GeoCities - Subdomains 🤝 Search Engine Keywords


GeoCities.eth is a search engine for the new internet.

Currently, the GeoCities search engine supports the gateway and last week I added .box domains.

For sometime I’ve been researching and developing alternative approaches to SEO and keyword ads leveraging the ENS naming protocol.

Subdomains :handshake: Keywords

If you’re familiar with Google ads, I have taken the keyword (impression/PPC) model and integrated it into ens subdomains.

For example, I’ve created the subdomain limo.geocities.eth (currently unwrapped and ruggable by the parent) giving the manager of the subdomain ownership/control over the keyword ad for “limo.”

Search Engine Ads

When the keyword “limo” is searched in the GeoCities.eth search engine the limo.geocities.eth ad is displayed at the top of the search results.


At this point I just wanted to share my work and seek feedback.

The geocities.eth subdomains are not available for registration by the public but if anyone is interested in testing the GeoCities.eth subdomain/keyword ads feel free to reach out.