Problems with MEW wallet and Claims ENS


  • Using chrome web browser for ENS claims site
  • MEW iOS wallet app to connect via scanning QR code.

Problem #1: I am able to log into the ENS claims site w/ MEW ios app and go through early steps of governance selection. However, when trying to sign, the MEW ios app fails to surface the prompt. I can force it to surface about 1-in-10 times by disconnecting via the ios app and then reconnecting.

Problem #2: Once i have passed problem #1, i get to the delegate selection. However the delegates list doesn’t load. I can force the list to load in about 1-in-20 times by disconnecting via the ios app and then reconnecting.

Problem #3: Once i select a delegate and go to confirm, i get the red error message “Delegate is invalid, click edit to pick another”. I cannot get passed this.

Any advice? Thanks!

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Resolved this myself.

I imported wallet into Metamask using json file from MEW. Worked seamlessly with Metamask. MEW ios app really sucks

Dear All,

I’m trying to claim my ENS but when I reach the voting / signing step the platform says sign, I sign with MetaMask but then it fails and ask to do try again.

Anyone else experiencing that?

I’m experiencing the same issue, so I am following to see.

Let me know if you find out anything! :+1:t2: