Steward Nominations — Public Goods WG (Q3/Q4 2023 Term)

  • Link to Snapshot: Snapshot
  • Preferred Name and/or ENS name: Marcus / marcusam.eth
  • Forum username: Marcus
  • Twitter profile link (optional): @marcusdotam
  • Why do you want to be a Steward of this Working Group?

I’m excited by the potential to join as a Steward of the Public Good Working Group for the ENS DAO as I believe that one of crypto’s biggest opportunities is the capacity to coordinate and work towards creating more flourishing futures for all. In order to materialize that reality, I believe that creating an ecosystem that support public goods is imperative to demonstrate the opportunity we have to support projects and builders around the world who are delivering precisely that.

As has been noted by some of my fellow applicants, the ENS DAO’s Public Goods Working Group is already making substantial strides towards delivering on this opportunity by building a robust public goods ecosystem. I believe that I bring an optimistic take on the role that the ENS DAO could take to continue to drive impact across the Ethereum ecosystem. As a Steward of the PG WG, I would aim to continue to foster the already strong relationships that exist across Ethereum that aim to further nurture public goods. I would also continue to communicate and share the incredible work that the ENS DAO is doing with regards to supporting public goods, and continue to build an inclusive space so that the ENS DAO’s public goods efforts may reach those who have most to benefit from receiving support through their work.

With regards to qualifications, below I outline a three reasons why I believe I would make a good Steward of the Public Goods Working Group: 1. my engagement thus far in the PG WG, 2. my commitment towards building ecosystems that support PG’s, and 3. my background.

1. Engagement:
As a community member of Ethereum Guatemala, who received the support of two ENS DAO Small Grants and most recently, the Growth Grant, I’ve witnessed and navigated first hand the power and impact that the working group can have across the ecosystem. With the support of those funds, we’ve been able to host four events across the country, conduct a Solidity 8-week bootcamp, and an upcoming hackathon. I am a regular participant in the weekly calls and engage whenever there are activites to support the working group with.

2. Public Goods Ecosystem:
I hold a strong conviction that one of the greatest opportunities we have with crypto is to build incentive structures that further drive support for public goods. With that belief, I have been deeply involved with those efforts across the Ethereum ecosystem. This includes joining the EF’s Fellowship, where I conducted in-depth research and published an open-source report and content series on driving more economic freedom and opoortunity in Latin America by leveraging crypto, I am also a contributor to ETH Kipu (the community of LatAm communities) where I focus on the Public Goods working group, have been a contributor across the Gitcoin ecosystem, a contributor at NounsDAO Amigos, and even experimented with land commons as a founding core contributor of CityDAO.

3. Background
While the crypto ecosystem is where I spend most of my time these days, in the past I’ve worked across a number of non-crypto related projects that would contribute to my capacity to serve as a Steward to the PG WG. This includes: Consultant for the Ford Foundation, researcher at the University of Oxford focusing on blending new economic models to support environmental regeneration, working alongside Guatemalan Nobel Laureate, Rigoberta Manchu, to develop healthcare initiatives for rural Guatemalans, developing educational programs for children with special needs, among other initiatives throughout Latin America and Asia. Coming from Guatemala, I also have a deep relationship to Latin American-based initiatives and can communicate directly with them as I speak both English and Spanish fluently, which makes access to the ENS ecosystem much more accessible to many more folks.

I’m deeply passionate and committed towards supporting public goods across the ecosystem and would love to keep up the exciting work that the preceding Stewards have laid down to continue to develop ENS’ engagement in supporting public goods across Ethereum and beyond. Thank you!

  • Any other information you wish to share with Delegates (e.g. potential conflicts or existing engagements)

I am a community member of Ethereum Guatemala, who have previously won 2 small grants awards as well as a growth grant. If the community were to participate in any future public goods funding from the ENS DAO, I would abstain from making decisions related to the vote.