☎️ MetaGov Working Group – Weekly Meeting: 9am ET, Tuesday

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, June 11th, 2024


Time: Tuesdays at 9am ET (1pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter), @avsa.eth (ENS | Twitter), @estmcmxci.eth (ENS | Twitter),

New proposals are broadcast to Telegram


  1. Quorum
  2. Proposal results
  3. Labs updates
  4. Endowment updates
  5. Agora updates
  6. Bylaws Q&A
  7. Upcoming voting window
  8. ‘Office Hours’ Session / Kanban
  9. Open Discussion

14 Participants in Meeting (See list of participants at end of notes)

1. Quorum

2. Proposal results

  • Meta-gov funding request passed
  • Next step: Submit an executable proposal
  • Thanks for participating in the vote

3. Labs updates

4. Endowment updates

Financial Update

  • 2023 Operating Expenses: $8.9M
  • 2024 will be higher given L2 build and service providers
  • Daily net cash flow would be ~0 on on-going basis; endownment returns would cause to be positive
  • Will write more on the forum and allow for time for discussion in meetings going forward

5. Agora updates

Kent Fenwick presenting two proposals, please read both posts and provide feedback before a temp check

6. Bylaws Q&A

Please read forum post: RFP: Drafting of ENS DAO bylaws - #35 by estmcmxci

  • The Meta-Governance Working Group has decided to adjourn the Bylaws process and reorient its approach
  • To create a more cohesive framework, Alex Urbelis (@Alexu), ENS Labs’ general counsel, will contribute his expertise. This framework will narrow the project’s scope, focusing on the most applicable and explicitly defined aspects of DAO governance
  • Initial framework will serve as the first iteration of the DAO Bylaws. It will be subject to a social vote proposing their adoption and will likely undergo amendments through future iterations
  • Message with any questions: Telegram: Contact @estmcmxci

7. Upcoming voting window

  • No date set
  • On agenda:
    • Social proposal for Security Council multi-sig and ability to call Cancel Function to protect DAO from governance attack
    • Social proposal for eth.link litigation so DAO can approve ENS Labs reimbursement
    • Karpatkey will submit roles module upgrade proposal
    • Meta-gov budget executable

8. ‘Office Hours’ Session / Kanban

  • Created FigJam to get new participants up to speed on Meta-gov and how operates
  • Seeking feedback

9. Open Discussion

Requests to add an item to the agenda may be forwarded by direct message to @Meta-Gov_Stewards

Notes by @don.nie

Stay up to date on active ENS DAO proposals by subscribing to the ‘notification-only’ Telegram channel.

Screenshot 2024-06-11 at 9.11.57 AM