Steward Nominations — Meta-Governance WG

  • Link to Snapshot: Snapshot
  • Preferred Name and/or ENS name: carlosdp.eth
  • Forum username: @carlosdp
  • Twitter profile link (optional):
  • Why do you think you would be a good steward of this working group?
    I’m working full-time in the DAO space, and have been with ENS DAO since day 0. I think I’ve seen enough of DAO governance to understand what one of this size needs to do in order to clear the way for a healthy ecosystem of contribution and decision making.

If elected, I intend to help guide the DAO toward figuring out a structure that breaks up governance into a more nimble format, spinning up more empowered pods to action grants, and find the right governance cadence that meets the different needs of the DAOs main purposes: governance of the protocol, and governance over the treasury.

I believe in a vision where ENS DAO as a whole operates more like an on-chain city, making decisions at the DAO-wide level that set forth a mission for each term/year and values, but delegates the authority to carry them out to more focused and manageable sub-DAOs (pods).

I also believe we need to rely more on smart-contract-enforced rules where possible, as opposed to social contracts where the rules are more ambiguous and up to interpretation of the individual. In practice, this means using protocols like Orca Protocol for what they were designed for: more than just hierarchical multi-sigs, but actually encoding our rules of organization (and how they can be changed) into blockchain-enforced code :fist:

I believe my background as a software engineer with experience shipping web3 projects will allow me to collaborate with members of the DAO and other teams to realize that vision.