☎️ MetaGov Working Group – Weekly Meeting: 9am ET, Tuesday

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, September 3rd, 2024


Time: Tuesdays at 9am ET (1pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter), @avsa.eth (ENS | Twitter), @estmcmxci.eth (ENS | Twitter),

New proposals are broadcast to Telegram


  1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)
  2. General DAO Updates Section
    a. Agora re: Proposed Governor Contract Upgrade
  3. Open Discussion

18 Participants in Meeting (See list of participants at end of notes)

1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse )

  • Allocated funds back to 100% after execution of Permissions Update Request (PUR)
  • ENS Investment Policy Statement: Formal document to put ethos and objectives of endowment into a document; goal is to be a living document
    • Defines responsibilities of all parties involved; should allow for endowment to continue to be managed even if Karpatkey not involved
    • Meaningful and flexible so can do job without bothering DAO too much
    • Document will be shared later this week, please provide feedback
    • @5pence.eth: Agree should put up for Snapshot vote to codify as a social proposal

2. General DAO Updates Section

Kent Fenwick form Agora re: Proposed Governor Contract Upgrade

  • Temp Check: [Temp Check][Social] Adding ProposalBond to ENS Governor to make proposing more accessible
  • Agora proposes adding the functionality of the ProposalBond to the ENS DAO Governor that would allow a proposer to propose with a lower threshold, and then the community could vote [For, Against, Against No Return, Abstain]. If the weight of Against No Return > Against, then the proposer does not get their bond back and the proposal does not pass
  • @5pence.eth: Make changes with dates of edits in the forum post
  • Kent: Should we get code audited before putting up for Snapshot?
    • @5pence.eth: Don’t need to audit until after Snapshot, but in Snapshot should articulate what plan to do for auditing so folks understand what agreeing to in Snapshot
    • @avsa: Agree, have budgets for audits (more than one) after Snapshot
    • Agreed Snapshot will happen first, Agora will put forward 1 auditor and Meta-gov will put forward another. Agora will cover changes as specified by the auditor, need to make sure changes to governor don’t affect recent changes by the security council
  • Agora also working to enable gas relay, starting work on next sprint around 14 September. Will put on test Sepolia so DAO has few different places where can vote
  • Large delegation project: Working with stakeholder at Coinbase so large delegates can vote, will increase voteable supply of ENS
    • Technical changes needed: Adding a redelegation (helper contract) that gets recognized by the governor so governor can read from existing registry and new registry. Tokens don’t move, pointer to a delegation is what’s moving
    • System would allow for different types of delegation i.e. fractional
    • Not gas friendly, prohibitive on L1, limits number of redelegations, needs to be in production on L2
    • @184.eth: Love simplified governance, will be lens to use when evaluating. When adding layers introducing risk. Wouldn’t want DAO to have more obfuscated voting, want to see who is voting for what.
      • Kent: We will know the address of voters, understand concerns
    • What is commitment needed from Coinbase?: Willingness to free up voteable supply and run a transaction to put tokens into circulation for voting
    • @5pence.eth: Need to write-up thoughts and go very slow on this
    • Kent: Open-source and forkeable, could be public good. Will invite rep from Coinbase on the call to discuss from their side

3. Open Discussion

Danch presenting ENS Ledger

  • https://ens-ledger.site
  • Visualization of ENS DAO transactions: The ENS DAO Ledger is a quarterly visualization in Sankey chart format of the money flows associated with the DAO
  • Can download charts, charts updated ever 2 hours
  • Users can add information on recipients to help make the diagrams more robust
  • @5pence.eth: What will take to maintain going forward? Tool is valuable for DAO and want to make sure maintained. Let working group know what will take.
  • Will publish repo when code is finished
  • App is not currently adapted for mobile devices

Other Misc. Updates

Notes by @don.nie

Stay up to date on active ENS DAO proposals by subscribing to the ‘notification-only’ Telegram channel.


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