☎️ Public Goods Working Group – Weekly Meeting: 12pm ET, Tuesdays

April 27th, 2023


Time/Day – 1pm ET, every Thursday
Google Meet Linkmeet.google.com/iko-moej-rxc

If you have items that you would like to add to the weekly agenda please message any of the Public Goods stewards (@coltron.eth, @AvsA or @vegayp) through the messaging feature on this forum.


A) General DAO News (Gitcoin Beta Rounds, ENS Birthday)
B) Small Grants Winners Presentations (EVMCrispr)
C) Growth Grants (Q/A)
D) Open space for additional topics

PG Call April 27


Attendees: Coltron.eth, vegayp.eth, avsa.eth, alisha.eth, 184.eth, Sem Bee, 5pence.eth, Mitch O, Almond Hdz, maintainer.eth, yungSB, MarcusAM, accessor, gregskril.eth, zadok7.eth

A) General DAO News (Gitcoin Beta Rounds, ENS Birthday)

  • Gitcoin Beta round is open until May 9. All the rounds can be seen at grants.gitcoin.co.
  • Nominations for ENS Foundation Director are open until 9am UTC on April 30. Election commences at 9am UTC May 1. More info here.
  • ENS’s Birthday is May 4th. A unique POAP drop and a Twitter space is tentatively planned. The Alpha for the POAP drop is to have your Primary Name and Avatar Set.

B) Small Grants Winners Presentations

Public Goods Small Grants Round 8 wrapped up last week. The winners were

  1. Dappnode
  2. Gashawk
  3. EVMCrispr
  4. Giveth
  5. Guatemalan Bootcamp and Hackathon

EVMCrispr Presented by Sem Bee

EVMcrispr is a tool that combines a domain-specific language with a Javascript library to interact with Aragon DAOs and smart contracts through a recognizable command-line interface.

View the EVMCrispr Small Grants proposal, here.

Giveth presented by Mitch and Almond

Giveth is a fundraising platform that not only allows supporting Public Goods projects, but Giveth rewards donors directly through the GIVbacks program with GIV. Giveth is a part of the SDG Impact Fund and a non-profit 501c3 in the United States.

View the Giveth Small Grants proposal here.

C) Growth Grants (Q/A)

  • Submissions are open until May 4. :rotating_light:
  • We are reaching out to small grants winners, runner-ups, and Gitcoin Beta Round submissions. If you know anyone who should submit to our growth grants, please direct them to Growth Grants :potted_plant: Information.

D) Open space for additional topics



Gitcoin Grants - https://grants.gitcoin.co
ENS Director Post - Call for Nominees — ENS Foundation director
Growth Grants Info - Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.
EVMCrispr Proposal - ENS Small Grants
Giveth Proposal - ENS Small Grants