Steward Nominations — Meta-Governance WG

Steward Nominations are now open!

To nominate yourself to be a steward of the Meta-Governance working group, complete the steps below before 9am UTC on June 9.

Nomination Process

To nominate yourself as a steward of the Meta-Governance working group, follow these three steps:

Step 1

Reply to this post with the following information:

  • Link to Snapshot: (fill this in after Step 2)
  • Preferred Name and/or ENS name:
  • Forum username:
  • Twitter profile link (optional):
  • Why do you think you would be a good steward of this working group?

Step 2

Create a Snapshot vote in the ENS WG Steward Nomination space here. Select “New Proposal” and use the following template:


  • Title: [[Name of working group]] Nominate [your preferred name or ENS name]
    example: [Meta-Governance] Nominate nick.eth

  • Body: copy and past your forum reply from above which includes:

    • Your preferred name/ENS name
    • Forum username
    • Twitter profile link (optional)
    • Why you think you would be a good steward of this working group

Vote Timing

  • Select the start date and time as your current local date and time
  • Select the end date as the equivalent of 9am UTC June 9 in your local time
  • For help converting timezones, please consult this website.

Step 3

Once you have replied and created a Snapshot vote, you can edit your forum post in this thread and include a link to your Snapshot vote.

After successfully nominating yourself to be a steward, you are able to campaign for 10k votes in support of your nomination on Snapshot.

Any nominee with 10k votes supporting their steward nomination will be included in the ballot for the steward election of this working group.

Important Dates

The nomination window for stewards will be open from 9am UTC on June 6 to 9am UTC on June 9 for the second term of 2022.

The steward election will start at 9am UTC on June 10, 2022 and remain open for 120 hours. The three steward nominees with the most votes will be offered the role of steward in the relevant working group, based on the order in which they are ranked.


In order to nominate yourself as a steward, you must have write-access to all of the categories in the governance forum. Please submit the Participant Request form if you require write-access. If you have submitted the form and have not received a response it is because there is an invalid entry in your form. Please resubmit the Participant Request form.

Please reserve replies to this post for nominations only. If you have any questions please post them in the the ‘how it will work’ post here.

  • Link to Snapshot: Snapshot
  • Preferred Name and/or ENS name: carlosdp.eth
  • Forum username: @carlosdp
  • Twitter profile link (optional):
  • Why do you think you would be a good steward of this working group?
    I’m working full-time in the DAO space, and have been with ENS DAO since day 0. I think I’ve seen enough of DAO governance to understand what one of this size needs to do in order to clear the way for a healthy ecosystem of contribution and decision making.

If elected, I intend to help guide the DAO toward figuring out a structure that breaks up governance into a more nimble format, spinning up more empowered pods to action grants, and find the right governance cadence that meets the different needs of the DAOs main purposes: governance of the protocol, and governance over the treasury.

I believe in a vision where ENS DAO as a whole operates more like an on-chain city, making decisions at the DAO-wide level that set forth a mission for each term/year and values, but delegates the authority to carry them out to more focused and manageable sub-DAOs (pods).

I also believe we need to rely more on smart-contract-enforced rules where possible, as opposed to social contracts where the rules are more ambiguous and up to interpretation of the individual. In practice, this means using protocols like Orca Protocol for what they were designed for: more than just hierarchical multi-sigs, but actually encoding our rules of organization (and how they can be changed) into blockchain-enforced code :fist:

I believe my background as a software engineer with experience shipping web3 projects will allow me to collaborate with members of the DAO and other teams to realize that vision.


Snapshot: Snapshot
Preferred Name and/or ENS name: Marcus Martínez (estmcmxci.eth)
Forum username: estmcmxci
Twitter profile link (optional):

Why do you think you would be a good steward of this working group?

I have been an active contributor in the ENS DAO since January 6, 2022. As a Lead Coordinator under the Community Working Group, I have been active in every Community WG Sync since its inception. I have worked closely with Q1/Q2 Stewards @Coltron.eth, @spencecoin and @simona_pop to draft the proposed ENS DAO Code of Conduct, which has become a matter of the Meta-Governance Working Group. Other milestones include creating Subgroups that promote Culture and Diversity (Comunidad Para Hispanohablantes) and maintaining the Learn Docs Translation Initiative as a top priority.

When I am elected, I will work with @vegayp to develop ENS DAO’s coordination layer to ensure a regular cadence in all working initiatives DAOwide. I will also work to officiate ENS DAO’s first Code of Conduct in order to promote a safe, productive and transparent working space; one that seeks to humanize DAO governance by promoting mindful participation.

Creating a welcoming culture is the first step towards attracting and retaining top talent worldwide. The second step is to promote accessibility by advancing the Localization Initiative which I will continue to oversee. I will also be a champion of diversity in Web3 with my position as Steward to break out of the anglo-sphere and help discover and fund projects from POC builders that align with the ENS DAO Constitution and strengthen the ecosystem overall.

I will also create two new Subgroups to support my agenda in both the Ecosystem WG and the Public Goods WG. By creating and actively participating in these Subgroups, it will ensure my own accountability as Steward by embedding myself as a contributor in those work streams.

Although I will be a non-technical Steward, I will actively collaborate with other elected MG Stewards to continue work on the Treasury RFP, Rules of Governance and other affairs pertaining to this Working Group.

  • Link to Snapshot: Link Here
  • Preferred Name: Coltron
  • ENS name: coltron.eth
  • Forum username: coltron.eth
  • Twitter: Coltron_eth

Why do you want to be a steward of this working group?

I have served as a Community Steward during the first term. I am aware of the ENS DAO’s challenges and understand the nuanced relationship between the ENS DAO and True Names Limited.

If elected, I want to help focus the governance of the DAO on supporting protocol development and the proliferation of ENS.

Moving forward, we need transparent governance mechanisms that move at a speed that secures the longevity of the protocol.

I would seek to accomplish these efforts by

  • Establish quarterly syncs with the core team to ensure mission alignment and identify where the DAO can fill in gaps
  • Establish a governance roadmap with the other stewards which positions the DAO to tackle future challenges proactively
  • Continue RFP governance where the DAO has identified it needs an outside entity to execute on our behalf
  • Promote the DAO primarily as a “funding layer” moreso than a “work layer”
  • Work with the other MG Stewards to define a simple ENS DAO (not ENS) mission statement
  • Support efforts to leverage smart-contract governance over excessive forum discussions. e.g., mechanisms that possibly scale the small grants prop house into broader initiatives
  • Develop mechanisms that distribute governance tokens to those who are valuable members of our community

Over the past term, I’ve been heavily involved with ENS, and I would love to continue this where I fit in. :handshake: :fire:

I am nominating myself for two working groups, but I am only accepting one position. I am doing this to provide flexibility if there is a small pool of steward nominations.


• Link to Snapshot: (Snapshot)
• Preferred Name and/or ENS name: kendraleong.eth
• Forum username: KLeong
• Twitter profile link (optional): @kendra_leong
• Why do you think you would be a good steward of this working group?
I believe that trust, communication and action are key variables necessary for successfully moving any organization forward.

Within the meta-governance context, trust is built by knowing clearly what processes exist, for accomplishing certain actions. Accordingly, I believe it is important that ENS is continually reviewing the current governance processes – both for transparency and functionality – and facilitating any updates or additions as necessary (including the Code of Conduct). Further, by improving the management and diversification of treasury management - including continuing the momentum, discussion and analysis around the Treasury RFP and an endowment - we can build even more trust and faith that ENS will be a long-term, sustainable organization. Having administered a grants program and numerous RFP processes in the past, I believe I could bring an interesting perspective to this process. Along with the other elected stewards, I would ensure that we focus on these important items as part of the upcoming term.

Through communication – in discord, on the forum, and via twitter and external speaking engagements, we can ensure that others are engaged, onboarded and valued as members of the organization. We need to make sure we engage members early, and often, to better understand their reasons for participation, and make sure that we are attending to and appropriately compensating those valuable contributors to the system. And, we need to ensure that we have regular meta-governance meetings to ensure proper discussions around important issues. We also want to make sure that we have a clear picture of what our metrics look like, the tools and methods we use to capture and administer them, and ensure these are visible and digestible to our users and community.

And finally - action. Trust and communication don’t matter, if action is not taken to implement and push forward ideas and proposals in a meaningful way. Having spent numerous years in operations, strategy, law, and governance – managing delegated projects involving numerous stakeholders - I am nimble at navigating the logistical and management hurdles in getting things done in a timely way, as well as the importance of nuanced communication and negotiation to make sure that everyone feels heard, while continuing to move projects forward. I would bring these same capabilities to help action items in meaningful ways to help improve meta-governance for the good of ENS. And, I would ensure that a meta-governance budget (as well as any other operational requirements) are kept up-to-date, transparent, and consistent with the form and process adhered to from other working groups.

Since December 2021, I have been working on she256’s Core Governance Team (she256 is a top 10 ENS voter/delegate) - determining voting position on ENS votes as well as among other DAOs for which she256 is also a delegate. As a contributor within the ENS forum, I have weighed in on different meta-governance discussion items ranging from the by-laws, to the possible transition of the DAO to an RFP model. Through all of this, I gained significant understanding of different mechanisms of meta-governance across web3 and different protocols, as well as some of the nuances within ENS and its Meta-Governance Working Group.

I believe I possess skills that would bring significant value to ENS and would be humbled if given the opportunity to contribute in this way alongside some other amazing individuals.

  • Link to Snapshot: Snapshot
  • Preferred Name and/or ENS name: nick.eth
  • Forum username: nick.eth
  • Twitter profile link (optional): @nicksdjohnson
  • Why do you think you would be a good steward of this working group? I’ve been instrumental in launching and building the ENS DAO, and I want to be able to work with other meta-governance stewards to continue to do that.
  • Link to Snapshot: Snapshot
  • Preferred Name and/or ENS name: coolhorsegirl.eth
  • Forum username: @coolhorsegirl
  • Twitter profile link: @coolhorsegirl_
  • Why do you think you would be a good steward of this working group?
    I work full-time for Index Coop in content and marketing, managing all metagovernance content for one of the most involved DAOs in the space, Index Coop. (For those unaware, we have a lot of metagovernance power because we maintain liquidity for all of our indices have 10-20 underlying tokens.) I have worked on our new product, JPG, introducing and explaining metagovernance voting to Collectooors NFT holders. I also have helped facilitate Index Coop’s transition to using Governance House for metagov voting. I am well-versed in the metagov space and believe my experience could be put to great use for ENS Metagov WG.

I am a trusted steward of metagovernance and content creation around it at Index Coop. I would be so, so excited to bring my battle-testedexperience, fervor for learning, and love for collaboration to ENS MetaGov WG.

I think one of my most valuable skills is explaining complicated things in simple ways. I’ve learned to do this in my time writing content for Index Coop (all articles available on the Index Coop blog under Madison Sinclair). I am also writing a whitepaper on metagov’s increasing importance in defi (it’s under wraps rn, lol, but happy to share soon) and am hell-bent on getting more people to care about metagov. Funny as that sounds, I know it is an extremely underused method of change-making.

In Metagov WG, I intend to make the importance of metagov known, devising new ways for people to learn, invest, and care about metagovernance. I oversee metagov content creation at Index Coop and have garnered knowledge about presentation, explanation, and long-term communication around metagov that differentiates successful initiatives.

From my work of about a year in web3, I bring many connections from across the ecosystem, specifically metagov powerhouses like Aave, Compound, and Maker. I also have a Master’s in International Business and extensive research in developmental economics—I am committed to using web3 for positive change.

I have the skills and experience to bring significant value to ENS Metagov WG. I really look forward to working with you all to establish cross-ecosystem connections that assert the importance of metagov, for not only ENS but for all defi protocols.

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Have a nice day!

Link to Snapshot: snapshot
Preferred Name: Batus
ENS name: Batus.eth
Forum username: Batus

Why do you want to be a steward of this working group?

Hi friends, my name is Alexander Batusov and iam photo/video artist from Russia. First off all I want to say, that I against war in Ykraine (my video on topic It`s only your choice - YouTube ) and do my best to help stop this hell.
I think ENS is the future of people communicacion and one step to global goverment with no war and real democraty. I think that art and love will save our world, and have few crypto projects to give more cheap arts for people and redirect finance from intermediaries to creators directly.
Also you can see my works on instagram @batus_photo
My working projects on web3:

batus.eth - my photo nfts projects
girlcoin.eth - unique nft project with neiron webs and real painting arts
cinema4all.dao - project that give human much more quality films.
art-market.eth - marketplace for arts on blockchein
rastashop.eth - rasta shop on blockchein

Thank for attention) If you want to support my arts project mail me on Telegram: Contact @Vid_get or

Steward Nomination for simona.eth for the Meta-Governance working group

  • Link to Snapshot : Snapshot
  • ENS name : simona.eth
  • Preferred Name : simona
  • Forum username : @simona_pop
  • Twitter (optional): @Sim_Pop
  • My ENS Delegate Application : ENS DAO Delegate Applications - #444 by Pop
  • Why do you want to be a steward of this working group :
    “Doing” governance right is a key aspect of evolving our ecosystem and its structures to a level where they are genuine alternatives to the broken socio-economic dynamics in place today. I want to apply myself better than I did in the previous season and aim to make ENS the space it deserves to be. By working in the MG workstream, my energies will not just serve the ENS ecosystem but the movement at large so we may truly effect the change we seek to bring to the world. Collaboration is key for the evolution of our web3 metaorganism so supporting & designing emergent gov patterns feels like an organic evolution of my work.
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