NameSys: Off-Chain Secure Records are here!

P.S. I forgot to add that devs are looking into abandoning IPNS in favour of L2 altogether. If one can read IPNS version numbers from L2, then why not read an IPFS hash directly? Then resolution will be instant and just like L1, avoiding the IPNS mess. The issue standing in the way of this is the rigid CCIP-Read interface that cannot read directly from RESTful Ethereum endpoints (as far as we know; please correct us otherwise). We don’t want to inject another web2 point-of-failure by using a middleware proxy server for interfacing. A better option would be a Chainlink Oracle that can translate the HTTP GET from common Ethereum providers (Infura, Alchemy etc) to CCIP-Read-compatible format. This would be a better and more general solution!