☎️ ENS Public Goods – Weekly Meeting: 1pm ET (5pm UTC), Thursday – Term 5

Public Goods Meeting, June 27, 2024


Time: Thursdays at 1pm ET (6pm UTC)
Google Meet link: meet.google.com/iko-moej-rxc

Stewards: @vegayp (ENS | X), @coltron.eth (ENS | X), @simona_pop (ENS | X)

:information_source: The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call.


  1. Welcome
  2. Core ENS updates and announcements
  3. Upcoming Events
  4. EthMexico Update
  5. Grants Update
  6. Lead Steward Update
  7. Open floor

18 Participants in meeting

1. Welcoming

  • Any questions/concerns reach out to the stewards
  • The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in Discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call

2. Core ENS updates and announcements

3. Upcoming Events

4. EthMexico Update

Bricia Guzman presenting EthMexico

  • Why ENS public goods should support
    • Communities are a public good and this is a public good led event, people who attended last year’s event are now part of the organizing team
    • Seek self-sustainability through participation in own infrastructure
    • Education is a public good, entire agenda is focused on Ethereum and primary language will be Spanish
    • Opportunity for many people to attend their first Ethereum event
    • New communities have emerged as a result of side events
    • Boosts careers of those who attend
    • Tickets low cost or free as a result of sponsorships
  • Eduardo: Recommend ways to incentivize more women, students, and developers to attend the event
  • Speakers half men and half women
  • Support other communities in Latin America, open to collaborate with anyone who wants to collaborate
  • Stewards will create Telegram group to continue conversation

5. Grants Update

Small Grants

  • Not active right now

Large Grants

6. Lead Steward Update

  • Simona will take over as lead steward for second half of the year

7. Open floor

None this week

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Notes by @don.nie

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