I noticed that only a few of the applicants for ENS Small Grants have ENS names showing instead of hex addresses:
This seemed odd, until I tried to submit one and it happened to me too. For keeping an example consistent, clicking on the address for the third of those submissions shows this:
Note that hovering over the address shows it ends with a ‘9a’ after the end of what’s shown. Maybe there’s some issue with strings getting cut short due to failure to account for the ‘0x’ two characters at the beginning, and the reverse lookup works for folks who figured out how to submit their address without the leading 0x?
In the app, it certainly looks like the reverse registrar is correctly set up correctly for my address (no recent changes):
but maybe the ENS Small Grants system only recognizes and displays names if a .eth is used as the primary reverse record, even if other .eth names are associated with the address? This seems like a bug.
It’s also a bug that could make a signficant difference in affecting voting outcomes. One might reasonably give greater weight to proposals with an ENS name instead of just a hex address; using advanced features like DNS connection should be more of a plus than a minus in that aspect (or at least the .eth name already associated with the address could be shown). Therefore, there’s some value in fixing this before voting begins if possible.