June 21st, 2023
Time/Day – 1pm ET, every Thursday
Google Meet Link – meet.google.com/iko-moej-rxc
- General DAO News (Town Hall Thursday on June 29th)
- Discretionary Grants (Greenpill, ITUblockchain, Andino)
- Open space for additional topics
This is the last meeting in June. Be sure to sign up for and join the Town Hall next Thursday.
coltron.eth, avsa.eth, vegayp.eth, alisha.eth, accessor, daniel hannum, diego montes, greg skriloff, gulistan N, hellenstans.eth, ITU blockchain, kevin owocki, light walker, limes.eth, maintainer, marcus am, paul garcia, tamara helenius, taylan unal, vincent (zadok7.eth), yungsb, 184.eth
1) General DAO News
@alisha.eth | ENS Profile | Twitter
- ENS Town Hall
- ENS Town Hall for Q2/2023 is happening on Thursday, June 29th at noon ET. Visit lu.ma/enstownhallq2 to sign up.
- You can attend the The Town Hall Zoom call. Or watch live on the ENS Domains youtube channel. Or rewatch the ~2hr recording.
- Applying to join the zoom call gives more direct access to Q&A, as well as the reminder email.
- If you are building with ENS and interested in presenting at the Town Hall, please reach out to alisha.eth on Twitter: @futurealisha
2) Discretionary Grants (Greenpill, ITUblockchain, Andino)
- More than half of Large grants submissions were education programs, and stewards have chosen to distibute additional grants.
- Three were highlighted based on their grant submission, past impact, and the possible impact from this grant.
- They will receive 5 ETH each.
Kevin Owoki from Greenpill Network | Twitter
- Greenpill.network are a network-society that exports regenerative digital infrastructure to the world.
- You can read the [free] book “GreenPilled: How Crypto Can Regenerate The World”, listen to the podcast, and join a local chapter today
İTÜ Blockchain | ENS Profile | Twitter
- The first university blockchain society in Turkey bringing together developers, builders, content creators and innovators together since 2018.
- Also created the first solidity training in turkish
- Check out ITU Blockchains Linktree, which includes link to their Youtube and more
Paul Garcia from Andino - Twitter
- Community of developers and creators in web3. We promote education and entrepreneurship in emerging technologies such as blockchain, web3 & IA
- Read up about Andino culture, projects, partners, team & ambassador process here
3. Open space for additional topics
The Stewards for Term 2, 2023
- @coltron | ENS Profile
- @vegayp | ENS Profile
- @simona_pop | ENS Profile
Term 3 Spending Summary by @limes | ENS Profile | twitter
Spending Summary - Working Groups Term 1 2023
- ~1.4 mil in working Group funding this term
- Public Goods WG were ~400k of that
- Among many things, PG WG is about giving back - recall the story of ENS the public good.
Thank you Avsa.eth
- Stewards & community would like to acknowledge @avsa for all his contributions and everything he has done as Public Goods Steward.
- Avsa.eth has been a Steward for 3 Terms, and in May was elected as ENS Foundation director. He has since decided not to run again. Avsa.eth is also a delegate.
- For a bit of history, check out avsa’s pinned tweet from Nov 2021.