Namespace - Quarterly Reports

Q3 Namespace Service Provider Report

As we move forward with building, experimenting, researching, testing, measuring, tracking results, seeing what are the market needs, demands and trends, how Subnames are being used, figuring out what we do best, and getting to know what other Service Providers are building and getting in sync with each other to maximize our collective output, our direction and path forward is becoming clearer every day. Each Service Provider, tasked to improve, scale, or contribute to ENS in any way, is finding its position relative to how they can best help ENS, and it’s amazing to see it and be part of it!


L2 chains

  • L2 contracts for minting subnames on Base are available at our GitHub
  • Soon to be updated to support minting subs on Optimism with Fault proofs.
  • Listing ENS names and minting subname on Base chain is available on our platform and you can try it here: Namespace
  • Built an Indexer and Metadata Service for L2 subnames to help us with fetching subnames and records faster.
  • High-level architecture overview:

Namespace SDK

  • Introduced a namespace-sdk, a typescript library built to grow ENS subname registration front-end. It’s used to easily integrate with Namespace contracts and backend API and allows for easy implementation of subname minting in any dapp.
  • Created dev docs for the SDK: Namespace SDK | Namespace
  • Create a “how-to guide” for minting L2 subnames using the SDK and the entire mint flow overview.

Other tech updates

  • Added health checks on our backend services, error handling, and notification system for issues.
  • End-to-end testing (in progress): using Synpress to test the application flow whenever we push new updates.
  • Created a Namespace Builders TG group for anyone implementing our SDK for minting subnames on L2s. Feel free to join if you’re interested in testing and giving us feedback!
  • Added a notification service for minting subnames
  • Added functionality for tracking the source of minting L2 subnames
    • Since subs can be minted from 1) platform, 2) widget, or 3) SDK
  • Marketplace functionality finished: buy, sell, make offer, accept offers, bulk list, bulk buy. Last quarter we implemented and tested everything on Sepolia, now audited and waiting to be merged on the new platform.

Namespace stats (since last quarter)

L1 subs

  • Listed names: up 44%
  • Minted L1 subnames: up 71%
  • Unique lister addresses: up 41%
  • Unique minter addresses: up 125%
  • Frames created: up 14%
  • Widgets created: up 60%

L2 subs

  • Base subnames minted this quarter: 1,786

Offchain Subnames

  • Total of 7,869

New design


  • One of our core team members left which left us with a lot of work for one month until we found replacements.
  • We were fortunate to find (fairly quickly) two new amazing developers who joined Namespace part-time.


  • Namespace is receiving a streaming grant of 200k (16,666$ per month) and has 3 team members full-time, 2 contributors working part-time, and 1 designer on a monthly retainer. Therefore, our biggest expense is the team salaries, but we managed to build an amazing team and fully maximize our monthly grant.


  • Namespace L2 contracts are getting audited by a team at Code Arena, with hand-picked members who have worked on all ENS audits in the past.

Base(d) stuff + Onchain Summer

  • To avoid spam and lots of links, a summary of all Base-related activities we did can be seen here.

  • MusicaW3.eth - a community of indie Latin America musicians, together with @estmcmxci, mint Base subnames to their fans! Try it now.

  • ENSkeychain.eth: a campgain in which minting subnames gets you a personalized ENS keychain with your avatar.

  • 1449 gotbased.eth subnames minted:

    • Announcement:
    • Jesse Pollak, founder of Base, got based too:
  • ENS on Base – artwork dedicated to celebrating ENS expansion to Base


Privy wallet

  • Assisted devs and ecosystem project builders to get direct access to ENS name registrations and resolution using our Web3js plugin: @namespace-ens/web3-plugin-ens - npm and got a shoutout on
  • Exploring more stuff… :eyes:

WebHash partnership

  • Integrated Namespace Widget that not only supports Subname minting but also allows people to mint ENS names directly from their websites. Currently, the widget is implemented on 74 websites.

ETH Antwerp

  • Subnames for all attendees of the ETH Antwerp conference

Web3js Hackathon for West African countries

  • Web3js hosted a hackathon workshop for devs in West Africa and Namespace was very happy to participate and spread the knowledge about ENS and reward the best products built using ENS.

ENS Twitter space: 950 people joined to hear us talk about Subnames.

Lots of other things in the works. :saluting_face: