"Request to register " button not responding


I have connected my Ledger wallet to buy an ENS domain. Ledger live app automatically opens on my computer. When I click on “request to register”, nothing happens. What am I supposed to do to finalize the transaction ?
TIA for your help !

Hi @Mimi welcome :wave:

Are you using Ledger with Metamask? You might try Ledger Live + Wallet Connect instead. Also, FireFox seems to have less issues than when using Ledger with Chrome based browsers. You might want to try with FireFox.

If you’re still stuck, you can get help in a support ticket either through the ENS Discord, or the ENS Support account on Twitter.

Discord: https://chat.ens.domains (Look for 🎟|create-a-ticket in channel list)
ENS Support on Twitter: @ens_support

Hi Zadok !
I have indeed using Ledger Live + Wallet Connect ! I have figured out how to go ahead with the transaction but it failed…twice. I will contact ENS Discord or ENS Support account on Twitter ! Thanks for your reply !