[EP4.4] ENS Working Group Budget Proposals

Status Passed
Vote Snapshot
Authors Slobo.eth, Katherine Wu, Coltron.eth


This post links to all three Working Group funding requests for Q4 2023/Q1 2024 as proposed in EP 4.4.1, EP 4.4.2, and EP 4.4.3. For more detail on procedures, view the ENS Governance Process.


EP 4.4.1 — ENS Ecosystem Working Group

The ENS Ecosystem Working Group requests funding of 409,000 USDC from the ENS DAO for Q4 2023/Q1 2024.

The ENS Ecosystem Working Group is responsible for growing and improving the ENS Ecosystem by funding people and projects that are ENS-specific or ENS-centric. In line with Article III of the ENS DAO Constitution, the requested funds will be used to support projects and builders contributing to the development and improvement of the ENS protocol and the ENS ecosystem.

EP 4.4.2 — MetaGovernance Working Group

The Meta-Governance Working Group requests funding of 376,000 USDC, 40 ETH, and 52,300 $ENS from the ENS DAO for Q4 2023/Q1 2024.

This MetaGovernance Working Group will use this funding to support the governance processes of the ENS DAO as well as manage and build infrastructure to support the ENS DAO and Working Groups.

EP 4.4.3 — Public Goods Working Group

The Public Goods Working Group requests funding of 218,204 USDC and 35 ETH from the ENS DAO for Q4 2023/Q1 2024.

The Public Goods Working Group will be use this funding to support projects and builders as provisioned by Article III of the ENS DAO Constitution, which provides for the funding of public goods in web3.

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