Results of Latina Blockchain Hackathon by Womenbiz

Hello everyone! I’m Leandra, Women Biz ambassador and representative of ENS within my community. I’m excited to share our incredible experience at the Latina Blockchain Hackathon, an event designed to foster innovation and talent within the Latin community. Thanks to the generous support of ENS, we were able to create a unique educational and collaborative experience.

Women Biz is a community that empowers women through web3. The Latina Blockchain Hackathon aligns with our mission to inspire and train the next generation of tech leaders.

Hackathon Highlights

The Latina Blockchain Hackathon was our first hackathon and the results were incredible.

  • 299 registrations
  • 21 teams, including individual hackers from 13 countries such as Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Brazil, and Peru.
  • A total of 124 hackers worked on various projects, supported by 13 workshops and 30 personalized mentoring sessions.

I had the honor of leading a workshop about ENS, where participants learned about its functionalities, practical applications, and how ENS can enhance decentralized applications. The interactive and engaging workshop inspired many participants to aim for their own ENS domains. You can watch the workshop here .

The talent and creativity of the participants were truly impressive. Out of 21 project submissions, 10 were related to ENS. Eduardo, our ENS track judge, selected the top three projects in the category:

  • First Place: DeFiWise with their secure digital identities project using ENS.
  • Second Place: CryptoBridge Market with their decentralized domain management platform.
  • Third Place: Crypto Aventura Latam with their innovative solution to facilitate access to DeFi using ENS.

On behalf of Women Biz, I extend my deepest gratitude to ENS for their support and trust in us. The bounty provided was crucial to the hackathon’s success, motivating participants to push their projects forward. Thank you for believing in our mission and helping drive talent and technology in LATAM.

We look forward to continue collaborating with you, bringing ENS education and usage to more people around Spanish speaking countries. This hackathon is just the beginning, and we are eager to organize many more events that promote inclusion and technological innovation.

For more details, check out the hackathon closing video and summary presentation.


Impacting and increasing the participation of more women in web3! :clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3:
Congratulations to all the team!!
Keep doing it! :muscle:t2: