Steward Nominations — Meta-Governance WG

  • Link to Snapshot: Link Here
  • Preferred Name: Coltron
  • ENS name: coltron.eth
  • Forum username: coltron.eth
  • Twitter: Coltron_eth

Why do you want to be a steward of this working group?

I have served as a Community Steward during the first term. I am aware of the ENS DAO’s challenges and understand the nuanced relationship between the ENS DAO and True Names Limited.

If elected, I want to help focus the governance of the DAO on supporting protocol development and the proliferation of ENS.

Moving forward, we need transparent governance mechanisms that move at a speed that secures the longevity of the protocol.

I would seek to accomplish these efforts by

  • Establish quarterly syncs with the core team to ensure mission alignment and identify where the DAO can fill in gaps
  • Establish a governance roadmap with the other stewards which positions the DAO to tackle future challenges proactively
  • Continue RFP governance where the DAO has identified it needs an outside entity to execute on our behalf
  • Promote the DAO primarily as a “funding layer” moreso than a “work layer”
  • Work with the other MG Stewards to define a simple ENS DAO (not ENS) mission statement
  • Support efforts to leverage smart-contract governance over excessive forum discussions. e.g., mechanisms that possibly scale the small grants prop house into broader initiatives
  • Develop mechanisms that distribute governance tokens to those who are valuable members of our community

Over the past term, I’ve been heavily involved with ENS, and I would love to continue this where I fit in. :handshake: :fire:

I am nominating myself for two working groups, but I am only accepting one position. I am doing this to provide flexibility if there is a small pool of steward nominations.