Name Wrapper Dev Questions

Posting in here since I don’t have the ability to reply on this thread: Deployment of new contracts (inc NameWrapper) to Testnet (Goerli/Ropsten)

Intended to be a thread for people to ask questions about the upcoming contract changes.

First, @jefflau.eth can we please get the source code published to Etherscan for those newly updated contracts? It was published for the initial deployment, but not for the recently redeployed contracts:


Also, I was playing around with it and was wondering about the metadata service. Is that not expected to be functional yet, or is there a separate Goerli deployment for it? Because it doesn’t look like the{id} endpoint works currently.

Will the same metadata service be used for both the current NFT contract and the new NameWrapper contract? I ask because the route /name/0x{id} returned from the StaticMetadataService doesn’t have a contract address in it, and we know that the NFT token ID for .eth 2LDs will be different in the old vs. new contracts. So just wondering how all that will work!


Sorry about that! I’m verifying the contracts now.

Pinging @mdt.


It wasn’t on purpose to make the post locked, I think it’s because I didn’t pick a category. Can you reply to the current thread now? I switched it to contracts

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