Steward Nominations - ENS Metagovernance Working Group (Term 5, Calendar 2024)

Nomination for Kevin_Boardroom

  • Link to Snapshot: Snapshot
  • Preferred Name and /or ENS name: Kevin Nielsen / boardroomgov.eth
  • Forum username: Kevin_Boardroom
  • Twitter profile Link: @kevinknielsen

This account is posting on behalf of @Kevin_Boardroom (write-access requested).

Why do you want to be a Steward of this Working Group?

As the founder of Boardroom, a governance data platform that integrates and contributes to multiple DAOs, I’ve been lucky to observe governance systems develop and diversify over the years. At Boardroom, we are deeply committed to fostering robust, inclusive, and effective governance within the ENS community, and I believe this extensive experience could uniquely position me to contribute meaningfully to the ENS governance process. With this learning in the background, as a steward, I’d like to help the working group develop processes to drive:

  1. Enhanced Community Engagement: deepening delegate engagement, retention, and compensation within ENS. Establishing a culture of active participation, encouraging more discussions and vibrant campaign efforts among stewards.
  2. Improved Information Accessibility: recognizing the challenge of staying abreast of developments, the goal is to leverage existing templates Boardroom has produced to create accessible governance updates and content. The goal is to minimize information asymmetry, ensuring that every ENS tokenholder is well-informed and capable of making educated decisions.
  3. Innovative Governance Practices: drive governance experimentation and continue to propose innovative approaches within ENS. This includes exploring flexible voting mechanisms, custom tooling, efficient use of working groups, and enhancing privacy in governance processes.

My experience across other ecosystems has revealed common challenges, such as information asymmetry, limited newcomer engagement, and low participation rates. As an external observer, I’ve been impressed with the progress made by the Metagovernance Working Group in fixing those and I’d like to help further that effort.

Any other information you wish to share with Delegates (e.g. potential conflicts or existing engagements)

Boardroom Labs, Inc. integrates multiple DAOs into its data platform and developer tools and acts as a governance facilitator for a small handful as well. Boardroom is not a Delegate in any community and the team pushes to maintain neutrality in all aspects of any of our engagements.

I am expecting to have some support from the Boardroom team, but I will personally be driving initiatives as a steward. With extensive experience in supporting hundreds of DAOs, Boardroom brings experience in:

  • Governance System Audits: we continuously evaluate governance contracts, systems, and processes.
  • Governance Data: the Boardroom Governance API and governance client are key tools in the industry, providing valuable insights and data.
  • Industry-Wide Relationships: our connections with major DAOs position us to share best practices and insights across the ENS ecosystem.
  • Experience in tooling: the Boardroom team has collaborated with @zcf and the Agora team to integrate the Agora Governor upgrade at Optimism to enable the Approval voting mechanism.