☎️ MetaGov Working Group – Weekly Meeting: 9am ET, Tuesday

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, August 20th, 2024


Time: Tuesdays at 9am ET (1pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter), @avsa.eth (ENS | Twitter), @estmcmxci.eth (ENS | Twitter),

New proposals are broadcast to Telegram


  1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)
  2. General DAO Updates
    a. Karpatkey Permission Payload
    b. Agora Project Update
  3. Open Discussion

19 Participants in Meeting (See list of participants at end of notes)

1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)

  • Will share IPS soon (treasury management guidelines)
    • Want DAO to approve document
    • 5pence: Would love to see DAO divest from Lido. Many other projects that align with Ethereum
      • Lido currently at 28% market share, don’t want to get over 33%
      • Can put language like this into the IPS
    • The IPS will be a living document, and updated regularly (every year + ongoing basis) per ENS DAO’s priorities

2. General DAO Updates

Karpatkey Permission Payload

  • [EP 5.X] [Executable] Endowment permissions to karpatkey - Update #4
  • This proposal aims to introduce new permissions for deploying Endowment funds, focusing on improved diversification and alignment with the evolving market landscape and liquidity. We are also introducing an independent audit report together with the Permissions Update; this will be the standard practice for Permissions Updates going forward
  • Aim to get executable up on Friday

Agora Project Update

3. Open Discussion


Notes by @don.nie

Stay up to date on active ENS DAO proposals by subscribing to the ‘notification-only’ Telegram channel.


Screenshot 2024-08-20 at 9.12.31 AM