I bought my domain last night

Does that mean i’m SOL on getting any sort of airdrop if I bought my domain last night?

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Congratulations! You just received an identity that no one can ever take from you!

Yes you are SOL, but you have an identity!

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I am looking for help on where exactly to go and purchase my domain, Any help would be appreciated.


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Thank you so much for your help!

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Hello, I am late to the party and relatively new to crypto. I tried to join the discord server from the CT but it says the link has expired. I would like to get involved and also be really keen to purchase a personal Eth. name. Should I just use the link in the previous message? Also is it a gamble for requesting a name if it’s taken you lose some .Eth for requesting I.e. is there a way to search for available names first? Thanks :pray:t2:

Discord: Discord
ENS: https://ens.domains/

On the ENS site I posted in this message. You can search for a name to see if it is available.

Thank you very much :+1:t4:

Discord link still saying expired :confused: