Steward Nominations — Public Goods Working Group

Your preferred name/ENS name: vegayp.eth

Forum username: vegayp

Twitter profile link (optional):

Why you would be a good Steward of this working group:

ENS is a great and important piece of the web3 ecosystem, and to the internet ecosystem as well.

I have been working on the past year, since the beginning of the DAO, in bringing the ENS ethos and information to a wide range of native and non native web3 users.

Why? Because of the first line here expressed. I was leading the Onboarding sub-group on the first six months of the DAO, hosting 20+ onboarding calls.

This won’t be a list of accomplishments, but more about a rationale based on the last six month of my involvement in the DAO:

  • At DevCon there was no way to properly explain in other languages about ENS. But we had a huge impact on non-native english speakers, like Emilio, who became an ambassador of ENS at 12 years old (I believe he was). That was such a powerful experience in terms of reach, when we manage to engage outside a technical layer.

  • Providing workshops about ENS, it happened to be that so many new use cases for ENS were presented, that the concept of Public Goods, became real. From using subdomains to avoid hacking of justice system in Argentina to stream funds for NGOs, all this uses need to be explored, promoted and viewed, for the ENS narrative to expand.

That being mentioned, I am interested on providing visibility and time on promoting ENS as a relevant public good, with real use cases, focused on non-native english speaking communities. I think we should provide a push for this narrative of Public Goods as much as we provide push for ENS as NFT.

Thanks for reading my rant! :smiley: