Public Goods Meeting, July 25, 2024
Time: Thursdays at 1pm ET (6pm UTC)
Google Meet link:
Stewards: @simona_pop (ENS | X), @vegayp (ENS | X), @coltron.eth (ENS | X)
If you would like to add anything, just post as a reply on the forum. If you want to present or raise a topic for discussion ask live during the call.
- Welcome
- Miscellaneous ENS updates of general interest
- Joined ENS Radio to chat about the ETHGlobal Partnership : tl,dr PG & Ecosystem working groups worked with ETHGlobal to provide anyone who hacks in 2024 with their preferred name, completely free
- DAO Tokyo update
- Large Grants update
- Open floor
17 Participants in meeting
1. Welcome
2. Miscellaneous ENS updates of general interest
- BitWise using ENS to provide transparency around where holding ETH for ETH ETFS:
3. Joined ENS Radio to chat about the ETHGlobal Partnership
- tl,dr PG & Ecosystem working groups worked with ETHGlobal to provide anyone who hacks in 2024 with their preferred name, completely free for a year
4. DAO Tokyo Update
- Public Goods sponsoring, will also be at ETH Tokyo supporting the hackathon and judging
- Aug 23-26
5. Large Grants update
- Applications closed last Thursday
- 55 applications, surpassing last round by 5
- Stewards reviewing in Questbook app, providing feedback to Questbook as using for the first time, Questbook quickly making changes to make reviewing fit PG criteria
- Hoping to have reviews finalized tomorrow
- Plan to make announcement of winners early next week
6. Open Floor
- Voting period results:
- Payout to ETH Mexico completed, will top-up Perpetual Goods Bounty once have completed Large Grants review
- Stewards will notify people who will not receive PG bounty, not just notify the winners
- Q: Timeline for next small grants?
- A: Still TBD, stewards will sync to discuss
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Notes by @don.nie