Public Goods Meeting, November 21, 2023
Time: Tuesdays at 12pm ET (4pm UTC)
Google Meet link:
Stewards: @coltron.eth (ENS | X), @vegayp (ENS | X), @simona_pop (ENS | X)
Please contact @Coltron.eth, @vegayp or @simona_pop via forum message to have an item added to the agenda.
- General DAO Updates
- Small and Large Grants Updates
- Gitcoin Kernel Program
- notDEVCON Recap
- Open space for additional topics
1. General DAO Updates
Stream for service providers
- Service Provider Stream Nomination Thread - #8 by hidayath.eth
- $3.6m allocated for service providers
- Exciting initiative and looking forward to seeing proposals.
Steward elections upcoming
2. Small and Large Grants Updates
Small Grants
- Launching tomorrow!
- No significant changes to the last round; voting might move to more straightforward approval voting
- Proposals run for 7 days, then voting
- Payouts larger than last term
Large Grants
- [Closed] Public Goods Large Grants - Q2 2023
- Submissions are due by the end of the month!
- 5-6 proposals in review
- Encouraged to be open-sourced; not explicitly stated, will ask for GitHub Repo
- Asking grantees to set milestones; using as KPI to see if receive payment
3. Gitcoin Kernel Program
Presentation from Vivek Singh
- Kernel Community | Kernel
- Building online learning environment; dedicated to building better web
- Open-source modules; Run 8-week blocks
- For new people and OGs alike
- Upcoming Kernel block in January 2024, applications open for a few more weeks. Please apply if interested!
- Kernel stewards want to know and mentor everyone involved and help find other people in their crypto journey. 100+ peer mentors, many of who have gone through the program
- Under-represented communities make up a large percentage of participants
- Goal: Run 2 Kernel blocks a year (currently 300 people) and continue doing so for as long as possible. Continuously improve the learning environment
4. notDEVCON Recap
- Alongside ITU Blockchain, Public Goods sponsored this 1-Day conference in Instanbul
- Presented on ENS and Grants Program
- Hosted small panel; moderated by Eduardo
- Grantees talked on the panel about experiences
- Great turnout and want to have more ‘full-circle’ moments
- Built awareness of ENS Public Goods, many attendees were previously unaware
- Twitter posts worth checking out:
5. Open space for additional topics
Scholarships from the beginning of the year
- If not next week, the following week get an update on scholarships. Will try to get scholarship recipients on call for a debrief
- Current no plan to have scholarships again, would rather have funds go to large-grants
Discussion on stream provider initiative
- Intention: Get more people involved full-time in developing the ENS ecosystem
- Create cool/new things that will benefit ENS but have no current relationship with ENS
- Open-ended: if a great developer wants you to be a part of the DAO
- Not necessarily core ENS infrastructure
- Can service providers be a part of the public goods ecosystem?
- Need to disclose conflict-of-interest in application to review on case-by-case basis