☎️ MetaGov Working Group – 2023 Meetings and Minutes Archive

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, October 24th, 2023


Time: Tuesdays at 11am ET (3pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @katherine.eth (ENS | Twitter), @nick.eth (ENS | Twitter), @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter)


  1. General DAO Updates
    a. Budget Voting Window Open
    b. Small Grants is LIVE
  2. Weekly Endowment Updates
  3. DAO Tooling
    a. Presentation from Agora - roadmap/ feature wishlist

Notes by @limes

1. General DAO Updates

ENS Working Group Funding Proposal

Voting for Working Group funding proposals is live on Snapshot.

ENS Small Grants

Small grants voting is live! Anyone who has participated in small grants voting in the past has an ENS voting card NFT. Accounts with an ENS voting card NFT can allocate a total of 100 points across their favorite projects.

Invalid Name Proposal Refund

The invalid name refund proposal payment is expected to go out at the end of this week. It is currently undergoing a review and validation process.

2. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey)

Karpatkey is in the process of adding rETH strategies to the treasury as seen the Aura category denoted in teal below

Executable votes to update the strategies will be going live later this month.

3. DAO Tooling

Agora | @Charlie Feng

Agora builds end-to-end governance software for some of the biggest DAOs (They built an ENS onchain voting and proposal platform).

Agora wants to help build the next 100 years of ENS and have identified four main goals to help make this viable.

  1. Make the proposal process fool proof
  2. Lower the barrier to propose (without introducing spam)
  3. Maintain an engaged delegate and contributor base
  4. Making delegation more fluid (redelegate, split delegation)

Agora plans to add structure to all parts of the governance structure:

The Agora <> ENS partnership looks to provide the best example of all DAO operations. Look for future releases in the coming months.

Stay up to date on active ENS DAO proposals by subscribing to the ‘notification-only’ Telegram channel.

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