☎️ MetaGov Working Group – Weekly Meeting: 9am ET, Tuesday

Agenda and Minutes for MetaGov Meeting, March 26th, 2024


Time: Tuesdays at 9:00 am ET (1pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/xxh-fmch-axe

Stewards: @5pence.eth (ENS Twitter) | @avsa.eth (ENS Twitter) | @estmcmxci.eth (ENS Twitter)


  1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse )
  2. General DAO Updates
  3. Safe Permissions Executable
  4. Public Goods Funding
  5. Demo from Aseem on a Paymaster System for Subsidized Voting
  6. Open Discussion

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Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, March 26th, 2024


Time: Tuesdays at 9am ET (1pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter), @avsa.eth (ENS | Twitter), @estmcmxci.eth (ENS | Twitter),

New proposals are broadcast to Telegram


  1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)
  2. General DAO Updates
  3. Safe Permissions Executable
  4. Public Goods Funding
  5. Demo from Aseem on a Paymaster System for Subsidized Voting
  6. Open Discussion

18 Participants in Meeting (See list of participants at end of notes)

1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)

  • Preparing a post to share on the forum: analysis of endownment and how it funds the DAO in different scenarios.
    • Will help shape future plans. Want to set monthly transfer from controller to endownment to cover runway.

2. General DAO Updates

Two executables upcoming

  1. Public Goods funding executable vote
  2. Safe Permissions Executable

Working with Tally to make executables gas free. DAO pays fee to Tally, Tally covers gas fees for voters. Hoping to have working by the next vote. Will invite Tally to next call

3. Safe Permissions Executable

  • Permissions change for endownment fees
  • Executable vote upcoming

4. Public Goods Funding

  • Vote passed: Snapshot
  • Executable vote upcoming

5. Demo from Aseem Sood on a Paymaster System for Subsidized Voting

  • Building a fully onchain paymaster. Way for wallets to have others pay for gas
  • Problem: Gas costs friction to onchain voting for DAOs, want a way for DAO to subsidize these costs
  • Solution uses account abstraction with smart wallets
  • No centralized services to maintain, only action is periodically “refilling” the Paymaster
  • Only pays for specific function calls
  • Can limit gas costs: Only pay for gas when gas below a certain threshold
  • Github Repo: GitHub - meliopolis/governance-paymaster

6. Open Discussion

Clarification on MetaGov Funding

  • Vote didn’t reach quorum, different from majority vote
  • Want to propose budget that is more likely to be approved, still have budget for the future, not immediate risk
  • Will conduct another social vote on the issue
  • Break into parts so can get certain parts passed and discuss more contentious issues

Notes by @don.nie

Stay up to date on active ENS DAO proposals by subscribing to the ‘notification-only’ Telegram channel.


Agenda and Minutes for MetaGov Meeting, April 2nd, 2024


Time: Tuesdays at 9:00 am ET (1pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/xxh-fmch-axe

Stewards: @5pence.eth (ENS Twitter) | @avsa.eth (ENS Twitter) | @estmcmxci.eth (ENS Twitter)


  1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse )
  2. General DAO Updates Section
    I. Tally Voting Relay
  3. Open Discussion

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Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, April 2nd, 2024


Time: Tuesdays at 9am ET (1pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter), @avsa.eth (ENS | Twitter), @estmcmxci.eth (ENS | Twitter),

New proposals are broadcast to Telegram


  1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)
  2. General DAO Updates
  3. Open Discussion

15 Participants in Meeting (See list of participants at end of notes)

1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)

Will present monthly report next week.

2. General DAO Updates

Tally Voting Relay

  • Will be ready for next voting period
  • Means voting will be free
  • Want to go one step further: get paid to vote
    • In talks with Snapshot to understand how their reward program works, want Tally to adopt similar
    • Currently exploring concepts, won’t be available for next voting period
    • Ideally votes are delegated to active voters so people not voting absentmindedly just to get paid
  • Broader discussion around how best to inform members about governance and keep people involved, some ideas:
    • Delegating to more active voters
    • Having more delegates
    • Education to inform and increase engagement
    • Gas refunds for delegating

3. Open Discussion

Gitcoin Grants Identity Matching Round Live

Public Goods Small Grants Live

Giveth Grants Live

Service Provider Updates

Notes by @don.nie

Stay up to date on active ENS DAO proposals by subscribing to the ‘notification-only’ Telegram channel.

Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 9.08.09 AM

Agenda and Minutes for MetaGov Meeting, April 9th, 2024


Time: Tuesdays at 9:00 am ET (1pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/xxh-fmch-axe

Stewards: @5pence.eth (ENS Twitter) | @avsa.eth (ENS Twitter) | @estmcmxci.eth (ENS Twitter)


  1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse )
  2. General DAO Updates Section
    1. Executable Proposals 5.5 & 5.6
  3. Open Discussion

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, April 9th, 2024


Time: Tuesdays at 9am ET (1pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter), @avsa.eth (ENS | Twitter), @estmcmxci.eth (ENS | Twitter),

New proposals are broadcast to Telegram


  1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)
  2. General DAO Updates
    a. Executable Proposals 5.5 & 5.6
  3. Open Discussion

18 Participants in Meeting (See list of participants at end of notes)

1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)

March Monthly Report: karpatkey

  • 5.27% APY driven by yields on stables
  • $443,017 in DeFi returns

2. General DAO Updates

Two Live Executable Proposals, both have reached quorum


  • Funding Request: ENS Public Goods Working Group Term 5 (Q1/Q2)
  • Tally | ENS Proposal
  • The ENS Public Goods Working Group requests funding to support operations until the September 2024 funding window.


  • Enable Self-Funding for the Endowment
  • Tally | ENS Proposal
  • This proposal outlines a strategic shift allowing the Endowment to autonomously finance its operations. Specifically, it grants the Metagov stewards the authority to withdraw up to 30 ETH monthly from the Endowment, designated for payments to karpatkey and @steakhouse for their services in managing the Endowment.

3. Open Discussion

Frisson from Tally.xyz

  • Current executables on Tally don’t require gas fees to vote, huge improvement
  • Post: Gasless Voting is Live for ENS
  • ENS DAO funded Tally to support this initiative for a year
  • Tally relays transaction for the user and pays gas transaction while doing so
  • Requires ENS registered as wallets primary name
    • Wallet must have at least 100 ENS
    • Disincentive low value activity/ ensure person is a person
  • Relayer Address: https://etherscan.io/address/0xCcDBA906bAB28603b2F53f07D8Ae87afFd063b07
    • ~100 votes so far that Tally has relayed for free
  • Looking into batching, but relayer casts vote immediately, batching requires a delay for votes to be cast
  • Multichain governance: Usually if put DAO on a chain, DAO is stuck on that chain. Tally just introduced multi-gov where user can vote and delegate on any chain through Tally
  • Telegram Contact: @zeroxfrisson

Corina Pascu from Dhive

  • Small Grants applicant, please support
  • Data hub, create accessible location for both onchain and offchain data
  • Launching in June
  • Want to create trusted credentials environment as well as implement notification system so users can get notifications from the DAO
  • Links:

Newsletter is out: ENS DAO Newsletter #58 — 04/09/2024

Notes by @don.nie

Stay up to date on active ENS DAO proposals by subscribing to the ‘notification-only’ Telegram channel.

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Agenda and Minutes for MetaGov Meeting, April 9th, 2024


Time: Tuesdays at 9:00 am ET (1pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/xxh-fmch-axe

Stewards: @5pence.eth (ENS Twitter) | @avsa.eth (ENS Twitter) | @estmcmxci.eth (ENS Twitter)


  1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse )
  2. General DAO Updates Section
    1. Research Into Governance Risks (@avsa)
  3. Open Discussion

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, April 16th, 2024


Time: Tuesdays at 9am ET (1pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter), @avsa.eth (ENS | Twitter), @estmcmxci.eth (ENS | Twitter),

New proposals are broadcast to Telegram


  1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)
  2. General DAO Updates
    a. Research Into Governance Risks (@avsa)
  3. Open Discussion

14 Participants in Meeting (See list of participants at end of notes)

1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)

  • Working on new roles modifier, tool to manage endownment in non-custodial way
    • Ability to audit what’s changing will be more straight forward (code doing what says is doing) through UI
      • Testing going great
      • Tentatively bring to vote 1 May
  • Working on analysis to show how growing endownment so the endownment is self-sustainable and covering all costs for the DAO
    • From an ops perspective the executable votes would be the same, but funds would come from the Endowment instead of the DAO Wallet

2. General DAO Updates

Research Into Governance Risks (@avsa)

  • Over time amount of delegated power has been decreasing despite same number of delegates, need to increase amount of delegated tokens
  • Anyone who closely watches Agora or Tally will have noticed a new ‘delegate’ shooting to the top of the delegate list, veto.ensdao.eth, presently holding over 3.8M delegated tokens. Please don’t be alarmed - this isn’t a governance attack, in fact it’s quite the reverse
  • @avsa recently disclosed to a small group of delegates the existence and practicality of highly concerning governance attacks that could be used to target DAOs including the ENS DAO. Given the viability of these attacks (has happened before!) and the urgency with which they need to be addressed, @nick.eth devised a simple contract that makes it possible for a small group of trusted DAO participants to exercise a large number of “no” votes to veto proposals that risk the integrity of the ENS DAO. To put some weight behind this, ENS Labs has delegated all of its ENS tokens - most of which are being held on behalf of Labs staff - to this account
  • This contract only permits individuals who have been granted permission to use it, it only allows them to vote “no”, and before exercising this power, individuals must agree to a pledge to only use this power to veto proposals that constitute a governance attack on the DAO, or would violate the ENS constitution

Next Steps

  • Need to make sure safer in the mid-term: [Temp Check] Enable CANCEL role on the DAO
  • Proposal for an executable that would grant the role of Canceller to a multisig, controlled by the same people that currently hold the Veto power. This would be a multisig of at least 2 accounts. We take this very seriously and understand that once this multisig has such power it’s hard to reverse it since they can veto any attempt to remove it. In order to have a balance of power the members would sign a pledge to only use the cancel power in an event of an attack or to protect the spirit of the constitution and we are open to discussion on any other measures that can be enacted

Other preventive measures to protect from the attack

  • The profitability of such attack is simply calculated by the amount of total assets in the DAO / (amount of delegated tokens * price of ENS tokens). So any attempt to improve the situation would have to change one of the factors:
    • Assets: The DAO should consider ways to protect the Endowment from any single transaction that takes over. This isn’t as simple as it appears.
    • Delegated tokens: the Metagovernance group has been considering ways to improve the amount of active delegates and will continue to propose new methods of both direct ENS distribution and ENS delegation.
    • Token price: while the DAO’s responsibility is to the ENS system and not the token, it would be healthy if there were ways in which the value of ENS was more tied to the amount of values in it’s management and the present and future revenue of the name system

3. Open Discussion

  • Discussion around upgrading the governance contract, will bring to the agenda next week

  • Next week will have spending report for all the Working Groups

Notes by @don.nie

Stay up to date on active ENS DAO proposals by subscribing to the ‘notification-only’ Telegram channel.

Screenshot 2024-04-16 at 9.06.07 AM

Meta-Governance Meeting Agenda — 04/23/24

Meeting Info:



  1. Quorum
  2. Endowment updates
  3. Q1 Review
  4. Open Discussion

Requests to add an item to the agenda may be forwarded by direct message to @Meta-Gov_Stewards

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, April 23rd, 2024


Time: Tuesdays at 9am ET (1pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter), @avsa.eth (ENS | Twitter), @estmcmxci.eth (ENS | Twitter),

New proposals are broadcast to Telegram


  1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)
  2. Q1 Review
  3. Open Discussion

15 Participants in Meeting (See list of participants at end of notes)

1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)

Zodiac RM v2: https://kit.karpatkey.com/ Drafting proposal, will share overview before goes to a vote. Makes auditing much simpler through the UI and lessens need for manual changes

2. Q1 Review

3. Open Discussion

Newsletter Published: ENS DAO Newsletter #59 — 04/23/2024

Notes by @don.nie

Stay up to date on active ENS DAO proposals by subscribing to the ‘notification-only’ Telegram channel.

Agenda and Minutes for MetaGov Meeting, April 30th, 2024

Time: Tuesdays at 9:00 am ET (1pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/xxh-fmch-axe

Stewards: @5pence.eth (ENS Twitter) | @avsa.eth (ENS Twitter) | @estmcmxci.eth (ENS Twitter)

  1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse )
  2. General DAO Updates Section
    1. Upcoming Proposals
    2. Bylaws update
  3. Open Discussion

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, April 30th, 2024


Time: Tuesdays at 9am ET (1pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter), @avsa.eth (ENS | Twitter), @estmcmxci.eth (ENS | Twitter),

New proposals are broadcast to Telegram


  1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)
  2. General DAO Updates Section
    a. Upcoming Proposals
    b. Bylaws update
  3. Open Discussion

14 Participants in Meeting (See list of participants at end of notes)

1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)

  • Tech team finishing ZRM v2 Migration Proposal, will post when complete during a voting window

2. General DAO Updates Section

Upcoming Proposals

  • Alex Netto proposing giving the allow contract to call the cancel function on the timelock for a social proposal tomorrow
  • This is the next step in safeguarding the DAO against a cryptoeceonomic attack whereby malicious users would take advantage of a lack of voting to pass issues against the best interests of the DAO
  • Will allow DAO to remove the veto contract (DAO using voting power to vote against attacks) which was a temporary solution for a cryptoeconomic attack against the DAO. Con of this solution relies on voting power, which can be overriden by malicious user with more votes
  • Jengajojo: While have reliable contributors today, want to create a DAO that outlasts contributors. Need to put measures in place that decentralize power, current proposal might not accomplish that with a security council
  • Netto: Security council is a short-term solution to security issue
  • Spike: Seems like a step backward in decentralizing the DAO
  • @avsa.eth: Need to stop malicious attempts to hijack the DAO, want to evolve in the future so we can get rid of this proposal
  • @5pence: All security council can do is stop a proposal, can’t create or remove proposals. Just to cancel a malicious activity
  • Jengajojo: Any discussions around delegating tokens in DAO?
  • @5pence: Yes discussions and thoughts about right way to do it are in the forum threads
  • Please bring discussions to the forum when it is posted
  • Another social proposal may be posted tomorrow related to ENS vesting requirements

Bylaws update

  • Have received bylaws proposal, working group will review before posting on the forum for feedback

3. Open Discussion

Q1 Spending Summary posted from @limes: Term 5: Working Group Spending Summary - 2024 Q1

Q1 Meta-Gov Review from @estmcmxci: Meta-Governance Q1 Review: Initiatives, Outcomes, and Future Dir… — marcus

Spike: What were key considerations when deciding between streaming payment services for paying stream providers?
@avsa.eth: Superfluid allowed an open-ended stream that could just be topped-up and put more money in it, others didn’t

Notes by @don.nie

Stay up to date on active ENS DAO proposals by subscribing to the ‘notification-only’ Telegram channel.

Screenshot 2024-04-30 at 9.11.38 AM

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Agenda and Minutes for MetaGov Meeting, May 7th, 2024


Time: Tuesdays at 9:00 am ET (1pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/xxh-fmch-axe

Stewards: @5pence.eth (ENS Twitter) | @avsa.eth (ENS Twitter) | @estmcmxci.eth (ENS Twitter)


  1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse )
  2. General DAO Updates Section
    1. 2 Offchain Proposals live
  3. Open Discussion

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, May 7th, 2024


Time: Tuesdays at 9am ET (1pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter), @avsa.eth (ENS | Twitter), @estmcmxci.eth (ENS | Twitter),

New proposals are broadcast to Telegram


  1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)
  2. General DAO Updates Section
    a. 2 offchain proposals live
  3. Open Discussion

14 Participants in Meeting (See list of participants at end of notes)

1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)

April Monthly Report

Link to Report: ENS Financial Reporting by Steakhouse - #22 by Steakhouse

ZRM v2 Migration Proposal Link: [EP 5.x] Roles Modifier V2 Migration & Updates to Endowment Permissions to continue managing endownment in non-custodial way and allow for more robust auditing

2. General DAO Updates Section

@avsa.eth sharing ENS DAO Risk Dashboard

  • Shows cost to attack the DAO; changes due to fluctuations in ENS token price
  • Link: https://dune.com/avsa/governancerisk
  • Ways to reduce risk: Increase delegated ENS and approve Netto’s proposal for a Security Council with the authority to cancel malicious proposals: Snapshot

Two Current Snapshot proposals

  • Security Council: Snapshot
  • ENS Steward Vesting Proposal: Snapshot
    • Ambiguous language around vesting in Snapshot vote, discussion around numbers
      • Netto: All ENS disbursements to stewards will be vested on a linear 24 month schedule from the time of their appointment
      • Netto: For the current term’s stewards, ENS vesting will be scaled retroactively based on the time since their appointment. ~37.5% of ENS will be distributed to stewards directly from the multisig, whilst the remaining ENS will then be deposited into each steward’s vesting contract
    • Eduardo: Poorly written and ambiguous in language, needs clarification
    • Marcus: Need to confirm with @James.eth what his intention was and have Meta-Governance provide a statement that clarifies the position

3. Open Discussion

Newsletter Released: ENS DAO Newsletter #60 — 05/07/2024

Notes by @don.nie

Stay up to date on active ENS DAO proposals by subscribing to the ‘notification-only’ Telegram channel.

Agenda and Minutes for MetaGov Meeting, May 7th, 2024


Time: Tuesdays at 9:00 am ET (1pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/xxh-fmch-axe

Stewards: @5pence.eth (ENS Twitter) | @avsa.eth (ENS Twitter) | @estmcmxci.eth (ENS Twitter)


  1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse )
  2. General DAO Updates Section
  3. Open Discussion

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, May 14th, 2024


Time: Tuesdays at 9am ET (1pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter), @avsa.eth (ENS | Twitter), @estmcmxci.eth (ENS | Twitter),

New proposals are broadcast to Telegram


  1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)
  2. General DAO Updates Section
    a. Agora
  3. Open Discussion

19 Participants in Meeting (See list of participants at end of notes)

1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)

  • Montly Report posted: $350,000 made in April using DeFi protocols, endownment fluctuates due to price of ETH
  • Working on post to share shortly that will include additional analysis including breakdown of what assets gained under “APR”
  • This passed proposal allows fees to come directly from endownment: Tally | ENS Proposal
  • Working group will get ZRM v2 migration proposal up for vote no later than sometime in June

2. General DAO Updates Section

Kent Fenwick from Agora
Four intiatives working on:

  • Proposal Lifecycle Management: Allow anybody to draft proposals, send to sponsor to review, and allow anybody with enough ENS to put up vote, notifications system and integrations into systems included
    • Discussion around possibility of pooling ENS so multiple people could get together and put up for a vote
    • @avsa.eth: Want to make it easier to put things up for a vote, but want to ensure that proposals going up have high chance of passing / create cost for malicious proposals
  • Gas relay for free Agora Votes: Similar to Tally, abstract away costs of voting
  • Visualize streams for vendors: Explore vendors, how much paid, etc.
  • Gov Upgrade for Redelegation of Coinbase delegation: CB has large amount of delegated ENS tokens, difficult to delegate given how tokens are stored, proposal to CB to allow tokens to be delegated

3. Open Discussion

Veto Contract Discussion from @SpikeWatanabe.eth

  • Example of malicious attack against DAO happening at Compound, understand security risks against DAOs
  • But feels like a step backward from the multi-sig that was governing ENS in the past
  • Suggestion: Delegate incentivization to stay informed about everything happening at the DAO
  • Alex Netto: Finishing writing veto contract, next steps after deployed are around increasing DAO participation

Notes by @don.nie

Stay up to date on active ENS DAO proposals by subscribing to the ‘notification-only’ Telegram channel.

Agenda and Minutes for MetaGov Meeting, May 21st, 2024


Time: Tuesdays at 9:00 am ET (1pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/xxh-fmch-axe

Stewards: @5pence.eth (ENS Twitter) | @avsa.eth (ENS Twitter) | @estmcmxci.eth (ENS Twitter)


  1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse )
  2. General DAO Updates Section
    1. Funding Request Next Month
  3. Open Discussion

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, May 21st, 2024


Time: Tuesdays at 9am ET (1pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter), @avsa.eth (ENS | Twitter), @estmcmxci.eth (ENS | Twitter),

New proposals are broadcast to Telegram


  1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)
  2. General DAO Updates Section
    a. Funding Request Next Month
  3. Open Discussion

17 Participants in Meeting (See list of participants at end of notes)

1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)

  • Planning to inlcude custom section of monthly report showing Ether performance vs. Endownment performance
    • Will have for May report

2. General DAO Updates Section

Funding Request Next Month

  • Will look similar to funding requests in March
    • Objection to liquid distribution of ENS put into separate proposal
  • Social votes at beginning of month, executables mid-month

3. Open Discussion

Newsletter out: ENS DAO Newsletter #61 — 05/21/24

@avsa.eth governance risk update: Rise in price of ETH currently makes governance attack unprofitable

Netto receiving auditor feedback on cancel contract that prevents DAO governance attack

@limes.eth: ENS has Safe tokens in a few multi-sigs in order of tens of thousands of dollars. Wonder if something want to do with these tokens

  • Could do social proposal that elects delegator for votes
  • @limes.eth will do research and figure out how best to move forward

Notes by @don.nie

Stay up to date on active ENS DAO proposals by subscribing to the ‘notification-only’ Telegram channel.

1 Like

Agenda and Minutes for MetaGov Meeting, May 28th, 2024


Time: Tuesdays at 9:00 am ET (1pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/xxh-fmch-axe

Stewards: @5pence.eth (ENS Twitter) | @avsa.eth (ENS Twitter) | @estmcmxci.eth (ENS Twitter)


  1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse )
  2. General DAO Updates Section
    1. Presentation from Andrey “We want to present the Goverland App (goverland.xyz)”
  3. Open Discussion

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, May 28th, 2024


Time: Tuesdays at 9am ET (1pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter), @avsa.eth (ENS | Twitter), @estmcmxci.eth (ENS | Twitter),

New proposals are broadcast to Telegram


  1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)
  2. General DAO Updates Section
    a. Presentation from Andrey from Goverland App (https://goverland.xyz)
  3. Open Discussion

19 Participants in Meeting (See list of participants at end of notes)

1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)

  • Want to show increase from interest earnings v. just increase of ETH price
  • ZRM v2 up for possible social vote soon

2. General DAO Updates Section

Andrey from Goverland App (https://goverland.xyz)

  • Your DAOs in one place: Discover, follow, and influence the DAOs you care about. Our app brings the entire DAO ecosystem to your mobile, making participation easy and convenient.
  • Mission: Make it simpler to participate in DAOs
  • Improve communication between DAO to DAO voters
    • Integrated with Snapshot
    • Similar to Boardroom but on mobile
  • iOS and Mac (M1 chip) compatible
  • ENS names shown in profiles
  • Try out and please provide feedback on tg: @scherbovich

3. Open Discussion

Newsletter: ENS DAO Journal | ENS DAO Newsletter #61

@avsa.eth: Governance dashboard shows that risk factor of attacking the DAO is lowest in awhile mostly due to increase in the price of ENS. Good news!

Spike: Lots of tools to connect to voting but still think need to increase participation. Uniswap working on initiatives to increase participation through staking, think ENS should think about similar ideas to increase voting participation

  • Discussion around how different incentive schemes can be gamed
  • Jengajojo did research in the past: [Discussion] What an 'effective delegate' means to the ENS DAO
    • DAO needs to consider what is considered “valuable” for DAO participation
    • Please provide feedback in the thread
  • Tally thinking about building liquid version of Unistaker model
    • Will make forum post and get feedback from the community
    • DAOs succeed when token holders receive a return on value/ value of treasury redistibuted
    • Thinking about building a protocol where liquid stake ENS tokens, and voting power could be delegated to the DAO
  • @estmcmxci:
    • an effective delegate 1) understands + follows ens dao constitution 2) adds value as either developer (ens service provider), steward, or as a delegate 3) good represenative in the space

June proposals in consideration:

• Karpatkey Module Upgrade
• CANCEL role
• Meta-gov budget proposal

@limes: Gitcoin round almost completed, will create post once finalized

Notes by @don.nie

Stay up to date on active ENS DAO proposals by subscribing to the ‘notification-only’ Telegram channel.

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