[Feedback Request] Dhive.io - Governance Data Hub

Gm frens :wave:

We’re excited to share with you that Dhive is now live!

Our goal is to answer governance related questions and present data in an easily digestible way, which is why it’s packed with so many data visualizations. I will share some examples:

Please take a moment to explore the platform at Dhive.Io or watch our demo video and share your thoughts about it in this thread. Let us know what you like, what needs a tweak, and what you’d like to see next!

Down the road, we’re planning to index DAOs across the Ethereum network and ENS DAO is on top of the list. This is one of the many reasons we’re part of the community, attending meetings and taking notes - we want Dhive to be the best governance tool for the communities it serves.

Thank you! :v:

P.S. Our team applied for Small Grants - Public Goods Round 13. If you like what we’re building, please consider voting for us.


Hey, this is great. I especially like how there are data visualizations for each kind of voting type. I also think it is important for there to be an easy way for Delegates to sign up for proposal notifications. Having said all that, I don’t think there is any existing platform in the ecosystem that breaks down voting data as well as Dhive (please correct me if I am mistaken).

Let us know when you’ve incorporated ENS off-chain and on-chain proposals; I would love to share this on an upcoming Meta-Governance Working Group call.


Thank you for the feedback @estmcmxci! Happy to hear that you like our app! :sparkling_heart:

You’re right! Our data visualizations are unique and we’re pretty excited of the positive feedback we’ve received so far.

We’re working on this and ENS data is currently in staging, you can check it out here. By next Meta-Gov call it should be up and running in production as well, so I would be more than happy to demo the app.


This is a nice looking product. I agree the visualisations are particularly cool.

What is it that you would like to happen when it comes to the ENS DAO? I imagine that there is significant inertia when it comes to usage of DAO tooling, so it be interesting to hear first hand what makes you stand out from the other offerings.


Thank you @clowes.eth! Happy to hear that you like our project!

That’s a very good question. Our goal is to make governance data accessible and break it down into easy to understand bits of information and there are a couple of things that make Dhive stand out:

  1. Dhive is intended to be free for users. While we may consider monetization strategies in the future, this will not impact the accessibility of the core platform

  2. We prioritize simplicity and ease of use and it’s reflected in it’s UI/UX so that users can easily find the information they’re looking for

  3. Aggregates both on-chain and off-chain governance data removing the hassle of navigating multiple platforms

  4. Profiles on Dhive have chain-agnostic credentials (e.g. ens, lens profile), which increases trust and credibility in a space that is filled with bots

  5. It comes with a decentralized notification system so that users can better follow and react to proposals (next up, a calendar :shushing_face:)


Gm, gm! :sparkles:

Since the launch of our MVP, we’ve made significant progress in improving the platform and enhancing user experience. Below is a summary of the key updates:

ENS Domain Search: users can now search for profiles using their ENS domain.


DAO Reports: introduced detailed DAO Annual Reports (e.g. ens report) with insights on activity, proposals, voter participation, and voting power.

Revamped Pages: revamped DAO (e.g. ens proposals) and proposal pages to improve ui/ux based on the feedback received (e.g. animation to highlight proposals ending in < 24h).

Active Proposals Data: introduced tracking of voter participation and vote results for active proposals across both on-chain and off-chain governance, including support for encrypted votes.

New DAO Listings: continued maintenance of all previously indexed DAOs, ensuring up-to-date data, and added new DAOs reaching a total of 16 DAOs.

On-Chain Data Indexing: data related to on-chain proposals is now being indexed directly from smart contracts.

New Chart for Ranked-Choice: implemented a custom sankey chart that displays the entire iterative elimination and redistribution process for proposals with ranked-choice voting (e.g. ens proposal).

Please take a moment to explore these new features and enhancements directly on our platform and let us know your thoughts!

Thank you! :sparkling_heart: