ETH for public goods.
Funded approximately $5 million towards 65 projects in the ecosystem.
Focus on open-source public goods.
Goal: build a community-driven vehicle for capital deployment.
Focus on Ethereum and EVM.
Value Proposition
Align ecosystem players and foster cooperation.
Put treasury to work while maintaining control.
Stabilize token value and enable community-driven funding
Octan Model
Connect capital accumulation and allocation strategies
5% of funding must go into the sustainability pool
Funds projects beneficial to the Ethereum ecosystem
Governance involved in determining Ethereum public goods
Capital Allocators receive voting powere based on commitment to the sustainability pool
Challenges of onchain governance and impact evaluation were brought up
Centralization and External Influence
Initial governance structure will be centralized
Trust in team decision-making to onboard capital and reduce supermajority
Concerns about external entities like Tron
Governing council can reject undesirable tokens
Accepting significant funding from entities with different values
Risk and downside protection
Risk and Downside Protection
Downside protection ensures principal is protected until yield is burned.
Riskier strategies may impact yield but not principal.
Concerns about inertia in DAO votes due to complexity.
Other notes
There no existing models currently comparable to the proposed system
Mention of Ocean Protocol as a past experiment with similar funding strategies
Current focus on accumulation: individuals with significant financial resources
5. Open floor for all questions, proposals and other presentations etc.
Wrapped up.
Time/Day : 5PM UTC (12PM ET)(6PM CET) every Thursday
Meet Link : https://meet.google.com/fyt-qcrb-tth
If you would like to add anything, just post as a reply here if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion live during the call.
Welcome ALL
Miscellaneous ENS updates of general interest
Builder Grants updates
Giveth round announcement - happening March 2025
Open floor for all questions, proposals and other presentations etc.
January 30, 2025, 5:57pm
Time/Day: 5PM UTC (12PM ET)(6PM CET) every Thursday
Meet Link: https://meet.google.com/fyt-qcrb-tth
Welcome ALL
Miscellaneous ENS updates of general interest
Builder Grants updates
Giveth round announcement - happening March 2025
Open floor for all questions, proposals and other presentations etc.
1. Welcome ALL
… to the weekly dose of public good goodness - @simona_pop
Wishing a warm welcome to James – new Head of Growth at ENS Labs
James introduced himself.
Previously worked at Consensys, Metamask, Mirror, and other companies.
Experienced in PR and understanding the crypto space.
Interested in public goods and open-source protocols.
Welcomes recommendations for books on DNS and ICANN.
James shared his article called “30 oblique thoughts, principles, quotes, and questions for thriving in web3 ”.
You can meet James at ETH Denver if you’re going!
2. Miscellaneous ENS updates of general interest
Currently, there are two votes live.
Convert 6,000 ETH to USDC for DAO Operating Expenses
Endowment Expansion (Third Tranche)
Quick proposals review available here , written by @estmcmxci .
Vote here: https://dao.ens.gregskril.com/
Metagov and Ecosystem released budgets
Ecosystem budget available here .
Metagov budget available here .
Events, Hackathons and Spaces
ENS Event in Denver on February 28th, partnering with the Linea team.
ETH Taipei will be the first hackathon in 2025.
Announced first 5 places for hackathons
ETHGlobal Taipei – April
ETHGlobal Cannes – July
ETHGlobal New York – August
ETHGlobal New Delhi – September
ETHGlobal Devconnect – November
@gregskril - Going on a Twitter space with EF to talk about ENS, ENSv2, Namechain, etc.
3. Builder Grants updates
New FAQ live to streamline applications.
Figuring out how to route incoming applications to Public Goods and Ecosystem based on what they are better qualified for.
USDC payment issue is being fixed
Budget Update
Delay in creating the first half of the 2025 budget.
Need to support changes and improve the platform for a straightforward granting process.
Updates will be provided on timelines and implications.
4. Giveth round announcement - happening March 2025
We’ll be running the Giveth round
Octan will match the donation pool ENS DAO is putting
Aiming for it to happen on March
Coordination with Octan and Giveth teams ongoing
5. Open floor for all questions, proposals and other presentations etc.
Discussion on GLO dollar proposal.
Suggestion to run the Giveth round with GLO USD instead of USDC.
GLO dollar has a good relationship with Giveth.
The Glo Dollar team is working on the new Proposal which will summarize feedback and include a clean version for clarity.
Proposal to swap 80k USDC to USDGLO?
Curation and Application Process
Working on eligibility criteria and curation for the Giveth round.
More details will be on the forum for community feedback.
Launch is tentatively scheduled for the second week of March
This timing allows people to settle back after ETH Denver and travel.
Discussion with Octant regarding the use of Glo Dollar over USDC will be initiated.
Time/Day : 5PM UTC (12PM ET)(6PM CET) every Thursday
Meet Link : https://meet.google.com/fyt-qcrb-tth
If you would like to add anything, just post as a reply here if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion live during the call.
Welcome ALL
Miscellaneous ENS updates of general interest
H1 2025 budget on the forum
Giveth ENS x Octant round update - applications will be live week of March 10th
Open floor for all questions, proposals and other presentations etc.
February 6, 2025, 7:57pm
Time/Day: 5PM UTC (12PM ET)(6PM CET) every Thursday
Meet Link: https://meet.google.com/fyt-qcrb-tth
Welcome ALL
Miscellaneous ENS updates of general interest
H1 2025 budget on the forum
Giveth ENS x Octant round update - applications will be live week of March 10th
Open floor for all questions, proposals and other presentations etc.
1. Welcome all
ETH Zurich review by @clowes.eth from Unruggable where @Premm.eth presented.
600 attendees at ETH Zurich
Met and talked with lots of attendees.
2. Miscellaneous ENS updates of general interest
Announced Luma link for the ENS event at ETH Denver.
Reminder to register early.
3. H1 2025 budget on the forum
Budget Discussion
First half of 2025 budget posted on the forum .
Delay was due to ensuring USDC for builder grants.
Plans for special grants to support larger initiatives.
Aiming for more meaningful contributions in the public goods space
Focusing on projects with real impact!
4. Giveth ENS x Octan round update
Application will be live at the week of March 10th
Giving space to refresh from ETH Denver
Giveth and Octant team will be on the call next week
Timelines, requirements, and other specifics + answering the questions
Focus on rewarding real impact projects.
5. Open floor
Rewarding Contributions
Acknowledgment of rewarding individuals for contributions outside of their official duties.
Discussion around the bug bounty program.
Importance of setting a good precedent for appreciation of contributions.
Quick resolution of issues by the Build Guild team was noted.
Highlighted @accessor.eth ’s reward for meaningful contributions to the DAO.
General bug bounty information: Bug Bounties | ENS Docs
Strategic Grants and Advocacy
Proposal for strategic grants larger than current offerings.
Conversations with Jeremy from the Ethereum Foundation regarding potential partnerships.
Funding political action or advocacy groups brought up for discussion.
DRC - advocacy group mentioned
Inquiry into community interest in supporting such initiatives.
Suggestion to invite advocacy groups for presentations on the weekly call
Potential for collaboration with others such as Coinbase.
Call recaps are posted on the forum and in the Twitter Thread by @cap .
Time/Day : 5PM UTC (12PM ET)(6PM CET) every Thursday
Meet Link : https://meet.google.com/fyt-qcrb-tth
If you would like to add anything, just post as a reply here if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion live during the call.
Welcome ALL
Miscellaneous ENS updates of general interest
ENS x Octant PG Round - Giveth and Octant join us to launch the round + talk about key dates and next steps
Open floor for all questions, proposals and other presentations etc.
1 Like
February 13, 2025, 6:08pm
Time/Day: 5PM UTC (12PM ET)(6PM CET) every Thursday
Meet Link: https://meet.google.com/fyt-qcrb-tth
Welcome ALL
Miscellaneous ENS updates of general interest
ENS x Octant PG Round - Giveth and Octant join us to launch the round + talk about key dates and next steps
Open floor for all questions, proposals and other presentations etc.
1. Welcome ALL
Quick Lego banter. xD
Quick agenda overview.
2. Miscellaneous ENS updates of general interest
Event at ETH Denver
Partnered with Linea
Co-hosting “Linea after Dark” event
Join now: Luma link
Applications updates
3. ENS x Octant PG Round - Giveth and Octant join us to launch the round + talk about key dates and next steps
Yegor from Giveth shared updates about the round
Notion page - Round Overview
Applications are accepted from Feb 19 - March 17 and the QF Round and donations will be from March 18th till April 1st.
Eligibility and focus: Infra, utility, and education
Open source - not a hard requirement but desirable
Should be a mandatory field asking if the project is open source or not
80k USDC pool for builders
DeVouch : Vouching for projects
ENS and Octane teams will vouch for and verify projects.
Trusted parties vouch by minting on-chain attestations via DeVouch
Those interested in becoming a voucher should contact the speaker.
Interested in adding representatives from Octan and the ENS team on the platform
Choosing trusted people to vouch for projects and reduce spam and focus on high-quality projects
If you’re interested in becoming a verifier, check out this link .
Expect marketing resources, cross-promotion, cross-marketing activities, Twitter spaces, etc.
4. Open floor for all questions, proposals and other presentations etc.
Reports on Public goods grants
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Time/Day : 5PM UTC (12PM ET)(6PM CET) every Thursday
Meet Link : https://meet.google.com/fyt-qcrb-tth
If you would like to add anything, just post as a reply here if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion live during the call.
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February 20, 2025, 7:55pm
Time/Day: 5PM UTC (12PM ET)(6PM CET) every Thursday
Meet Link: https://meet.google.com/fyt-qcrb-tth
1. Welcome ALL
Weekly dose of public goods goodness.
2. Miscellaneous ENS updates of general interest
No call next week due to ETH Denver
Linea x ENS event
Register and join us for Linea After Dark
Spanish and Portugees added to the ENS app
Mely.eth joined the ENS Labs team
3. ENS x Octant PG Round is LIVE
DRC Discussion with Connor
Connor shared a deck about the DRC’s work.
Connor’s background:
Worked with Polychain.
Co-founded the Blockchain Association.
Has worked in various roles in the crypto space.
Has been advising foundations on advocacy, including the Ethereum Foundation.
DRC work and collaboration
DRC hosted events with Bankless at Stanford, Cornell, Harvard, the University of Tokyo, the University of Toronto, etc.
The idea was to aggregate information about DAOs and open-source it.
The goal is to build narratives that policymakers can understand about why decentralization is important.
Six months ago, along with the Ethereum Foundation, realized the need for a stronger DC presence.
Aiming to influence policy changes in the next two years, including stablecoin bill, SEC regulations, etc.
Attending events focused on blockchain policy is key for involvement.
Sending drafts to the SEC and publishing pieces on decentralization standards for L1 blockchains and applications is important.
Addressing the Gap in D.C. – building a coalition of like-minded organizations with shared values to directly influence decision-makers.
Full Stack Advocacy (as a service)
Addressing the lack of sophistication in trade associations that often side with Exchanges.
Developing compelling narratives for policymakers, and supporting them with research and lobbying efforts.
They often lack understanding of blockchain, so education and presence are crucial.
DRC’s Role and Importance
Ripple is described as the “Empire,” while DRC is the “Rebel Alliance,” highlighting the disparity in resources.
Many organizations are hesitant to engage with the government due to past experiences, such as being sued by the SEC.
DRC and ENS Alignment
DRC is well-aligned with ENS, with the Ethereum Foundation as its primary funder, providing $2 million in matching funds.
The goal is to align client organizations and fund a vehicle that can effectively advocate and get results.
Defining Success for ENS
Success involves working with Congress and the SEC to create rules that incentivize decentralization and push out bad actors.
This would improve the crypto ecosystem’s reputation and minimize PR damage.
The aim is to build a sustainable industry that incentivizes useful activities, ensuring longevity and preventing a complete crackdown by future administrations.
5. Open floor for all questions, proposals and other presentations etc.
1 Like
Time/Day : 5PM UTC (12PM ET)(6PM CET) every Thursday
Meet Link : https://meet.google.com/fyt-qcrb-tth
If you would like to add anything, just post as a reply here if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion live during the call.
Welcome ALL
Miscellaneous ENS updates of general interest
ENS x Octant PG Round application form here
Urbe join us to chat about a new project
SheFi join us to chat about the growth since being a recipient of PG Small Grants
DRC funding update
Open floor for all questions, proposals and other presentations etc.
March 6, 2025, 8:51pm
Time/Day: 5PM UTC (12PM ET)(6PM CET) every Thursday
Meet Link: https://meet.google.com/fyt-qcrb-tth
If you would like to add anything, just post as a reply here if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion live during the call.
Welcome ALL
Miscellaneous ENS updates of general interest
ENS x Octant PG Round application form here
Urbe join us to chat about a new project
SheFi join us to chat about the growth since being a recipient of PG Small Grants
DRC funding update
Open floor for all questions, proposals and other presentations etc.
1. Welcome ALL
Welcome to your weekly dose of public goodness.
2. Miscellaneous ENS updates of general interest
Last week no call because of ETH Denver
Great time with ENS and Linea at the event
The next event is the hackathon at ETH Taipei
After that, it’s ethCC:
Nick’s thoughts on the Service Provider Program posted on the forum .
The application for the ENS Octant Public Goods Grants round on Giveth is live.
A catch-up meeting with both teams is scheduled for next week to discuss application progress and key dates.
4. Urbe join us to chat about a new project
Urbe is a community based in Rome, recently opened a Web3 Hub in Italy, and runs educational programs and hackathons.
Learned a lot during their Urbe campus efforts last year.
They improved the format and agenda of educational programs and boot camps.
They gathered feedback on tooling and frameworks used during hands-on workshops for teaching solidity and front-end development.
New campuses are being planned for the coming year in collaboration with various communities.
Locations include Prague, Naples, Warsaw, Catania, Rome, Barcelona, and Buenos Aires during DevConnect.
Urbe will be hosting more campuses in Italy, focusing on providing resources in Italian.
Already planning new campuses for this year
8 campuses in total (3 in Italy, 5 abroad)
400+ devs engaged
Plans to engage with local Ethereum communities
Supporting more students
All activities are public goods, including recorded lessons and open-source repositories.
Full presentation: UrbeCampus - 2025 plans - ENS Call - Google Slides
5. SheFi join us to chat about the growth since being a recipient of PG Small Grants
Maggie thanks the ENS for the grant given to SheFi in 2023.
The grant made a huge difference and helped with growth.
SheFi’s motto is “the frontier is feminine”.
SheFi was started in 2019 to empower professional women and non-binary folks to succeed in frontier industries.
“Public information doesn’t equal inclusive .”
SheFi’s Growth and Offerings
Goal - get their community hired in Web3
9,000 members in 100 countries and around 40,000 social followers.
SheFi summits are career-based and anyone is welcome to join.
SheFi offers career support through workshops and building relationships with recruiters.
Also, offers live and recorded instruction, hands-on demos, and peer support.
SheFi Curriculum
Infrastructure: Blockchains, wallet setup, and scaling networks.
DeFi: Stablecoins, lending, DEXes, and staking.
Consumer NFTs, governance, and DAOs.
The governance course was built out with funding from ENS Public Goods.
Web3Social and AI.
There are currently over 1130 applications.
The MBA for Crypto: 8 weeks long live and recorded sessions + quests etc.
Content, community, career.
Collaboration with Namespace for Subnames
6. DRC funding update
The DRC shared their work and plans for the next two years on the previous call.
Good Twitter Thread by the ENS DAO account about DRC and Advocacy.
A decision was made to fund them with 150k, with access to matching funding of the same amount, totaling 300k.
Regular updates on fund spending will be provided.
A representative from ENS Labs is expected to attend their summit in April.
The funding aims to support their educational work with policymakers.
7. Open floor for all questions, proposals and other presentations etc.
Commons Space
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