ENSIP-X: Secure Off-chain Metadata Update (SOMU)

Hello ENS Developers,

We are reaching out from the engineering team at JustaName, a dedicated provider of off-chain solutions. Throughout our journey crafting and refining JustaName, we have stumbled upon some pivotal security enhancements that could significantly fortify the integrity of off-chain solutions, specifically in the arena of user metadata modification.

Given the critical nature of these enhancements and their potential to bolster ENSā€™s robust security framework, we felt compelled to draft a detailed proposal that outlines our findings and the possible pathways for their implementation.

This document is not just a proposal, but an invitation for collaboration and constructive dialogue. We deeply value the expertise and vision of the ENS development community and believe that together, we can achieve groundbreaking advancements in off-chain solution security.

We eagerly anticipate your feedback and insights on this proposal. Your critique and suggestions would not only enrich this initiative but also set a precedent for collaborative progress in our shared ecosystem.

Thank you for considering our proposal. We are looking forward to your valuable feedback and hopefully, and to the opportunity of working closely with the ENS developers community to make these enhancements a reality.

PR for this proposal can be found here:

JustaName Twitter Profile:

ENSIP-X: Secure Off-chain Metadata Update (SOMU)

Author JustHadi.eth (hadi@justalab.co), JustGhadi.eth (ghadi@justalab.co)
Status Draft
Submitted 2024-02-14


This ENS Improvement Proposal (ENSIP) details a secure protocol for the update of metadata linked with Ethereum Name Service (ENS) names, maintained in Off-chain decentralized storage/databases . The proposal aims to establish a standardized message format for updating metadata, enhancing security and user awareness during the update process.
It focuses on ensuring that users are fully informed of the changes being proposed to their metadata, ultimately aiming to safeguard against unauthorized modifications that could, for instance, redirect a userā€™s ENS name to a malicious address without their knowledge. Such unauthorized changes could mislead people into sending funds or sensitive information to unintended destinations, highlighting the critical need for enhanced security measures in the management of off-chain metadata.


With the rising adoption of Ethereum and related technologies like the Ethereum Name Service (ENS), thereā€™s a growing need for standardized protocols that ensure secure interactions between users and Off-chain data. The Sign-In With Ethereum (SIWE) protocol has been instrumental in facilitating Off-chain authentication across the Ethereum ecosystem. The objective of this proposal is to standardize the process of modifying Off-chain metadata, enhancing user understanding and control while maintaining robust security protocols.

Although the Sign-In With Ethereum protocol has paved the way for secure interactions involving Off-chain data, its current design overlooks a critical aspect of data authenticity; SIWE verifies the legitimacy of the signer and ensures the validity period of the signature has not lapsed. However, it does not validate the information being updated, which becomes a serious concern when it comes to modifying off-chain metadata. This means that a post request sent to a backend may differ significantly from the userā€™s expectations and yet, under the existing SIWE framework, still be deemed as valid due to its valid signature. Given the rising importance of off-chain ENS technologies, it is crucial to establish a new specification that extends the security and usability principles of SIWE to this critical component of ENS metadata modification.

By adopting a SIWE-like message and signature mechanism, users can explicitly consent to specific changes in their metadata, thus fortifying the process against malicious attempts and hacks. Unlike the current SIWE signature that can be used for multiple operations, the proposed signature serves as a one-time validation for each update, thereby preventing any potential misuse. Sensitive data such as addresses embedded in metadata are of critical importance since they are often used by clients to determine the destination of fund transfers. Therefore, a one-time-use signature provides a safer solution, as it ensures that any alteration to this sensitive information matches exactly with the userā€™s intent, reducing risks associated with unauthorized changes.


Message Format:

The standardized message for off-chain metadata updates will adopt a format that clearly specifies the changes being proposed. The message will include the ENS name, the current metadata, the proposed metadata changes, a nonce for replay protection, and a timestamp to ensure timeliness.

ABNF Message Format

A SOMU Message MUST conform with the following Augmented Backusā€“Naur Form (ABNF, RFC 5234) expression (note that %s denotes case sensitivity for a string term, as per RFC 7405).

ensip-x-message =
    scheme "://" domain " requests an update for ENS Name: " ens LF
    "Proposed Metadata Changes:" LF
    "Final Metadata After Modification:" LF
    "URI: " uri LF
    "Version: " version LF
    "Chain ID: " chain-id LF
    "Nonce: " nonce LF
    "Issued At: " issued-at LF
    [ "Expiration Time: " expiration-time LF ]
    [ "Not Before: " not-before LF ]
    [ "Request ID: " request-id LF ]
    [ "Resources:" LF resources ]
scheme                  = ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "-" / "." )
domain                  = authority
ens                     = 1*( ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." )
mod-changes             = *( modification LF )
modification            = "- " mod-type 1*SPACE mod-value
mod-type                = *( ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" )
mod-value               = *( VCHAR / WSP )
final-metadata          = *( final-change LF )
final-change            = "- " change-field ":" LF [ final-value ]
change-field            = *( ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" )
final-value             = *( *( VCHAR / WSP ) LF )
uri                     = URI
version                 = "1"
chain-id                = 1*DIGIT
nonce                   = 8*( ALPHA / DIGIT )
issued-at               = date-time
expiration-time         = date-time
not-before              = date-time
request-id              = *pchar
resources               = *( LF resource )
resource                = "- " URI

Message Fields:

SOMU Proposed Additional Fields:

  • ens REQUIRED. The Ethereum Name Service (ENS) domain that is subject to the proposed changes. This includes the full ENS name including any subdomains.
  • proposed-metadata REQUIRED. Detailed metadata changes proposed by the requestor. This includes specific modifications, additions, and deletions across different metadata categories like Multi-Chain Addresses, Text Records, and Content Hashes.
  • final-metadata REQUIRED. The expected state of the ENS Name metadata after the proposed changes have been applied. This provides a clear understanding of the desired outcome.

SIWE fields: (Reference: ERC-4361: Sign-In with Ethereum)

  • scheme OPTIONAL. The URI scheme of the origin of the request. Its value MUST be an RFC 3986 URI scheme.*
  • domain REQUIRED. The domain that is requesting the signing. Its value MUST be an RFC 3986 authority. The authority includes an OPTIONAL port. If the port is not specified, the default port for the provided scheme is assumed (e.g., 443 for HTTPS). If scheme is not specified, HTTPS is assumed by default.*
  • address REQUIRED. The Ethereum address performing the signing. Its value SHOULD be conformant to mixed-case checksum address encoding specified in ERC-55 where applicable.*
  • statement OPTIONAL. A human-readable ASCII assertion that the user will sign which MUST NOT include '\\n' (the byte 0x0a).*
  • uri REQUIRED. An RFC 3986 URI referring to the resource that is the subject of the signing (as in the subject of a claim).*
  • version REQUIRED. The current version of the SIWE Message, which MUST be 1 for this specification.*
  • chain-id REQUIRED. The EIP-155 Chain ID to which the session is bound, and the network where Contract Accounts MUST be resolved.*
  • nonce REQUIRED. A random string typically chosen by the relying party and used to prevent replay attacks, at least 8 alphanumeric characters.*
  • issued-at REQUIRED. The time when the message was generated, typically the current time. Its value MUST be an ISO 8601 datetime string.*
  • expiration-time OPTIONAL. The time when the signed authentication message is no longer valid. Its value MUST be an ISO 8601 datetime string.*
  • not-before OPTIONAL. The time when the signed authentication message will become valid. Its value MUST be an ISO 8601 datetime string.*
  • request-id OPTIONAL. A system-specific identifier that MAY be used to uniquely refer to the sign-in request.*
  • resources OPTIONAL. A list of information or references to information the user wishes to have resolved as part of authentication by the relying party. Every resource MUST be an RFC 3986 URI separated by "\\n- " where \\n is the byte 0x0a.*

Informal Message Template for ENSIP-X: Secure Off-chain Metadata Update

Hereā€™s an informal Bash-like template of the full message for updating off-chain metadata associated with an ENS name. This template enhances readability and understanding, offering a simplified yet comprehensive look at how to structure an update proposal according to the ENSIP-X specifications.

${scheme}:// ${domain} requests an update for ENS Name:
${ens} with your account ${address}
Proposed Metadata Changes:
- Multi-Chain Addresses Modification:
    - CoinType ${mod-cointype[0]}:
        - Proposed Value: ${mod-cointype-value[0]}
        - Change Type: ${mod-cointype-change-type[0]}
    - CoinType ${mod-cointype[n]}:
        - Proposed Value: ${mod-cointype-value[n]}
        - Change Type: ${mod-cointype-change-type[n]}
- Text Record Modification:
    - Key: ${mod-key[0]}:
        - Proposed Value: ${mod-key-value[0]}
        - Change Type: ${mod-key-change-type[0]}
    - Key: ${mod-key[n]}:
        - Proposed Value: ${mod-key-value[n]}
        - Change Type: ${mod-key-change-type[n]}
- Content Hash Modification:
    - Proposed Value: ${mod-content-hash-value}
    - Change Type: Modification
Final Metadata After Modification:
- Multi-Chain Addresses:
    - ${final-cointype[0]}:
        - New Value: ${final-cointype-value[0]}
    - ${final-cointype[n]}:
        - New Value: ${final-cointype-value[n]}
- Text Records:
    - Key: ${final-text[0]}
        - New Value: ${final-text-value[0]}
    - Key: ${final-text[n]}
        - New Value: ${final-text-value[n]}
- Content Hash:
	- Current Value: ${final-content-hash-value}
URI: ${uri}
Version: ${version}
Chain ID: ${chain-id}
Nonce: ${nonce}
Issued At: ${issued-at}
Expiration Time: ${expiration-time}
Not Before: ${not-before}
Request ID: ${request-id}
- ${resources[0]}
- ${resources[n]}

Metadata Update Request Message Example:

example.com requests an update for ENS Name:
test.example.eth by your account 0x23d3957BE879aBa6ca925Ee4F072d1A8C4E8c890
Proposed Metadata Changes:
- Multi-Chain Addresses Modification:
	- CoinType 0:
		- Proposed Value: 1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa
		- Change Type: Addition
- Text Record Modification:
	- Key: com.twitter
	  - Proposed Value: @newexample
	  - Change Type: Modification
	- Key: url
	  - Change Type: Deletion
	- Key: com.github
	  - Proposed Value: @exampledev
	  - Change Type: Addition
- Content Hash Modification:
	- Proposed Value: ipfs://QmRAQB6YaCyidP37UdDnjFY5vQuiBrcqdyoW1CuDgwxkD4
	- Change Type: Addition
Final Metadata After Modification:
- Multi-Chain Addresses:
	- CoinType 60:
		- New Value: 0x23d3957BE879aBa6ca925Ee4F072d1A8C4E8c890
	- CoinType 0:
		- New Value: 1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa
- Text Records:
	- Key: com.twitter
	  - New Value: @newexample
	- Key: url
	  - New Value:
	- Key: com.github
	  - New Value: @exampledev
- Content Hash:
	- New Value: ipfs://QmRAQB6YaCyidP37UdDnjFY5vQuiBrcqdyoW1CuDgwxkD4
URI: <https://example.com/update-metadata>
Version: 1
Chain ID: 1
Nonce: 12345678
Issued At: 2021-10-01T10:00:00Z
Expiration Time: 2021-10-01T12:00:00Z
Not Before: 2021-10-01T10:15:00Z
Request ID: xyz123
- <https://example.com/terms>
- <https://example.com/privacy>

Explanation of the Final Metadata View

The Final Metadata after modification is designed to provide a clear representation of the new state of an ENS nameā€™s off-chain metadata following the proposed updates. It consists of several components:

  • Multi-Chain Addresses: This section reflects the updated set of blockchain addresses linked to the ENS name. The example indicates maintenance of the existing Ethereum address (CoinType 60) and the addition of a Bitcoin address (CoinType 0), showcasing the protocolā€™s flexibility in accommodating multi-chain environments.
  • Text Records: The modifications in text records illustrate three types of changes. The Twitter handle has been updated (com.twitter), demonstrating a modification; the website URL (url) has been removed, exemplifying a deletion; and a GitHub profile (com.github) has been added, indicating an addition. Together, these changes enhance the ENS nameā€™s digital representation across various platforms.
  • Content Hash: The inclusion of a new Content Hash value represents the addition of a reference to immutable content. This could point to resources, documents, or applications associated with the ENS name in decentralized storage solutions.

Structuring a POST Request with the Final Metadata

Following the details of the proposed updates, itā€™s important to structure a POST request that matches the ā€œFinal Metadata After Modificationā€. This POST request essentially serves as the final step in the communication process, clearly indicating to the server the exact modifications to be made to the off-chain metadata of an ENS name based on the userā€™s approval.

The ā€œFinal Metadata After Modificationā€ section in the update message serves as a human-readable format that outlines the desired state of the ENS nameā€™s metadata following the updates. This facilitates clear and unambiguous communication between the client (user or user-agent) and the server responsible for managing the ENS metadata. To ensure the POST request accurately reflects the agreed-upon modifications, it must be structured to carry all the details as presented in the ā€œFinal Metadata After Modificationā€ section.

To aid in this process and reduce the potential for errors, a library or tool set will be provided. This library will enable easier conversion of the human-readable ā€œFinal Metadata After Modificationā€ into a structured POST request body. This tool ensures that the communication between the client and the server is both efficient and accurate by abstracting away the complexity involved in manually crafting the POST request body. It facilitates a standardized approach to updating ENS metadata, enhancing the protocolā€™s usability, and further bolstering the security measures aimed at protecting against unauthorized metadata modifications.

Example POST Request Structure

Using the library or tools provided, the following JSON format serves as an example of how to structure a POST request that accurately communicates the final state of an ENS nameā€™s off-chain metadata:

  "ens": "text.example.eth",
  "chainId": "1",
  "addresses": [
      "coinType": 60,
      "address": "0x23d3957BE879aBa6ca925Ee4F072d1A8C4E8c890"
      "coinType": 0,
      "address": "1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa"
  "text": [
      "key": "com.twitter",
      "value": "@newexample"
      "key": "com.github",
      "value": "@exampledev"
  "contentHash": "ipfs://QmRAQB6YaCyidP37UdDnjFY5vQuiBrcqdyoW1CuDgwxkD4",

This JSON structure, validated by the provided library, ensures that the POST request accurately represents the userā€™s confirmation of the metadata changes as depicted in the ā€œFinal Metadata After Modificationā€. Thus, the server processing this request can unambiguously apply the modifications, ensuring the integrity and accuracy of the ENS nameā€™s off-chain metadata.

Library Example

First, a payload object encompassing all necessary data for the metadata update request is constructed. This includes identifiers (such as the Ethereum address and ENS name), current and new metadata states, and essential SIWE fields:

const payload = {
    address, // Ethereum address performing the update
    currentMetadata, // Current state of the ENS metadata
    newMetadata, // Desired state of the ENS metadata
    ens, // ENS name being updated
    scheme, // URI scheme, typically "https"
    domain, // Domain requesting the signature
    uri, // Reference URI for the metadata update
    version, // Protocol version
    chainId, // EIP-155 Chain ID
    issuedAt, // ISO 8601 datetime string when the message was generated
    expirationTime, // ISO 8601 datetime string when the request expires


Once the payload is ready, it is used as a parameter and passed to a function named generateMetadataUpdateRequest, which constructs the update requestā€™s message alongside a new payload formatted according to the proposalā€™s requirements. This function also includes the Ethereum address associated with the update:

const { message, newPayload, address } = generateMetadataUpdateRequest(

The message generated needs to be signed by the user to authenticate the request. This can be achieved using a function such as signMessageAsync, which triggers a wallet interface that allows the user to review and sign the message:

const signature = await signMessageAsync({
    message: message,

With the signature obtained, a final request object is constructed including the new payload, the userā€™s signature, the initial signed message, and the address. The updateMetadataRequest function captures all requisite elements, readying the request for submission to the backend or off-chain storage solution handling ENS metadata updates:

const request = updateMetadataRequest({
    newPayload, // The payload prepared according to the protocol
    signature, // User's signature authenticating the request
    message, // The signed message containing the request details
    address, // Ethereum address of the user

This implementation sketch provides a clear pathway for developers intending to integrate secure, off-chain ENS metadata updates into their applications. By adhering to this scheme, developers ensure that metadata updates are carried out in a consistent, secure manner that aligns with the userā€™s expectations and consents.

Itā€™s important to note that while this example outlines the basic flow, further customization and integration work is required to fully align with specific application architectures and user interaction models. Additionally, developers are encouraged to implement appropriate error handling and feedback mechanisms to enhance the user experience


To ensure the integrity and security of off-chain ENS metadata updates, the backend component plays a crucial role. It is responsible for validating the signature and verifying that the proposed metadata changes accurately reflect those outlined in the ā€œFinal Metadata After Modificationā€ section of the update message. This ensures that the request has not been altered and that the changes are authentically signed by the userā€™s Ethereum address. Below is a high-level approach to designing such backend functionality.

Verifying Signature and Authenticating Payload Changes:

The backendā€™s primary task is to authenticate the signature attached to the update request. This verification process ensures that the signature was indeed generated by the known Ethereum address associated with the metadata change request. Additionally, it must confirm that the specifications in the new payload strictly match the described changes in the ā€œFinal Metadata After Modificationā€ part of the message, thereby guaranteeing that the request payload has not been tampered with.

To achieve this, a backend function named verifySignature could be implemented:

try {
    const isValidSignature = verifySignature({

    // Proceed with the update process upon successful verification
} catch (error) {
    console.error("Failed to validate signature or payload integrity", error);
    // Handle the error scenario, potentially rejecting the update request

Upon validation failure, the function throws an error, indicating either an issue with the signature verification or a mismatch between the proposed changes and the update message. Handling this error appropriately ensures that only valid, authenticated requests proceed, thereby maintaining the integrity of the off-chain metadata update process.

This backend validation mechanism is a critical safeguard, ensuring that each update not only comes directly from the rightful owner of the wallet holding the ENS name (EIP-4361) but also that the proposed changes are accurately represented and have not been altered during the submission process. Implementing such checks is essential for maintaining the security and trustworthiness of off-chain ENS metadata updates.


Design Goals

  1. Human-Friendly
  2. Simple to Implement
  3. Secure
  4. Machine Readable

Out Of Scope

This proposalā€™s primary goal is to establish a secure way for the user to modify his off-chain metadata, and isnā€™t targeting anything other than ENS off-chain storages implementations.

Security Considerations

The core purpose of this ENSIP is to enhance security and promote a safer way for users to authenticate their namesā€™ metadata changes in off-chain environments.

Open Items



Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.


Thanks for such a detailed proposal!

Thereā€™s a discussion ongoing at the moment regarding a standard for exactly this kind of offchain data update, though itā€™s structured a little differently to yours; you can find it here: [Draft-3] EIP-X: Off-Chain Data Write Protocol - #5 by NameSys

Would you consider contributing to that instead of starting a new standard?


EIP-X that Nick mentioned is one half of the story. Other half is below. Both these might end up getting wrapped in one though.


Thank you for your feedback and insights on our proposal. We deeply appreciate the ongoing discussions around introducing improved standards for handling off-chain metadata updates, specifically within the Ethereum and ENS ecosystems.

To address the comments made: while we understand that the Draft-3 EIP-X: Off-Chain Data Write Protocol offers significant advancements for a broad spectrum of off-chain data handling, including an extension to EIP-5559 and a focus on decentralized storages like IPFS and IPNS, our ENSIP-X (Secure Off-chain Metadata Update) serves a complementary, yet distinctly different purpose.

Our proposal specifically targets the standardization of the message format that users are required to sign when performing metadata updates. It centers around enhancing user awareness and security during the authorization process of these updates. While EIP-X and ERC-5559 offer foundational protocols for the mechanics of off-chain data storage and retrieval, our ENSIP aims to refine the interaction layer where users directly engage with these processes, ensuring that the data being manipulated through signatures is clearly understood and authorized by them and preventing malicious attacks.

To clarify, EIP-X and similar efforts provide the overarching infrastructure and protocols necessary for off-chain write operations to various storage solutions. On the other hand, our ENSIP-X proposes a detailed specification for the format of messages that users sign, which can be integrated into the broader framework established by EIP-X. This specificity in user-signed messages is crucial for applications dealing with ENS off-chain decentralized storages and databases, ensuring that users are explicitly aware of and consent to the exact changes being made to their metadata.

It is important to highlight that our ENSIP is not exclusively bound to CCIP-Write mechanisms. It presents a versatile framework for the user-signed message format that enhances security and user awareness, applicable across a variety of implementationsā€”ranging from services leveraging CCIP Write to services using CCIP-Read protocols with direct backend APIs for metadata updates. This broad applicability underscores the importance of nurturing focused discussions on our proposal to fully capture its potential benefits across different contexts.

Once both our proposal and EIP-X have matured through these dedicated discussions, and their respective contributions to the ecosystem are well-defined, we are open to exploring how they might be harmoniously integrated into a comprehensive ENSIP that encapsulates a unified approach to off-chain data handling. This future convergence would aim to synergize the distinct strengths of each proposal, creating a robust framework that enhances the security, efficiency, and user experience of off-chain interactions within the Ethereum and ENS ecosystems.

We are committed to engaging in constructive dialogue and collaboration with the community, contributing to the collective effort to refine and advance the standards governing off-chain data management.

Thank you for expanding on that. I appreciate that your goal here is slightly different to the updates to EIP-5559, but there is a great deal of overlap, and in order to be successful, there will need to be close integration. Concretely, 5559 specifies a format for signed messages for offchain databases; if standardized separately it would be at odds with what you are proposing here, and it wouldnā€™t be possible to use both this standard and 5559 to update an offchain name.

While it may not be necessary to completely unite the standards, at a minimum this standard would need to be written with the needs of 5559 in mind, and 5559 would need to be updated to specify that this format is to be used for offchain message signing, rather than the current proposal, which uses EIP-712.

Separately, I very much like the usability focus of your signing messages; this is really crucial. However, Iā€™m a little concerned with how well this will line up with existing implementations; for example, the manager app does not necessarily have all existing state - or even a way to enumerate it - when signing a new message. Any signing proposal needs to be something that can be practically implemented by apps that already exist and update onchain records, and so sticking closely to the information the apps have available in existing use-cases will be important.

Iā€™d really value input from @Leon on this, since heā€™s in charge of the team building the Labs manager app.


Absolutely, Nick, we recognize the importance of ensuring harmony between our proposal and the existing framework of EIP-5559. In light of this, we agree that a closer collaboration with the Namesys team and other stakeholders is essential. We aim to align our efforts, especially around the message signing format, to ensure both complementarity and seamless integration.

@NameSys Looking forward to collaborate :smiley:


One other small item of feedback: this is data, not metadata! It needs to be named accordingly to avoid confusion.


Hi @justghadi.eth thanks very much for your proposal!

Hereā€™s my feedback:

  • I noticed that the deleted record is simply omitted in the POST request to the server. Imo this adds extra work because now the server has to perform a diff to figure out which key needs to be deleted. On-chain when we delete a record we set it to the empty value for that type e.g. ā€œā€ for text records. Perhaps we can follow this convention.
  • I think we should specify error message structure, so that frontends donā€™t need to write custom error handling code for each server that implements this. Iā€™m happy to draft this.
  • For final-metadata, as @nick.eth mentioned, it is not always going to be possible to know the full state of data associated with a name, so I think this requirement should be dropped. In the current manager app we only show information about the data to be updated when making changes, and havenā€™t seen any user feedback that this leads to an unexpected final state. proposed-metadata should be sufficient.
1 Like

Hi @Leon ,
Thank you for your valuable feedback!

  1. Concerning the deletion of records, our approach has been to refresh the domain/subdomain data in the database with each update. This means we insert the new data as a whole and delete all the previous records related to the domain. Weā€™ve found this approach to be more efficient on the database, as it skips the complexity of adjusting individual records or the need to mark deleted ones with an empty string. Thatā€™s also why we are sending the full payload in our post requests on each update.

  2. Absolutely agree on the need for a standard error message structure. Weā€™re aiming to develop a library similar to SIWE that will make it easier for developers to integrate all the functionalities in both frontend and backend. I would be more than happy if we can collaborate on that!

  3. The ā€œfinal metadataā€ in our message is only used during the validation in the backend, whereas the ā€œProposed metadata changesā€ youā€™ve highlighted aims for a human-readable change summary. To ensure data hasnā€™t been tampered with post-signature, the ā€œfinal metadataā€ will be parsed into a json that will be compared with the payload sent from the frontend, ensuring that the changes requested from the frontend in the POST (full data as mentioned in the first point) matches the message signed by the user, otherwise we will have to fetch all the userā€™s data and process the proposed changes in memory to create the final form.

Based on your feedback, weā€™ve taken some time to reflect on how we can improve the protocol for a smoother and more standardized operation. Itā€™s clear that adopting proven conventions and enhancing our error messaging can significantly improve both the developer experience and the reliability of the service. With that in mind, Iā€™d like to propose the following updates to our approach. These changes aim to address the concerns youā€™ve highlighted, streamline our processes, and ensure a greater degree of consistency across the board.

Example POST Request Structure

  "ens": "text.example.eth",
  "chainId": "1",
  "addresses": [
      "coinType": 0,
      "address": "1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa"
  "text": [
      "key": "com.twitter",
      "value": "@newexample"
      "key": "com.github",
      "value": "@exampledev"
        "value":"" // similar to the onchain approach
  "contentHash": "ipfs://QmRAQB6YaCyidP37UdDnjFY5vQuiBrcqdyoW1CuDgwxkD4",

Data Update Request Message Example:

example.com requests an update for ENS Name:
test.example.eth by your account 0x23d3957BE879aBa6ca925Ee4F072d1A8C4E8c890
Proposed data Changes:
- Multi-Chain Addresses Modification:
	- CoinType 0:
		- Proposed Value: 1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa
		- Change Type: Addition
- Text Record Modification:
	- Key: com.twitter
	  - Proposed Value: @newexample
	  - Change Type: Modification
	- Key: url
	  - Change Type: Deletion
	- Key: com.github
	  - Proposed Value: @exampledev
	  - Change Type: Addition
- Content Hash Modification:
	- Proposed Value: ipfs://QmRAQB6YaCyidP37UdDnjFY5vQuiBrcqdyoW1CuDgwxkD4
	- Change Type: Addition

URI: <https://example.com/update-data>
Version: 1
Chain ID: 1
Nonce: 12345678
Issued At: 2021-10-01T10:00:00Z
Expiration Time: 2021-10-01T12:00:00Z
Not Before: 2021-10-01T10:15:00Z
Request ID: xyz123
- <https://example.com/terms>
- <https://example.com/privacy>

hey, as someone who is working on the ENS labs manager app, iā€™ve got a few thoughts on this.

generally the concept of allowing the user to understand what theyā€™re signing and verify easily is great, and this would work well with wallets that integrate deeper ABI decoding, since it would make offchain and onchain record management relatively similar in UX. however a big concern to me is that iā€™m not entirely sure that a proposal this complex is necessary. i do think it makes sense to have a standardised way of approving record changes, but is EIP-712 not sufficient in itā€™s schema for a metadata update standard to be under that?

irrelevant to the format itself though, i have concerns with the data requirements (including the revised requirements). the burden should be on the offchain server to process data and create a diff. a client should be able to request changes without needing to know the context of the prior data.

another issue is that content hash/multicoin addr records have encode/decode behaviours that could change depending on the library used. the main multicoin lib (address-encoder) will change occasionally in a way that isnā€™t backwards compatible with prior versions. this is rare, but can happen, and can happen similarly with custom implementations. this could lead to a situation where there is a mismatch between client data and server data, and verification would fail.

cointypes are also not user-readable, and it seems inconsistent to be encoding address data, but not deriving a coinā€™s name. this does however also lead to potential mismatches between client/server.

[type] Modification: fields arenā€™t following an existing standard and it seems like they have been defined arbitrarily in an example without actually being part of this proposal. they should be clearly and distinctly defined in this specification for all pre-existing resolver functions, with a requirement that resolver additions in the future have a modification field name defined in their proposal. alternatively, an ABI decoded function signature could be used as a replacement, but it comes at the cost of a minor sacrifice in user-readability.

an initial POST request to the server to generate the signature message solves the majority of these issues, so i think that would be a useful addition. it could just be an array of ABI-encoded resolver function calls (e.g. setAddr, setText, etc), and then the server could encode values in any way that it wanted.


Hey @taytems ,

Sorry for the wait on our end. Weā€™ve been busy racing to get our platform all finished up. Plus, weā€™re also working on an address resolution proposal that works with off-chain resolvers.

Similar to the SIWE approach, weā€™re developing a library for backend message construction. However, for smart contract interactions, the message construction needs to move to the frontend. This shift ensures our system maintains adaptability across different interaction scenarios.

Regarding the update request for ENS Data, here are the proposed changes:

Multi-Chain Addresses Modification:
- setAddr(ā€˜0xe16944c2d7405e74b0263328cc8ad84415ba33fbcebd86e57718c72bc7f9442fā€™, 0, ā€˜1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNaā€™)
Text Record Modification:
- setText(ā€˜0xe16944c2d7405e74b0263328cc8ad84415ba33fbcebd86e57718c72bc7f9442fā€™, ā€˜com.twitterā€™, ā€˜@newexampleā€™)
- setText(ā€™0xe16944c2d7405e74b0263328cc8ad84415ba33fbcebd86e57718c72bc7f9442fā€™, ā€˜urlā€™, ā€˜ā€™)
- setText(ā€™0xe16944c2d7405e74b0263328cc8ad84415ba33fbcebd86e57718c72bc7f9442fā€™, ā€˜com.githubā€™, ā€˜ @exampledevā€™)
Content Hash Modification:
- setContenthash(ā€™0xe16944c2d7405e74b0263328cc8ad84415ba33fbcebd86e57718c72bc7f9442fā€™, ā€˜ipfs://QmRAQB6YaCyidP37UdDnjFY5vQuiBrcqdyoW1CuDgwxkD4ā€™)

URI: https://example.com/update-data

Version: 1
Chain ID: 1
Nonce: 12345678
Issued At: 2021-10-01T10:00:00Z
Expiration Time: 2021-10-01T12:00:00Z
Not Before: 2021-10-01T10:15:00Z
Request ID: xyz123



These modifications align with our technical strategy and our goals for this ENSIP. We agree that by addressing these key areas, the message maintains a balance between technical accuracy and readability.

PS: The multicoin addresses should be their equivalent decoded string. And the contentHash should be encoded. The problem here is that it will affect user-readability.

The problem is the difficulty in finding blockchain names for specific cointypes because thereā€™s no standardized library. We need something like GitHub - bitcoinjs/bip44-constants: This package provides BIP44 coin constants as found here: https://github.com/satoshilabs/slips/blob/master/slip-0044.md, but more developer-friendly. The effect of this issue on the proposalā€™s goal is uncertain. We are open to discussion.

can you clarify what you mean by this? this proposal doesnā€™t cover smart contract interactions

is there a reason an initial POST request canā€™t be done? this is sacrificing user-readability quite a lot.

The proposal was initially written in a way to optimise user readability and security, specifically for off-chain settings. However, after reading some of the comments, we tried to update the format to make it a bit more generic, and try to cover smart contract interactions. The problem here is that we need to find a compromise between the userā€™s readability and how generic the proposal isā€¦ For example an initial POST request canā€™t be done if we were to include smart contract interactions, however if we are only focusing on off-chain settings, then it would make a lot of sense to include itā€¦ We are unsure of which direction is the best for the proposal to continue with, we would love your thoughts on that.