Expected gas improvement with EIP-4844

I’m curious about the recent introduction of EIP-4844 (Proto-Danksharding) and its potential impact on reducing Ethereum gas fees, specifically for Ethereum Name Service (ENS) transactions. Given the significant improvements EIP-4844 promises in terms of efficiency and cost-effectiveness, I wonder if any members here have conducted tests or have firsthand experience with the changes.

  • Should we expect any improvements in gas fees for ENS-related transactions once the introduction of EIP-4844 has happened?
  • Can you share any specific data or outcomes from any testing, such as comparisons of testnet gas fees before and after EIP-4844’s implementation?
  • How do you think EIP-4844 will affect the long-term usability and adoption of ENS?

Any insights, data, or experiences you could share would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance for your contributions!

There aren’t any direct uses for blobspace in ENS that I’m aware of. It’s intended for use by rollups, which should lead to improved throughput and/or reduced fees for rollups, which will indirectly affect ENS names that are hosted on L2s.

Probably ENS L2 could use 4844-enabled architecture and cut costs by 90% :eyes: Optimism stack will be history by the time ENS L2 comes into existence, if ever