Proposal for ENS DAO to Launch an Official Marketplace Dedicated for Trading ENS Domains

For what it’s worth:

  1. I do-NOT think the ENS DAO should create its own ENS-specific marketplace.
  2. I do-think the ENS DAO should consider adding ENS-specific Metadate/Properties,
    …to specific lists of ENS-names, which would get used in NFT-marketplaces, like OpenSea & LooksRare. IE: The list of animal ENS names could get an “Animal” tag on them.

This is fun, and encourages visibility & idea generation by users searching for their new project name. It encourages discoverability & findability, which helps everyone, including the end-users.

Note: It is the job of the ENS DAO to

  1. secure/protect the ENS network,
  2. keep ENS decentralized & censorship-resistant,
  3. foster community-constituents, and to prevent fragmentation of the community.
    …which includes growth of the industry, the ecosystem, &
    any/all the users who are buying-or-selling ENS names.

PS: There is a lot of talk about discouraging ENS sales, and the love/hate toward the industry of buyers/sellers. I think it is not wise to fight against the free market. Based on my experience & background, I encourage ENS DAO to include all ENS constituents into the fold. The more we are together, the stronger we’ll be. We do not need to encourage squatters (although they are inevitable), but we should encourage healthy communities (that center around ENS, directly & indirectly), & marketplaces (that I recommend the DAO do-not create, directly).
The bottom line is, 1. just because our actions help resellers, does not mean that the actions are bad, and 2. resellers are a happy & healthy part of a balance ecosystem, and the DAO should be helping all constituents (including resellers) in order to help ENS end-users, directly and indirectly.
Lastly, by hurting resellers the DAO is hurting itself and our users; there is balance to the force.

Don’t let the hate flow through you. The business-marketing would not have worked without the technology; and now the technology will not work without the business-marketing.
United in balance we are strong.