Steward Nominations - ENS Metagovernance Working Group (Term 5, Calendar 2024)

Snapshot Endorsement Link

Your preferred name/ENS name: Alex Van de Sande (Avsa)
Forum username: Avsa
Twitter profile link (optional): @avsa

Why do you want to be a Steward of this Working Group?
I have previously been a steward for Public Goods for two terms. I did not intend to run again, but recently I’ve found myself constantly wondering about ENS Governance and how to improve it. This led to the approval of 2 new social proposals for the Stream and new changes on the working group rules. These changes created new rules and responsibilties for stewards and it feels just that I should submit myself to them too. I hope to be a good overseer of the streams, and to help build better tools for ENS governance.

Any other information you wish to share with Delegates (e.g. potential conflicts or existing engagements)

I have other work engagements and will not be a full time steward. If I am elected, I would prefer if the role of Lead Steward went to someone else.