RESULTS on [EP6.1] and effects

As to [EP6.1][Social]

Results of [EP6.1][Social]

Against 1.6M ENS 43.39%

For 1.4M ENS 37.51%

Abstain 698K ENS 19.1%

This Notice shall have no force or effect, if the vote to remove Brantly Millegan fails to obtain a majority of the votes cast."

As to [EP6.2][Social]

Where as a condition precedent for [EP6.2][Social] was not met to wit: Whereas, the council undertook a vote, via Snapshot, to remove Brantly Millegan,

[EP6.2][Social] is null and void and of no effect.


There are obviously works in progress in parallel that will steadily resolve the technical issues that we found during the process of EP6. I look forward to your contribution there @berrios.eth. The vote and its outcome should be respected. Perhaps also a time to cool off for anyone who needs to.