Notes: ENS Office Hours Twitter Space - Jan 19th, 2023 @ 2PM ET | Recording
A space to discuss ENS subdomain/subnames and the upcoming NameWrapper. 382 people tuned in to listen.
Hosted by: @sadaf.eth and @zadok7
Featuring: @serenae
Pinned Tweets
- What does the NameWrapper do?
- NameWrapper Terms
- NameWrapper Docs
- NameWrapper post-audit update
- Mailchain - The NameWrapper is a game changer
- Reverse Registrar
- ENS Fairy
- Should the ENS DAO sell 10,000 ETH into USDC?
- ENS DAO Newsletter
- @sadaf.eth (Sadaf), Community Advocate, ENS Labs
- @zadok7 (Vincent), Community Manager, ENS Labs
- @Serenae, Developer Experience, ENS Labs
Subnames / subdomains / child names
A subdomain, or subname, is essentially a “child” domain, below a “parent” domain.
“Parent,” also called a second level domain or 2LD.
NameWrapper Functionality
The NameWrapper update will allow the ability to wrap any name into an ERC-1155 token, which then allows for many new functional permissions (fuses) to be implemented.
Fuses / Permissions:
Fuses (permissions) are parameters that convey the permissions for a name. There are parent-controlled fuses and child-controlled fuses.
The permissions system (aka fuses) provides cryptographic guarantees of what the owner of a domain name can or can’t do.
For example, a parent owner can choose to revoke certain permissions, such as the ability to change or revoke a subdomain it has issued. The owner of the subdomain can then be guaranteed that their name cannot be changed or taken away by the parent, and there are many other similar features allowed via fuses.
- Can transfer name - if burned, the name cannot be transferred. The parent owner or child owner can burn this fuse to make the name a “soulbound token.” This means that the name cannot be transferred or sold.
- Can set resolver - if burned, the resolver for a name cannot be changed, which means that the address pointed to by a domain name cannot be changed, allowing for the creation of a permanently resolving name.
Expiration date:
The owner of a parent domain can allow the owner of a child domain to extend their own expiration date.
Whenever fuses are burned, the parent owner can set an expiration date, which can be as long as the expiration of the parent name.
Burned fuses cannot be reset until the expiration date is reached, however, any wallet can extend the expiration of a 2LD (name.eth
An ENS name can go through different states in the NameWrapper:
- Unregistered
- Registered, but not wrapped
- Wrapped (can be upwrapped)
- Emancipated - The parent has relinquished control of the name, and can no longer make changes or burn fuses.
- Locked, cannot be unwrapped - In order to burn any fuses on subdomains, the parent name must be locked.
The NameWrapper is currently deployed on the Goerli testnet, and is expected to be released on mainnet very soon. For more information, please see the latest post from @jefflau.eth