August 15th, 2023
Time/Day – 12pm ET, Tuesdays.
Google Meet Link –
- General DAO Updates
- Update from Large Grants winner - SheFi
- Public Goods Bounty Ideas
- Small Grants Discussion (continued from this post)
- Open space for additional topics
coltron.eth, vegapy.eth, simona.eth, 5pence, alexandro netto, anon, daniel hannum, emmanuel ikwuoma, greg skriloff, leticia, limes.eth, maggie love, maintainer, marcus estmcmxci, senad dilji (senad.eth), vincent (zadok7.eth), 184.eth
1. General DAO Updates
Next week.
2. Update from Large Grants winner - SheFi
Maggie Love (Twitter)
from (ENS | Twitter)
SheFi was recipient of $50k Public Goods Large Grants, and came on the call to update on the use of grant funding.
- SheFi aims to increase inclusion in the DeFi space.
- Their main pillars are: education, experimentation, and community.
- They have a 13-week crypto educational program which goes beyond basic understanding and gets participants familiar with under-the-hood technology including using hands-on demos.
- They held SheFi Summit Paris 2023 - an event to gather the community & share knowledge, where they incorporated web3 activities and a successful collaboration with POAP.
- Watch the talks from SheFi Summit Paris 2023 on youtube
- Future plans include a mini SheFi summit at Devconnect. Grants will be used to create governance-related content and education.
- Reach out to Maggie Love & SheFi to see what’s being developed and explore potential collaboration opportunities.
- Maggie believes in the importance of diverse viewpoints and is particularly keen to understand people’s experiences with governance and various models being explored or introduced in the space, including what’s effective and what isn’t.
3. Public Goods Bounty Ideas
- Public Goods is funding a virtual hackathon “Funding the Commons” and seeking feedback on the type of bounty the community wants to see:
- Discussion included:
- Having a more open approach to the bounty (rather than strictly technical).
- Simona stressed the importance of having specific deliverables & criteria for each bounty so as to avoid controversies.
- Coltron suggested a theme revolving around expanding blockchain identities.
- A broad bounty topic could be identified, with specific implementations or EIPs to guide participants.
- Subjectivity in judging should be avoided.
- 5pence mentioned a possible guide for the bounty including the use of ERC-6551 standard.
- Submissions for the hackathon close on the 31-Sep-2023, and once decided, the bounty will be publicly announced.
4. Small Grants Discussion (continued from this post)
- Conversation continued from the Rethinking ENS Small Grants discussion space.
- MetaGov will propose the Voting Mechanism, and Working Group Stewards will determine the allowances/grant amounts for their respective rounds.
- Voter & submission timeline, development feasibility, voter requirements and telegraphing to interested parties were discussed.
- Public Goods & Ecosystem will sync the Small Grants Round dates.
- Dates & details are not yet finalised – however it is expected submissions will begin early September.
5. Open space for additional topics
Over time.