2025 H1 Budget: Public Goods Working Group


The Public Good Stewards have allocated a $343,480 and 23 ETH budget for H1 2024. The current balance of the Public Goods multisig contains $343,480 USDC and 24.59 ETH.

The budget for H1 2025 utilises funds rolled-over from 2024. The Public Goods working group expects to put forward a budget request during the April funding window.

Term 6 Q1/Q2 2025 Budget

Category USDC ETH
Builder Grants 80,000 23
Giveth Round 50,000 0
Strategic Grants 160,000 0
Events 22,000 0
Discretionary 31,480 0
Total 343,480 23

Category Descriptions

  • Builder Grants - The Builder Grants platform will continue to be funded with ETH, ensuring sustained ongoing support for applicants.

    This section also includes the initial development costs of the current BG platform and for creating a brand new contract and funding flow that enables the delivery of larger grants in USDC. Based on feedback gathered from the community and during the weekly PG calls, a call for USDC disbursements and flow has become a priority in ensuring the platform achieves the goals we set out during the ideation and initial build phase. The focus remains on refining the grant distribution process and expanding the accessibility of funds to builders at all stages of project development. Estimated launch of the new contract and flow is slated for March/April 2025.*

    *the slight delay in H1 budget posting was due to ensuring these development costs were clear and accounted for

  • Giveth Round - Funding will be allocated to support a Giveth round in March 2025 in partnership with Octant. The costs are split between ENS PG WG and Octant and the total pool for the partnership round is 80,000 USDC. Details on the round will be published as logistics are firmed up.

  • Strategic Grants - Strategic grants are targeted towards significant projects in the broader Ethereum ecosystem. This grant category allows the working group to explore relationships with grantees with grant sizes not currently serviceable by the Builder Grants platform. Awards in this category are expected to be greater than 50k USDC and limited in distribution. Details on this grant pathway will be clarified later in Q1/Q2.

  • Events - The working group will provide support to Public Goods events and hackathons. Funds have included expenses due to the ENS DAO participation in events or where our presence have been deemed mandatory (judging, panels, speaking).

    The current earmarked events for H1 are*:

    *We are continuously exploring last minute opportunities for expanding the public goods conversation in a meaningful way so this list may be added to for H1 and any such collaborations will be covered by the discretionary budget above.

  • Discretionary - The funds in this category are reserved for additional grant opportunities and expenses that arise. This ensures adaptability in funding decisions and the ability to support initiatives that align with the DAO’s broader mission. Spending in this category is at the discretion of the working group stewards.

Current Public Goods Wallet Balances

main.pg.wg.ens 24.6 343,480 200