☎️ Public Goods Working Group – Weekly Meeting: 12pm ET, Tuesdays

February 23rd, 2023


A) General DAO News (ETHDenver, Schelling Point, IRL Events)
B) Small Grants Voting and Submissions
C) Open space for additional topics or comments

Please reach out to @Coltron.eth, @AvsA, or @vegayp if you would like to present a topic or be added to the agenda.


184.eth, Arial Mohan, Coltron, Eduardo, Greg, Griff Green, hellenstans, Makoto, Marcus Martinez, Robin Nagpal, Terin Guerra, Tyler P, Vincent, YungSB

Notes by @daylon.eth

A) General DAO News (ETHDenver, Schelling Point, IRL Events)

  • ETH Denver starts on March 2nd, many ENS and DAO people will be there.
  • Two side events during ETH Denver
  • Public Goods working group is a sponsor of Schelling Point event on March 2nd

B) Small Grants Voting and Submissions

Public Goods Small Grants will go live very soon. Use your ENS tokens to support public goods!

C) Open space for additional topics or comments

Can you define what makes a public good in this context?
We are looking for projects/builders that improve upon the Ethereum ecosystem, make it easier to use and “more prolific.” Things that, if they went away, would leave a significant need left unfilled in Web3.

Can one person submit multiple proposals in the same small grants round?
Yes, as long as the proposal is for a different project.

Any thoughts of implementing quadratic voting?
We would need to be discussed in more detail. As long as it has a snapshot voting strategy is could be used.