☎️ MetaGov Working Group – Weekly Meeting: 9am ET, Tuesday

Agenda and Minutes for MetaGov Meeting, July 2nd, 2024


Time: Tuesdays at 9:00 am ET (1pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/xxh-fmch-axe

Stewards: @5pence.eth (ENS Twitter) | @avsa.eth (ENS Twitter) | @estmcmxci.eth (ENS Twitter)


  1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse )
  2. General DAO Updates Section
    1. Executable proposals 5.11 & 5.12
  3. Open Discussion

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, July 2nd, 2024


Time: Tuesdays at 9am ET (1pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter), @avsa.eth (ENS | Twitter), @estmcmxci.eth (ENS | Twitter),

New proposals are broadcast to Telegram


  1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)
  2. General DAO Updates Section
    a. Executable proposals 5.11 & 5.12
  3. Open Discussion

20 Participants in Meeting (See list of participants at end of notes)

1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)

  • Price of ETH, fees, and other variables change these models
  • Goal is to have a clear investment statement/policy around exposure to ETH and other variables including how much runway to hold in stablecoins (2 years standard, currently at 4-5 years of stables)
  • Endowment is very healthy, much better position than most DAOs
  • Discussion around moving unused wallet funds into endowment to earn interest, opportunity cost to not having larger endowment. Working on forum post to share shortly
  • Stakewise financial report for June: ENS Financial Reporting by Steakhouse - #24 by Steakhouse

2. General DAO Updates Section

Executable proposal 5.11

Executable proposal 5.12

  • Tally | ENS | [EP 5.12] Roles Modifier V2 Migration & Updates to Endowment Permissions
  • This proposal aims to roll out an updated version of the Zodiac Roles Modifier module. The new version improves usability and transparency of treasury management operations. Upon approval, the Roles Modifier v2 module will be activated.
  • Furthermore, this proposal requests authorization from the DAO to revise the permissions policy. A notable change includes enabling swapping actions on CoW Swap while the other permissions primarily focus on eliminating obsolete actions and protocols, and refining parameters within the existing permissions.

3. Open Discussion

Newsletter is out: ENS DAO Newsletter #64 — 07/02/24

Security Council Update: Getting addresses for security council multi-sig, then ready to initiate executable proposal during next voting cycle

New proposals posted on X, pls RT share w/ delegates: x.com

Notes by @don.nie

Stay up to date on active ENS DAO proposals by subscribing to the ‘notification-only’ Telegram channel.

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Agenda and Minutes for MetaGov Meeting, July 16th, 2024


Time: Tuesdays at 9:00 am ET (1pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/xxh-fmch-axe

Stewards: @5pence.eth (ENS Twitter) | @avsa.eth (ENS Twitter) | @estmcmxci.eth (ENS Twitter)


  1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse )
  2. General DAO Updates Section
    1. Upcoming Proposals
  3. Open Discussion
1 Like

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, July 16th, 2024


Time: Tuesdays at 9am ET (1pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter), @avsa.eth (ENS | Twitter), @estmcmxci.eth (ENS | Twitter),

New proposals are broadcast to Telegram


  1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)
  2. General DAO Updates Section
    a. Upcoming Proposals
  3. Open Discussion

19 Participants in Meeting (See list of participants at end of notes)

1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)

2. General DAO Updates Section

Upcoming Proposals

  • @netto.eth deploying contract for security council soon, will submit executable proposal shortly
  • Need to accompany with forum post

3. Open Discussion

Newsletter is out! ENS DAO Newsletter #65 — 07/16/24

Discussion around confusion in voting

Discussion around Proposal 49795 | Dhive and need to include more reference links for future proposals

Update from Agora:

  • Faster, better client out soon, will support July proposals
  • Trying to find new connection at Coinbase for redelegation of large delegates

Great work at EthGlobal!: x.com

New logo! Please use for decks: ENS Brand | ENS

Notes by @don.nie

Stay up to date on active ENS DAO proposals by subscribing to the ‘notification-only’ Telegram channel.

Agenda and Minutes for MetaGov Meeting, July 23rd, 2024


Time: Tuesdays at 9:00 am ET (1pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/xxh-fmch-axe

Stewards: @5pence.eth (ENS Twitter) | @avsa.eth (ENS Twitter) | @estmcmxci.eth (ENS Twitter)


  1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse )
  2. General DAO Updates Section
    1. Current Proposal, [EP 5.13]
  3. Open Discussion

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, July 23rd, 2024


Time: Tuesdays at 9am ET (1pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter), @avsa.eth (ENS | Twitter), @estmcmxci.eth (ENS | Twitter),

New proposals are broadcast to Telegram


  1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)
  2. General DAO Updates Section
    a. Upcoming Proposals
  3. Open Discussion

12 Participants in Meeting (See list of participants at end of notes)

1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)

  • Info on Lido alliance: [TEMP CHECK] Deploy a Lido Aave v3 Instance - Governance - Aave
    • Two options: Deposit and manage position or agree on ETH yield for a period of time (not in smart contract, can withdraw at any time).
    • Working with Lido and Aave, deal with them will happen in 2-3 weeks
    • Will require update to permissions policy. Will include in temp check with Stakewise v3 upgrade in next voting period (August)

2. General DAO Updates Section

Current Proposal

3. Open Discussion

Bitwise invest using subnames for their ETF offerings: x.com

Notes by @don.nie

Stay up to date on active ENS DAO proposals by subscribing to the ‘notification-only’ Telegram channel.

Screenshot 2024-07-23 at 9.10.51 AM

Agenda and Minutes for MetaGov Meeting, July 30th, 2024


Time: Tuesdays at 9:00 am ET (1pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/xxh-fmch-axe

Stewards: @5pence.eth (ENS Twitter) | @avsa.eth (ENS Twitter) | @estmcmxci.eth (ENS Twitter)


  1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse )
  2. General DAO Updates Section
    1. dhive analytics tool
    2. Recent Proposal’s Insights
  3. Open Discussion

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, July 30th, 2024


Time: Tuesdays at 9am ET (1pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter), @avsa.eth (ENS | Twitter), @estmcmxci.eth (ENS | Twitter),

New proposals are broadcast to Telegram


  1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)
  2. General DAO Updates Section
    a. dhive analytics tool
  3. Open Discussion

14 Participants in Meeting (See list of participants at end of notes)

1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)

  • Withdrew balances from Compound to be safe, allocated funds at 75% as a result; plan to move funds into new strategies proposed
  • Working with 3rd party on code review; will put strategies forward for executable proposal once that is complete
  • No plans to blacklist Compound, will monitor protocols on individual basis for risk

2. General DAO Updates Section

dhive analytics tool

3. Open Discussion

Kent Fenwick from Agora

  • https://agora.ensdao.org
  • New Agora client live
    • Upgraded proposal visualization
    • ENS Avatars on voters
    • Transaction decoding to understand complicated transactions
  • Lots of feedback on forum posts, will put temp check together for Propose with Bond
  • Continue to work with large holders like Coinbase to figure out how to allow those token holders to vote

Newsletter is out: ENS DAO Newsletter #66 — 07/30/24

Q2 WG Spending summary: Term 5: Working Group Spending Summary - 2024 Q2

ENS Radio: x.com

@netto.eth: Security council work comes at great time after what we’ve seen at Compound

Interesting discussion on ENSv2 in forum: ENS Labs development proposal: ENSv2 and native L2 support - #23 by MicahZoltu

Notes by @don.nie

Stay up to date on active ENS DAO proposals by subscribing to the ‘notification-only’ Telegram channel.

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Meta-Governance Meeting Agenda — 08/06/24

Meeting Info:



  1. Quorum
  2. General updates
  3. Endowment updates
  4. Agora updates
  5. August voting window
  6. Q2 Review
  7. Open discussion

Requests to add an item to the agenda may be forwarded by direct message to @Meta-Gov_Stewards

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, August 6th, 2024


Time: Tuesdays at 9am ET (1pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter), @avsa.eth (ENS | Twitter), @estmcmxci.eth (ENS | Twitter),

New proposals are broadcast to Telegram


  1. General Updates
  2. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)
  3. Agora Updates
  4. August Voting Window
  5. Q2 Review
  6. Open Discussion

12 Participants in Meeting (See list of participants at end of notes)

1. General Updates

  • DAO Roundup: x.com
    • Security Council passed with 99.9% approval
    • Highest voted onchain proposal this year
  • Public Goods Large Grants: x.com
    • allocating a total of $282k to projects that have made an impact on the Ethereum/Web3 ecosystems
  • Gary Palmer Jr’s Weekly Spaces Roundup: x.com
  • ENS Radio this week, Privy as Guest: x.com

2. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)

  • Metrics show unwind was macro related, think market will rebound soon, will take advantage of good opportunities to shuffle around funds
  • Despite market downturn, was $50m of inflows into the ETH ETF (silver lining)

3. Agora Updates

  • No major updates, continue to work through gas relay
  • Redelegation will take more time as getting more stakeholder buy-in
  • Temp check for bond proposal will be posted soon

4. August Voting Window

5. Q2 Review

6. Open Discussion

Corina Pascu from https://dhive.io showing new features:

  • Directly indexing data from onchain data, verified from smart contract
  • Implemented annual report, shows what happened in DAOs since years of inception; uses natural language to summarize key data
  • Distribution of votes for each proposal
  • Overview of voting power
  • Next steps: indexing 30 more DAOs

Notes by @don.nie

Stay up to date on active ENS DAO proposals by subscribing to the ‘notification-only’ Telegram channel.

Screenshot 2024-08-06 at 9.08.29 AM


Agenda and Minutes for MetaGov Meeting, August 13th, 2024


Time: Tuesdays at 9:00 am ET (1pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/xxh-fmch-axe

Stewards: @5pence.eth (ENS Twitter) | @avsa.eth (ENS Twitter) | @estmcmxci.eth (ENS Twitter)


  1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse )
  2. General DAO Updates Section
  3. Open Discussion

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, August 13th, 2024


Time: Tuesdays at 9am ET (1pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter), @avsa.eth (ENS | Twitter), @estmcmxci.eth (ENS | Twitter),

New proposals are broadcast to Telegram


  1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)
  2. General DAO Updates
  3. Open Discussion

18 Participants in Meeting (See list of participants at end of notes)

1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)

  • Goal is to get proposal up over next few days for voting next week; will work with Agora to use their proposal creation tool
  • Allocated funds dropped as a result of removing funds from Compound

2. General DAO Updates

3. Open Discussion

Andreas from https://Fileverse.io

  • Received one of first grants from ENS
  • 1.1 billion use Google Docs, need decentralized alternatives, created dDocs
  • https://ddocs.new and opens decentralized page with editor where can immediately write and collaborate without a login; peer-to-peer no centralized server involved; can identify self with ENS or stay anonymous; also encrypted
  • Can create shareable Farcaster link; automatically creates a Frame
  • Have option for users to only comment
  • When create account automatically creates multi-sig controlling how doc is shared
  • Mobile-native, split-screen, markdown compatible
  • Fully decentralized backend using IPFS; will continue to run if Fileverse team disappears
  • For a DAO want to have trustless collaboration; don’t want/need one admin, but want multi-sig to manage

Notes by @don.nie

Stay up to date on active ENS DAO proposals by subscribing to the ‘notification-only’ Telegram channel.


Screenshot 2024-08-13 at 9.08.25 AM

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Agenda and Minutes for MetaGov Meeting, August 20th, 2024


Time: Tuesdays at 9:00 am ET (1pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/xxh-fmch-axe

Stewards: @5pence.eth (ENS Twitter) | @avsa.eth (ENS Twitter) | @estmcmxci.eth (ENS Twitter)


  1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse )
  2. General DAO Updates Section
    1. Karpatkey Permission Payload
    2. Agora Project Update
  3. Open Discussion

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, August 20th, 2024


Time: Tuesdays at 9am ET (1pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter), @avsa.eth (ENS | Twitter), @estmcmxci.eth (ENS | Twitter),

New proposals are broadcast to Telegram


  1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)
  2. General DAO Updates
    a. Karpatkey Permission Payload
    b. Agora Project Update
  3. Open Discussion

19 Participants in Meeting (See list of participants at end of notes)

1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)

  • Will share IPS soon (treasury management guidelines)
    • Want DAO to approve document
    • 5pence: Would love to see DAO divest from Lido. Many other projects that align with Ethereum
      • Lido currently at 28% market share, don’t want to get over 33%
      • Can put language like this into the IPS
    • The IPS will be a living document, and updated regularly (every year + ongoing basis) per ENS DAO’s priorities

2. General DAO Updates

Karpatkey Permission Payload

  • [EP 5.X] [Executable] Endowment permissions to karpatkey - Update #4
  • This proposal aims to introduce new permissions for deploying Endowment funds, focusing on improved diversification and alignment with the evolving market landscape and liquidity. We are also introducing an independent audit report together with the Permissions Update; this will be the standard practice for Permissions Updates going forward
  • Aim to get executable up on Friday

Agora Project Update

3. Open Discussion


Notes by @don.nie

Stay up to date on active ENS DAO proposals by subscribing to the ‘notification-only’ Telegram channel.


Screenshot 2024-08-20 at 9.12.31 AM

Meta-Governance Meeting Agenda — 08/27/24

Meeting Info:



  1. Quorum
  2. Weekly Endowment updates (@Karpatkey)
  3. Agora updates
  4. August voting window
  5. Open discussion

Requests to add an item to the agenda may be forwarded by direct message to @Meta-Gov_Stewards

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, August 27th, 2024


Time: Tuesdays at 9am ET (1pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter), @avsa.eth (ENS | Twitter), @estmcmxci.eth (ENS | Twitter),

New proposals are broadcast to Telegram


  1. Quorum
  2. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)
  3. Agora Updates
  4. August Voting Window
  5. Open Discussion

13 Participants in Meeting (See list of participants at end of notes)


2. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)

3. Agora Updates

• Agora will be posting their social proposal very soon
• Coinbase redelegation is making progress, updates soon
• Gas relay coming soon

4. August Voting Window

5. Open Discussion


Notes by @don.nie

Stay up to date on active ENS DAO proposals by subscribing to the ‘notification-only’ Telegram channel.


Agenda and Minutes for MetaGov Meeting, Sept. 3rd, 2024


Time: Tuesdays at 9:00 am ET (1pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/xxh-fmch-axe

Stewards: @5pence.eth (ENS Twitter) | @avsa.eth (ENS Twitter) | @estmcmxci.eth (ENS Twitter)


  1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse )
  2. General DAO Updates Section
    1. Agora re: Proposed Governor Contract Upgrade
  3. Open Discussion

1 Like

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, September 3rd, 2024


Time: Tuesdays at 9am ET (1pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter), @avsa.eth (ENS | Twitter), @estmcmxci.eth (ENS | Twitter),

New proposals are broadcast to Telegram


  1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)
  2. General DAO Updates Section
    a. Agora re: Proposed Governor Contract Upgrade
  3. Open Discussion

18 Participants in Meeting (See list of participants at end of notes)

1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse )

  • Allocated funds back to 100% after execution of Permissions Update Request (PUR)
  • ENS Investment Policy Statement: Formal document to put ethos and objectives of endowment into a document; goal is to be a living document
    • Defines responsibilities of all parties involved; should allow for endowment to continue to be managed even if Karpatkey not involved
    • Meaningful and flexible so can do job without bothering DAO too much
    • Document will be shared later this week, please provide feedback
    • @5pence.eth: Agree should put up for Snapshot vote to codify as a social proposal

2. General DAO Updates Section

Kent Fenwick form Agora re: Proposed Governor Contract Upgrade

  • Temp Check: [Temp Check][Social] Adding ProposalBond to ENS Governor to make proposing more accessible
  • Agora proposes adding the functionality of the ProposalBond to the ENS DAO Governor that would allow a proposer to propose with a lower threshold, and then the community could vote [For, Against, Against No Return, Abstain]. If the weight of Against No Return > Against, then the proposer does not get their bond back and the proposal does not pass
  • @5pence.eth: Make changes with dates of edits in the forum post
  • Kent: Should we get code audited before putting up for Snapshot?
    • @5pence.eth: Don’t need to audit until after Snapshot, but in Snapshot should articulate what plan to do for auditing so folks understand what agreeing to in Snapshot
    • @avsa: Agree, have budgets for audits (more than one) after Snapshot
    • Agreed Snapshot will happen first, Agora will put forward 1 auditor and Meta-gov will put forward another. Agora will cover changes as specified by the auditor, need to make sure changes to governor don’t affect recent changes by the security council
  • Agora also working to enable gas relay, starting work on next sprint around 14 September. Will put on test Sepolia so DAO has few different places where can vote
  • Large delegation project: Working with stakeholder at Coinbase so large delegates can vote, will increase voteable supply of ENS
    • Technical changes needed: Adding a redelegation (helper contract) that gets recognized by the governor so governor can read from existing registry and new registry. Tokens don’t move, pointer to a delegation is what’s moving
    • System would allow for different types of delegation i.e. fractional
    • Not gas friendly, prohibitive on L1, limits number of redelegations, needs to be in production on L2
    • @184.eth: Love simplified governance, will be lens to use when evaluating. When adding layers introducing risk. Wouldn’t want DAO to have more obfuscated voting, want to see who is voting for what.
      • Kent: We will know the address of voters, understand concerns
    • What is commitment needed from Coinbase?: Willingness to free up voteable supply and run a transaction to put tokens into circulation for voting
    • @5pence.eth: Need to write-up thoughts and go very slow on this
    • Kent: Open-source and forkeable, could be public good. Will invite rep from Coinbase on the call to discuss from their side

3. Open Discussion

Danch presenting ENS Ledger

  • https://ens-ledger.site
  • Visualization of ENS DAO transactions: The ENS DAO Ledger is a quarterly visualization in Sankey chart format of the money flows associated with the DAO
  • Can download charts, charts updated ever 2 hours
  • Users can add information on recipients to help make the diagrams more robust
  • @5pence.eth: What will take to maintain going forward? Tool is valuable for DAO and want to make sure maintained. Let working group know what will take.
  • Will publish repo when code is finished
  • App is not currently adapted for mobile devices

Other Misc. Updates

Notes by @don.nie

Stay up to date on active ENS DAO proposals by subscribing to the ‘notification-only’ Telegram channel.


Screenshot 2024-09-03 at 9.09.22 AM