Registration transaction failed but ens name still registered?

I registed an ens domain and the 3rd transaction to ENS: ETH Registrar Controller was dropped, I resent and it immediately failed. However the ens name looks to still be registered in my account?
I have no idea how to complete this 3rd transaction or if I even need to? as the commit and Register With Config transaction both went through.
No refund was given after the failed transaction.

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Interesting. Can you share the TX hash or is that sensitive? I’m not affiliated with the main devs, I would just like to take a look at the tx.

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Commit and register are the only two transactions needed to purchase a name, so you should be all set. Maybe the third was to set it as your Primary ENS Name? That is a good step to do so that your address resolves to your name in dApps, but not necessary to use the name.

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