Namespace - Quarterly Reports

Q1 Namespace Service Provider Report


Not sure if this is required, but it is my understanding that we need to keep everyone updated every quarter about our progress so I’m posting our Q1 report here.

Sharing what we did each quarter will keep us accountable and transparent to the ENS DAO and everyone who voted for us and supported us to become Service Providers.

Also, this is a good opportunity to keep everyone in the loop with what we are doing, share our strategies and plans, and possibly get feedback, help, advice, and learn new things so feel free to comment or ask questions.

We want to work together towards improving and growing ENS.

Summary of Updates:

  1. Platform

  2. Technical documentation

  3. Partnerships / integrations

  4. Other updates / improvements

1. Platform

Loom video demo of the Namespace platform with ensdao.eth name used as an example.

Mainnet launched!

Namespace v2 officially launched on the Mainnet, see the announcement for details:

*.GotID.eth subnames

To celebrate the mainnet launch we issued free offchain Subnames from gotID.eth to our users.

  • Minting offchain subnames
  • Fully resolvable in Metamask
  • You can see them in the ENS App
  • Sets minters address record
  • 30 subnames minted

Feel free to mint a free Subname for yourself in celebration of the Namespace launch: Namespace

Search and Register

Anyone can search and register available ENS names and unruggable surnames through the Namespace platform.

We improved the ENS name registration process - users can now close the ENS registration modal and continue where they left off. We added notifications for pending registrations/transactions.

Added options to set address record and primary name for Name registrations.

Feel free to register any ENS name or subname to test it: Namespace


ENS Widget is used by ENS Name owners who want to mint unruggable subnames from their own websites or blogs.

  • Widget is live on Mainnet.
  • Integrated with the platform’s front end
  • Configurable and customizable from the platform (no technical skills required)
  • Supporting 4 different widget types
  • Support for ENS second-level name registrations (allowing anyone to sell ENS registration service from their websites)
  • Can be easily integrated with HTML, WordPress, Webflow, or anything else.

See more about the widget and how to implement it on your website: ENS Widget | Namespace

Test it yourself here: Namespace


The manager is responsible for configuring and listing ENS names so people can mint subnames from them.

  • Reduced gas fees by migrating configuration set up offchain
  • Added token-gated minting for communities, allowing people to mint Subname from some ENS name only if they hold certain NFTs
  • Supports ERC 20/721/1155 token standards
  • Improved user experience.

Currently, through the Manager, you can:

  • Find and Register ENS Name or Subname
  • List ENS Names and start issuing/selling Subnames
  • Customize Subname minting price based on length
  • Reserve subnames for yourself
  • List specific Subnames for a different minting price
  • Whitelist wallets to either mint or mint for free
  • Token-gate list so that only people with specific NFTs can mint subnames
  • Use the ENS Widget to sell Subnames and provide ENS registration service directly from your website.

See more about the Manager in our docs: Manager | Namespace

Or test it yourself on Mainnet or Sepolia: Namespace

2. Technical Documentation

Offchain Subnames API

Offchain subname API support with detailed technical documentation.

We offer offchain subname support from now on as well. As we see our mission to grow ENS and integrate it everywhere, it’s hard to deny the interest people and projects have for offchain subnames due to their lack of use and flexibility for the owners in terms of maintaining a certain degree of control over what happens with subnames.

Namespace offchain subname support includes:

  1. Minting offchain subname
    1.1. Ability to mint subnames to multichain addresses and associate them to different coin types as per ENSIP-9
    1.2. By default subname minted for coin type 60 (Ethereum)

  2. Subname data management
    2.1. Check subname availability (if available for minting)
    2.2. Subname address resolution – 1) Subname address resolution through OffchainResolver and CCIP read gateway and 2) Multichain address resolution as per ENSIP-9
    2.3. Data management – Stores and retrieves all data associated with the subname: addresses with coin types, text records, and custom data.

  3. Text record management
    3.1. Create, update, and delete subname text records
    3.2. Retrieve single or all subname text records
    3.3. Text record resolution

  4. Custom data support
    4.1. Besides text records, the API allows for the storage of custom data JSON objects
    4.2. Create, update, and delete custom subname data
    4.3. Retrieve single or all custom subname data

And we keep updating it and adding more support with each new client we get and per their request.

Full tech docs can be found on our official page.

Back-end API and Smart contracts

Reworked our backend API and Smart Contracts. The backend now handles the creation of listing configuration and gives verification for minting subnames. Listing configurations are now stored offchain so that ENS name owners don’t have to pay high gas fees for listing names and updating listings.

Overview of our backend infrastructure and listing/minting process

ENS Name Listing process:

Minting process:

How-to Guides

Easy to follow tutorials on how to implement ENS Name and Subname for different purposes.

Currently, we have a how-to guide on How-To Mint Subnames on L1 from start to finish.

3. Partnerships / Integrations

One of our goals is to integrate ENS everywhere and also to make it easily accessible everywhere, especially for as many developers and teams as possible. That said, we are constantly working on adding ENS to as many different apps, wallets, games, and other products, and also, adding it into a foundational layer to all blockchain tools and infrastructure provider companies, enabling developers quick access and easy integration of ENS.

Unicorn.eth – smart wallet

Unicorn uses Namespace’s Offchain implementation for integrating ENS subnames. Unicorn will gift its wallet users subnames from *.unicorn.eth and give them a brandable wallet name.

Web3js – JavaScript library for building on Ethereum

We built a Web3js Plugin that extends the ENS functionality, by providing the latest ENS features such as:

  • ENS name registration
  • Setting and retrieving text records
  • Setting and retrieving addresses
  • Reverses name resolution

Announcement post:

Tatum – All-in-one blockchain development platform for Web3 builders

We built a custom extension that plugs into Tatum SDK helps their developers use ENS easily. Currently supports:

  • ENS name registration
  • Setting and retrieving text records
  • Setting and retrieving addresses
  • Reverses name resolution

Unlike Web3js, Tatum doesn’t offer any ENS native integration and support so there is a lot we can do to further develop and improve this.

Everything is ready and deployed, and is pending review and will go live soon. Follow Namespace on Twitter or join /namespace channel on Warpcast to stay updated.

QuickNode – Blockchain infrastructure provider

Namespace is the official QuickNode Partner. We built and deployed our own Offchain Subname API as their marketplace add-on. Immediately providing access to easy ENS Offchain integration, allowing smooth ENS Subname issuance and management to more than 125k active developers using QuickNode.

  • Created QuickNOde add-on for Offchain Subnames API
  • Created integration and registration process to allow QuickNOde developers to register and use the API
  • Created support for Payment Plans within the registration process

Shoutout to Evan for the intro <3

Everything is ready and deployed, and is pending review and will go live soon. Follow Namespace on Twitter or join /namespace channel on Warpcast to stay updated.

Important Note

We need to meet the developers where they are already building and using the services from existing development providers. Therefore, the Namespace team will continuously support, upgrade, and maintain all custom-built add-ons, plugins, and extensions that make it easy for other developers to integrate and use ENS.

4. Other stuff

As we want to establish ourselves long-term as one of the thought leaders and core teams building around digital identity, we launched a Digital Identity channel on Farcaster with 360+ members already now: Warpcast - join us!

  • New landing page:
  • Removed Goerli references and switched to Sepolia testnet entirely.
  • Infrastructure:
    • Moved our infrastructure to DigitalOcean?
    • Integrated Kibana/Elasticsearch as our monitoring infrastructure
    • Integrated HashcorpsVault as a secrets manager
    • Integrated DigitalOcean mongo managed database
  • And other overall platform improvements, optimizations, and about 12 million bugs fixed.

Once again, thanks to everyone who voted for us and supported us so far. We are excited, happy, and honored to be here.



Q2 Namespace Service Provider Report

I apologize for being late with our Q2 report - hungry and foolish.


  • L2 Subnames:

    • Base Subnames (proof-of-concept which allows minting subnames on Base)
    • OP Subnames (soon with Fault proofs)
    • Dev Docs updates
  • Offchain subnames: registration page + stripe integration

  • Redesigning and improving the UI/UX of our platform.

  • Marketplace functionality (buy, sell, trade, offer, bulk list, bulk buy, etc.) implement (on Testnet)

  • Platform improvements: more features added based on community feedback

  • Farcaster + Frames: anyone can mint Subnames through Frames and it’s super easy to set up (no tech skills required)

  • Partnerships and Integration: did some more partnerships

  • ENS during ETH Belgrade: organized an ESN side even during ETH Belgrade and talked about scaling ENS to 1B users

  • Development updates: L2 subnames (OP, Base, etc.), Offchain subname improvements, Dev Docs, etc.

L2 Subnames

In Q2, most of our work and focus was centered around L2 infrastructure for subnames on Base and OP, EVM gateway, Fault proof research, and now implementation.

Base Subnames

Subnames are live on Base - fully open source (GitHub Link), built this widget-style proof of concept for everyone to test it.

Improvements in progress:

  1. Proof of concept currently uses a simple CCIP-read resolution, and next, we integrate the EVM gateway for resolution.
  2. The subname NFTs are stored in a single registry contract on Base, we plan to have a separate NFT registry contract for each ENS name
  3. Developing an indexer/subgraph for l2 subnames
  4. Develop a metadata service for L2 subname NFTs
  5. Integrate L2 subname functionality with the Namespace platform

OP Subnames

Began integration work on OP fault proofs.

You can see and track the progress on our GitHub OP.

It’s based on the work done by @chomtana Optimism Dispute Game Support.

This will be used to provide the EVM Gateway solution for resolving subnames minted on chains running on the OP stack.

Similar work is being done for Arbitrum as well - GitHub ARB.

The idea is, to allow any ENS name owner, to list and allow subname minting on any L2 chain with ease and no technical skills required (starting with Base and OP).

Dev Docs

Docs are getting updated with everything we build including more features around 1) Widget 2) Frames and 3) L2 Subnams.

Offchain Subnames

For Offchain Subnames we built the Registration portal and integrated Stripe but we give the service for free to everyone for now. Users can now generate an API key for their ENS name without our involvement.

The registration page used for Quicknode signup has been extended to support direct signups on the platform using Stripe: Namespace Offchain API Registration

The testing with the Stripe test account has been completed, and registration will go live after verifying signups through an actual Stripe account.


The Figma design is finished. Starting to work on it in soon. Screenshots here.


Namespace will soon become a fully functional marketplace where people can buy, sell, trade, make offers, etc. on ENS names and subnames.

  • MVP is live at Namespace Marketplace.
  • Currently, you can: buy, sell, make an offer, accept offer, watchlist, bulk list, bulk buy. typical marketplace functionality.
  • Built using OpenSea’s SeaPort.

The MVP design is not very good but it won’t go live for another month or so before we have the entire design ready and implemented.

“GotBase.eth Yet” Campaign for Onchain Summer

Invite people to get based by minting an ENS Subname on the Base chain. All event participants got a fresh new ENS subname fully stored and managed on the Base chain. We’re only getting started with Base’s Onchain Summer campaign

Go and get based yourself :point_right: GotBased.eth Yet?

Platform improvements

Based on the community feedback and request we implemented:

  • Setting prices based on special characters - emojis, numbers, and letters, can now be customized to have different minting prices.

Farcaster Frames for minting subnames

  • Built an easy way to launch a Frame through which people can mint subnames.
  • The Setup process takes only a few minutes.
  • It requires no technical skills, making it widely available for everyone!
  • Announcement post received quite the love from the community <3:


Built a Namespace dashboard with live stats: Namespace Dashboard

  • Unique minter addresses are only showing minter addresses for L1 subnames.
  • The data doesn’t yet reflect L2 and Offchain subnames mints and minter addresses from there.
  • All of these numbers are generated during Q2 only.


Some of the frames we built for the community (which you can test, they are pretty cool):

1. gotframed.eth

  • Frame: Warpcast
  • Stats: 2500 subnames minted in the first 24 hours

2. crowned.eth

  • Frame: Warpcast
  • Stats: ~4,500 minted subnames in total

Everything frames-related is open sourced and anyone can use it and build on top of it however they want - Namespace Frames GitHub.

Partnerships and Integrations

Tatum integration - finalized

Web3js integration - finalized

QuickNode (live in Beta) - launching publicly soon, took unnecessarily long

WebHash - anyone can easily add an ENS widget to their website built on Webhash

AdLand (

  • Using ENS offchain subnames to onboard advertising distributors on Farcaster through Frames.

Many more are in the works. Most of the partnerships and integrations initiated in Q2 are taking longer to finalize given the nature of collaboration and bigger scope of work.

ENS event

Together with Blockful (@alextnetto.eth and Dani), we organized the ENS+Chainlink event during ETH Belgrade and Belgrade Blockchain Week!

Alex talked about EIP-3668 and how ENS and Chainlink are working

I talked about strategies for scaling ENS, what works, what’s needed, and what the future holds.

More about the event:

Some sketches that might be helpful

L2 Minting Infrastructure: details

Fetching and verifying L2 data on L1 using EVM Gateway - details

That’s all.

If you’re going to ethCC, I look forward to meeting you! And, feel free to join our “ethCC domain/identity” TG group.



Q3 Namespace Service Provider Report

As we move forward with building, experimenting, researching, testing, measuring, tracking results, seeing what are the market needs, demands and trends, how Subnames are being used, figuring out what we do best, and getting to know what other Service Providers are building and getting in sync with each other to maximize our collective output, our direction and path forward is becoming clearer every day. Each Service Provider, tasked to improve, scale, or contribute to ENS in any way, is finding its position relative to how they can best help ENS, and it’s amazing to see it and be part of it!


L2 chains

  • L2 contracts for minting subnames on Base are available at our GitHub
  • Soon to be updated to support minting subs on Optimism with Fault proofs.
  • Listing ENS names and minting subname on Base chain is available on our platform and you can try it here: Namespace
  • Built an Indexer and Metadata Service for L2 subnames to help us with fetching subnames and records faster.
  • High-level architecture overview:

Namespace SDK

  • Introduced a namespace-sdk, a typescript library built to grow ENS subname registration front-end. It’s used to easily integrate with Namespace contracts and backend API and allows for easy implementation of subname minting in any dapp.
  • Created dev docs for the SDK: Namespace SDK | Namespace
  • Create a “how-to guide” for minting L2 subnames using the SDK and the entire mint flow overview.

Other tech updates

  • Added health checks on our backend services, error handling, and notification system for issues.
  • End-to-end testing (in progress): using Synpress to test the application flow whenever we push new updates.
  • Created a Namespace Builders TG group for anyone implementing our SDK for minting subnames on L2s. Feel free to join if you’re interested in testing and giving us feedback!
  • Added a notification service for minting subnames
  • Added functionality for tracking the source of minting L2 subnames
    • Since subs can be minted from 1) platform, 2) widget, or 3) SDK
  • Marketplace functionality finished: buy, sell, make offer, accept offers, bulk list, bulk buy. Last quarter we implemented and tested everything on Sepolia, now audited and waiting to be merged on the new platform.

Namespace stats (since last quarter)

L1 subs

  • Listed names: up 44%
  • Minted L1 subnames: up 71%
  • Unique lister addresses: up 41%
  • Unique minter addresses: up 125%
  • Frames created: up 14%
  • Widgets created: up 60%

L2 subs

  • Base subnames minted this quarter: 1,786

Offchain Subnames

  • Total of 7,869

New design


  • One of our core team members left which left us with a lot of work for one month until we found replacements.
  • We were fortunate to find (fairly quickly) two new amazing developers who joined Namespace part-time.


  • Namespace is receiving a streaming grant of 200k (16,666$ per month) and has 3 team members full-time, 2 contributors working part-time, and 1 designer on a monthly retainer. Therefore, our biggest expense is the team salaries, but we managed to build an amazing team and fully maximize our monthly grant.


  • Namespace L2 contracts are getting audited by a team at Code Arena, with hand-picked members who have worked on all ENS audits in the past.

Base(d) stuff + Onchain Summer

  • To avoid spam and lots of links, a summary of all Base-related activities we did can be seen here.

  • MusicaW3.eth - a community of indie Latin America musicians, together with @estmcmxci, mint Base subnames to their fans! Try it now.

  • ENSkeychain.eth: a campgain in which minting subnames gets you a personalized ENS keychain with your avatar.

  • 1449 gotbased.eth subnames minted:

    • Announcement:
    • Jesse Pollak, founder of Base, got based too:
  • ENS on Base – artwork dedicated to celebrating ENS expansion to Base


Privy wallet

  • Assisted devs and ecosystem project builders to get direct access to ENS name registrations and resolution using our Web3js plugin: @namespace-ens/web3-plugin-ens - npm and got a shoutout on
  • Exploring more stuff

WebHash partnership

  • Integrated Namespace Widget that not only supports Subname minting but also allows people to mint ENS names directly from their websites. Currently, the widget is implemented on 74 websites.

ETH Antwerp

  • Subnames for all attendees of the ETH Antwerp conference

Web3js Hackathon for West African countries

  • Web3js hosted a hackathon workshop for devs in West Africa and Namespace was very happy to participate and spread the knowledge about ENS and reward the best products built using ENS.

ENS Twitter space: 950 people joined to hear us talk about Subnames.

Lots of other things in the works. :saluting_face:


Sorry we’re late. We took time off in the first half of Jan. And in the last 2 weeks, we were swamped with work.

Q4 Namespace Service Provider Report


  • Integrated Optimism subnames in our app – easy gifting, selling, and management of subnames on Optimism
  • Released Subpages – a template for quick and customizable subname-minting pages
    • Adopted by 5 websites.
  • Enhanced Offchain Subnames with SDK integration and API improvements
    • 10,000+ registrations via ETH Denver Wallet.
  • Started advancing our GitHub organization, to build a developer community of contributors - profile restructuring, issue templates, and release automation.
  • Made major progress on the V2 app with improved ENS profile management and new listing functionalities.
  • Created a new architecture for the backend, which is now split into multiple scalable microservices, boosting performance, scalability, and reliability.
  • Revamped our infrastructure, migrating from virtual machines and managed apps, into a distributed Kubernetes-based setup.
  • ENS Widget is live on WordPress.
  • Published a Domain Tokenization Tutorial to inspire and streamline subname issuance through Web2 domains.
  • Many ongoing convos about partnerships and integrations – wallets, AI agents, protocols



Officially launched Optimism subnames on the Namespace dapp, enabling anyone to gift, sell, and manage subnames directly on Optimism.

  • Announcement: on X announcement.
  • 260 Subnames minted on OP and onboarding 4 OP communities at the moment to launch OP Subnames.
  • Launched oppunks.eth, an experimental subname minting and management page, allowing users to mint subnames with a cool ENS name and PFP on OP.
  • Ran giveaways and livestreams to increase Subname awareness for ENS and OP.

Op punks, which started as an experiment, led to the creation of Subpages, based on people’s demand for custom good-looking subname-minting pages.

Product launch: Subpages

Subpages are a GitHub repo with a web page template with built-in subname minting and wallet integration service.

  • Key Benefits: Reduces the time required to launch a functional subname minting page to mere minutes.
  • Ideal for brands, communities, or anyone needing a custom-designed ENS subname page.
  • Adoption: 5 projects already launched using the template, with more in development (e.g., PizzaDAO, Nectar, StayOnEth, OP Punk).

I encourage people to try it. It’ll take you 15-20 min to deploy a fully customized Subname minting page. If you need some assistance, join our Builder chat on Telegram.

Offchain Subnames

We continue to refine our Offchain subname offering based on our clients’ needs which leads to fine-tuning and perfecting it making it increasingly easier and more intuitive to implement in other dapps, but primarily wallets.

  • Started migrating the Offchain API to be fully integrated into the Namespace SDK for quicker and simpler implementation.
  • Introduced an alpha version of namespacesdk/offchain-manager (TypeScript library).
  • Updated the backend API to support dynamic API key generation.

Total Offchain Subnames: ~17,800!

More stats here. A new and improved backend will help us to have more detailed stats about ENS usage, primarily subname registration and where they are coming from.

Success stories: ETH Denver hits 10k subnames :partying_face:

ETH Denver wallet issued 10,000 Offchain subnames from

If you’re going to ETH Denver this year and used their wallet to get a free ticket, congrats, you used the Namespace platform for subname minting :tada:

If not, what are you waiting for: :eyes:

We made this Domain Tokenization Tutorial to help them onboard more clients in the future.


Our long-term goal is to cultivate a developer community of ENS Subname and onchain identity enthusiasts who want to contribute to spreading the adoption of ENS by doing more integrations and submitting PRs to our existing SDK with potential improvements and add-ons. Therefore, we’ve started making organizational changes to our GitHub to accommodate for these upcoming changes and allow anyone to participate in making Subnames better and more widespread.

  • Restructured our public GitHub profile
  • Added issue template for public (and internal) contributors
  • Added template CONTRIBUTORS, LICENCE, etc. publicly facing files for open-source contributors to adhere to
  • Created project structure for GitHub issues
  • Created release automation for the Namespace SDK


Rebuilt our infrastructure. Previous VMs and managed apps are now swapped for a Kubernetes-based infrastructure. We are now utilizing open-source solutions to provide a platform for all our services. We are aiming for <5min deployments for new static websites, and <30min deployments of stateful applications.

Furthermore, we started working on a detailed monitoring solution, which will allow us to track every detail of our services, with a possibility to open source it for other teams to be able to track stats for their own subnames.

V2 app

Progress report: Created a staging environment for the v2 app where everyone can keep track of our progress:

Improved ENS name profile pages for both names and subnames

  • You can now update records on L1s and L2s
  • Update and upload the avatar and cover page
  • Manage subnames (mint or optionally delete subs, and edit records)
  • Manage and update the listing

Added additional functionality to our listing

  • Token gating now works on any chain
  • Select listing currency (ETH / USD)
  • Select a wallet that will receive funds from minting


Designed a new architecture and started the implementation of our new backend. The old monolith is now split into multiple microservices, with strict separation of concerns and logical isolation between components.

The Kubernetes infrastructure accompanies the 3 new microservices to provide us with a plenary setup for the workloads.

Newly designed services are:

  • Mint Manager
  • List Manager
  • Utility Manager

ENS Widget – live on WordPress

ENS Widget lets people start issuing subnames from their websites. They can add it in 5 minutes by embedding a minting script generated once they list .eth name on Namespace.

We added ENS Widget to WordPress, making it easily accessible to millions of users who use WordPress to build websites!

Docs and a guide on how to use it will soon be published. We’re working on an official WordPress listing to be discovered through their plugin store.

Stats: integrated into 105 websites :ninja:

Other than that, we like to keep busy as usual. Lots of ongoing conversation about integration primarily with wallets, and communities. Did some work on the AI agent side of things that I cannot wait to tell you more about. Overall, starting strong in 2025 with no plans to stop any time soon. :saluting_face:

Happy New Year!

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