Proposed ENS Constitution

I agree with the above rules and hope ENS will become more and more powerful :heart_eyes:


I. Name ownership is an absolute right(Permissible)
II. Registration fees exist as an incentive mechanism(Permissible)
III. Income funds ENS and other public goods(Permissible)
IV. ENS Integrates with the global namespace(Permissible)
V. Amendments to this constitution by majority vote(Permissible)

I support the joining conditions of all DAO members that I have seen so far, because the prerequisite for choosing ENS and blockchain is to have absolute consensus and trust.
I applied to become a member of the DAO because of unconditional trust and consensus in the blockchain. At the same time, our community also has to learn and make more interesting blockchain links to support liquidity and more charity and feedback in real life

  1. Name ownership is an absolute right: (Agree)
  2. Registration fees exist as an incentive mechanism: (Agree)
  3. Income funds ENS and other public goods: (Agree)
  4. ENS Integrates with the global namespace: (Agree)
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Metamask.eth name good


Love you buddy ! Your ens name so coool!!!


We all eligible to contribute each other and DAO all expertise that we have , not speculation only!


Agree, income is important to incentive the developer and make the community longer…

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ENS name: xiakezhang.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: I want to support the development of ENS, with the goal of making it the Web3 standard for naming.

My view on each section of the [proposed ENS Constitution ](Proposed ENS Constitution 25)

Name ownership is an absolute right: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)- Agree
Registration fees exist as an incentive mechanism: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)- Agree
Income funds ENS and other public goods: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)- Agree
ENS Integrates with the global namespace: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) - Agree

My web3 qualifications / skills: I am a writer with blockchain skill.

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This is amazingly interesting.

I’m satisfied with the conditions of all DAO members that I have seen so far, because the prerequisite for choosing ENS and blockchain is to have absolute consensus and trust.


It’s so nice I love it


agreed totally with the notions.

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I. Agree
II. Agree
III. Agree - but who decides (by what guidelines)?: “ENS governance must not use the funds to support projects that conflict with the goals of ENS.”
IV. Agree

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I support this proposed constitution and have no amendments at this time.

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I agree with all those 4 rules.

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I concur and agree. And support community governance and expand the ENS ecosystem

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ENS является самым убедительным доказательством экологичности
С политикой согласен

I agree to all of these rules and support the DAO for

  • Name ownership is an absolute right: (Agree)
  • Registration fees exist as an incentive mechanism: (Agree)
  • Income funds ENS and other public goods: (Agree/Disagree)
  • ENS Integrates with the global namespace: (Agree)

I support the Constitution of ENS!
well done! the project is interesting, it’s a pity that I found out about it only today from the news.
congratulations on the launch!

Hi everyone totally agree with all
I will support community governance and expand the ENS ecosystem for the next lvl world

ENS name: radoradev.eth

  • Name ownership is an absolute right: (Agree)
  • Registration fees exist as an incentive mechanism: (Agree)
  • Income funds ENS and other public goods: (Agree)
  • ENS Integrates with the global namespace: (Agree)
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