ETHOnline 2022 Winners

ETHOnline Hackathon Winners

ETHOnline ran from September 2nd - 28th. ETHOnline is ETHGlobal’s largest event of the year.

:rocket: ETHOnline 2022 Stats

  • :raising_hand_man: 1780 Hackers
  • :hammer_and_wrench: 360 Projects Submitted
  • :earth_africa: 100 Countries + 22 Timezones
  • :trophy: 14 Finalists

After a month of hacking, 74 projects made submissions for ENS prizes for ETHOnline.

:raised_hands: ETHOnline Finalist - ENSEverywhere

Special shoutout to the ENSEverywhere team; @dmihal, @kallemoen, and @charly_mrtn, who were selected as one of the 14 hackathon-wide finalists for ETHOnline, a tremendous achievement.

What the ETHOnline judges loved: ENS Everywhere provides a simple, but killer solution to adoption that probably had some of our judges wondering, “why didn’t I think of that?” This project will mark a crucial turning point in the growth of our ecosystem, and we’re excited to see where they’ll go next.

:blue_book: ENS Guide put together a guide on ENS for ETHGlobal, which is included in the guides section of the ETHGlobal site. This guide is great to run through whether you are a developer or an ENS user, to familiarize yourself with some of the basic concepts around ENS.

:money_with_wings: DAO funding for Hackathons

The ENS Ecosystem working group sponsored EthOnline and distributed $10k in prizes. Funding for hackathons was requested as a specific initiative during the July funding window. The ENS Ecosystem working group budget for Q3/Q4 2022 was approved by $ENS tokenholders.

As ENS continues to grow, the ENS Ecosystem working group is well placed to coordinate and allocate funding for hackathon sponsorships, to attract and support developers integrating and building on ENS.

We’re excited for ENS to participate in hackathons. If there is a hackathon you think might be aligned with ENS, please reach out to alisha.eth, slobo.eth, or through Twitter DMs.

:trophy: ETHOnline 2022 Winners

We’re excited to share the winners of the ENS prizes for ETHOnline 2022.

:1st_place_medal: Sublettuce

A trustless ENS subdomain rental platform using the upcoming ENS NameWrapper contract. Sublet your ENS domains!

:2nd_place_medal: ENSEverywhere

Buy, trade, and bridge ENS domains on L2s with the same cheap gas fees you would expect from L2s.

:3rd_place_medal: World Hash

World Hash is a toolkit for sharing and experiencing Minecraft worlds through ENS and IPFS!

:medal_sports: ETH Classify

A library for parsing and classifying transactions in a modular standardized way.

:medal_sports: Caramel

Unlock the power of your .eth domain starting with a blog in just a few clicks.

We’re looking forward to the winners attending an ENS Ecosystem working group call to present their ideas to the ENS community. Working Group calls will resume the week of October 17th. Details on call times will be posted in the forum.

A huge thank you to all the builders who participated in EthOnline and especially those that used ENS!


These, are, awesome! Congrats to everyone. :tada: