- Q4 Updates
Cloudflare recently decommissioned their experimental DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) dWeb resolver, which was hardcoded into all Kubo installations as the default ENS name resolution method. There is now a redirect from to for all lookup requests. The IPFS Shipyard team has acknowledged this and merged a PR to use as the default ENS resolver for Kubo.
Partnering with Unruggable Labs, we are nearing completion of an MVP to support dataUri contentHash records.
AIWS, a very neat autonomous onchain agent network has launched a pure ENS/IPFS based agent. Around 70 of these agents are currently accessible via Learn more here:
Our team is still working through an on-going legal issue. We would like to thank everyone in the ENS DAO for their support of reimbursing our last batch of legal related costs. Tally | ENS | [EP 5.28] [Executable] Reimbursement of eth.limoβs ongoing legal fees
In a collaboration with Tally and DAOstar and support from the Ethereum Foundation ESP program, we have produced a comprehensive report detailing DAO security vulnerabilities and mitigating controls. The research explores common vulnerabilities and provides actionable insights to help DAOs strengthen their security posture.
On-going improvements and performance tuning. We continuously analyze performance data and make adjustments where necessary in order to continue to better serve the ENS and broader dWeb/Web3 communities.