Steward Nominations - ENS Metagovernance Working Group (Term 5, Calendar 2024)

  • Link to Snapshot: Snapshot
  • Preferred Name and/or ENS name: daemon.eth (Donnie)
  • Forum username: @don.nie

Why do you want to be a Steward of this Working Group?

I’ve been a follower/user/missionary of ENS nearly from inception! I proudly acquired my first name in 2017, and have helped many others acquire theirs since. Recently, I’ve had the opportunity to get intimately involved with ENS DAO as scribe, and have been blown away by the quality of work, commitment to mission, and love for the protocol. I’ve seen dozens of DAOs operate in my role as co-founder of (DAO management platform) and cannot resist the opportunity to bring much of what I’ve learned to ENS and make it even better. Importantly, I want humanity to take back their digital identity, and ENS is at the forefront of this revolution.

Furthermore, I believe I’m uniquely qualified to act in service of the ENS DAO as a MetaGov steward as a result of my history in crypto, DAOs, ENS, and the skills I’ve gained as a crypto founder and former army officer.

History in crypto

In 2017, after reading an article about Ethereum, I became enamored with the societal benefits of decentralization and the mission of bringing digital sovereignty to the masses. As a result, I joined ConsenSys, working in the Office of the Founder as a strategy lead. During this time, I was witness to an explosion of ideas, protocols, dapps, and DAOs. The concept of decentralized organizations was especially close to my heart as I believed, and still believe, that a key to unlocking human flourishing exists in the “way we work.” I met two-like minded co-founders and we started, one of the first DAO operations tools. During this time, I captured my initial thoughts on the Future of Work in this document.

History in DAOs

As a result of creating, I became obsessed with DAOs and how they are managed. I co-wrote and conducted research with RnDAO and others on the most effective practices for DAO operations (an example). Many DAOs use Sobol (see our DAOrectory here), and as a result I have witnessed numerous different organizational styles and organizing methods. What I want to make clear is that I have seen first hand what makes for positive and negative DAO operations. I will have the ability to start 2024 ready to tackle the opportunities and challenges for ENS.

History in ENS

I’ve utilized the ENS protocol for over six years, having delegated my ENS tokens after the airdrop to ensure the protocol remained positively managed. I’ve referred countless individuals to ENS as I believe it’s the best way to onboard people to their first dapp, while giving them an understanding of what it means to actually own their identity. Also, I’ve been a scribe on all of the ENS working group calls. As a result, I am up to speed on the current initiatives, pain points, and future opportunities for the DAO.

Service to Metagov

During the previous Metagov weekly call, the current stewards noted that in the next term stewards should be focused on “formalizing the rules of the DAO as governance is a core responsibility of Metagov.” The stewards also recognized that “project management, communication, and the ability to coordinate among many stakeholders” are crucial competencies for this role.

As someone who has built DAO tooling, studied DAO governance, and worked remotely across time zones and cultures, I feel prepared to take on this challenge. Despite the stereotypes of army officers depicted in Hollywood, earning respect and affecting change in a diverse group does not come from yelling. Over my career, I’ve learned that getting a group to tackle challenges comes from listening, rational debate, and leading from the front. As an effective remote worker for six years, I also understand how to overcome the challenges of working together when not sharing a physical space.


I would be honored to contribute to the legacy of ENS as a MetaGov steward. My life experiences have given me the skill sets to effectively accomplish the required tasks needed for a successful MetaGov term. I want humanity to take back their digital identity, and ENS is at the forefront of this revolution.